What's working for me....



  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Hey Funchords....I like what you wrote, makes complete sense to me too! Keep at it, and I will do the same. As this isn't temporary, it's for the rest of our lives!
    Today is supposed to be my rest day, but I think a moderate bike ride is in order!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    OP, I'm glad you've found what works for you. Best of luck on your journey!
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    OP, I'm glad you've found what works for you. Best of luck on your journey!
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks, you too!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    OP, I'm glad you've found what works for you. Best of luck on your journey!

    Thanks, you too!

    Please learn to quote...just hit quote and type in what you want to say to the person instead of hitting post reply and then replying...please...????
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Wait...you've been at this what 8 days now and you say you've lost 7 lbs. are you claiming you've lost 7lbs of fat and not water?

    Just curious...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I refuse to work out to the point where I'm blue in the face and feel like I just ran a marathon. That might work for some but not for me. I believe that eating well, and incorporating exercise is sufficient enough.
    This hit home for me this week. As I've become more fit, my walks are getting very easy. I'm not working as hard as I used to, even though I'm walking faster than ever. So I started alternating 100 yards of running and 100 yards of walking during one or two legs of my 6-legged path a few days ago. That got the heart beating but now my quads (upper legs) hurt. I will try that again when its not painful.

    I'm in this forever. Not just until I lose weight, but it's also what I'm going to do after I've lost the weight. So I'm not starting anything that I don't plan to do forever.

    I don't want to criticize those people doing the 24 day diet or the Insanity fitness plan, but those plans are not for me. If I'm not willing to do it forever, I'm not interested.

    My commitments:
    Be a very good MFP logger
    Walk 3x a week for 30 minutes
    Review my logs for education and inspiration

    What the above means to me is that I'm improving my food and fitness and losing weight as an effect -- not a cause.

    You mentioned the scale. Ugh, the scale. The scale is the last step, isn't it? It comes long after logging, making choices, going for a walk, being inspired. A good score on the scale is the result of all of this, not the cause! MFP prioritizes the scale or the weight lost on the tickers in here, but that's validation of good work -- it's not the good work itself.

    Great topic, OP. Much luck to you!

    It's been proven hundereds of times over on this site that exercise isn't necessary for weight loss. Some think it is, but just having your diet in check, knowing your TDEE and staying under it is. You can workout until you're blue in the face, feel like you've run a marathon, hurt, ache, etc... but if you're not staying in a deficit it won't work for weight loss.

    On the other hand, if you eat under your TDEE and just go about your day you'll lose weight.

    When it comes to weight loss, diet/deficit is the key, not how much work you do (if any at all).

    The work is great, and great for your body, but doesn't really ensure weight loss if your diet/deficit isn't in check.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What worked for me to lose weight: a calorie deficit.

    What worked for me to gain weight: a calorie surplus.

    Okay, now to go back to page one to see what I missed.
  • hortensehildegarde
    Wait...you've been at this what 8 days now and you say you've lost 7 lbs. are you claiming you've lost 7lbs of fat and not water?

    Just curious...

    I'm going to venture a guess and say she doesn't care whether it's fat or water or unicorn farts she's just glad to see some progress.

    At least that's how I feel about my 8 lb loss in 2 weeks. I am not an idiot I know it's not fat loss but the "fast" initial water weight or whatever it is has to come before the real loss. And for some people they start and NOTHING happens for the first few weeks with the scale so at least it's SOMETHING.

    Though I really do appreciate that there are people who will jump to correct this type of thing and point out it's not a "real" loss. As bubble-bursting as it may be for people who don't know any better it's better they find out than get discouraged when it doesn't continue.

    And I know you didn't even ask my opinion so I'm being "that guy" today.
  • meaganlael

    I welcome all the people that struggle with their weight, as I do too...to leave positive remarks. Anyone that is going to respond with anymore useless stuff about my weight loss in a negative way, please dont. [bold] Please don't ruin my journey to success. [/bold]

    .... no one can ruin your journey to success but yourself.
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Wait...you've been at this what 8 days now and you say you've lost 7 lbs. are you claiming you've lost 7lbs of fat and not water?

    Just curious...

    I'm going to venture a guess and say she doesn't care whether it's fat or water or unicorn farts she's just glad to see some progress.

    At least that's how I feel about my 8 lb loss in 2 weeks. I am not an idiot I know it's not fat loss but the "fast" initial water weight or whatever it is has to come before the real loss. And for some people they start and NOTHING happens for the first few weeks with the scale so at least it's SOMETHING.

    Though I really do appreciate that there are people who will jump to correct this type of thing and point out it's not a "real" loss. As bubble-bursting as it may be for people who don't know any better it's better they find out than get discouraged when it doesn't continue.

    And I know you didn't even ask my opinion so I'm being "that guy" today.

    Yes indeed you are that guy, and yes indeed there are those girls too that just have nothing better to do then make people feel small. Hey, I'm sorry your life is so miserable that you have to make others feel crappy for an innocent posts they put up. I'm super sorry because you have nothing better to do with your time than attack people who are happy!
    And to the person that asked how I lost 7 lbs in 8 days.....let's see I just joined MFP last week. The week before that I already started doing what I'm doing now.....just forgot about MFP.
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    OP, I'm glad you've found what works for you. Best of luck on your journey!

    Thanks, you too!

    Please learn to quote...just hit quote and type in what you want to say to the person instead of hitting post reply and then replying...please...????

  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Negatively gets you no where, and I'm just really excited about this whole new life change, so please if it makes you feel better to rip someone apart because it somehow makes you feel better, then by all means do it somewhere else to people that deserve it.
    I on the other hand am going to continue on my happy journey losing weight and feeling great, cheers!

    no one's ripping you apart. and negativity doesn't get anyone anywhere....just like positivity doesn't get anyone anywhere. facts get you somewhere. and so do accuracy and repeatable, sustainable behaviors.

    if you feel like you're getting beat up for making statements like "i lost 3 pounds" when in fact, you have no way of knowing how much you lost or gained and therefore don't know what is or isn't working yet, the problem isn't with us. no one here is hoping that you fail, and finding out the flaws in your methodology is what gets people past the first week and all the way to their goal.

    What he said. No one is trying to tear you apart here.
  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I know that's so exciting! Keep up the good work and positivity.:smile:
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Congrats on your loss! I know that's so exciting! Keep up the good work and positivity.:smile:

    Thank you, thank you thank you!
    Now if everyone could just dish one of these kind statements out, maybe I wouldn't have 2 extra pages of garbage on here!
    So again, thanks!
  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member
    You really do not need a scale.....get a measuring tape, place around waist for example, workout for 14 days, no cheating on workouts,,then measure again,,,,,,,,,,Merry Christmas if you lost some inches.........I would guess that a loss of inches could be a sign that pounds fell off, just saying..
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    You really do not need a scale.....get a measuring tape, place around waist for example, workout for 14 days, no cheating on workouts,,then measure again,,,,,,,,,,Merry Christmas if you lost some inches.........I would guess that a loss of inches could be a sign that pounds fell off, just saying..