want to try something new with fitness

so.... I went to planet fitness and reactivated my membership... I have been going in the am before work, but all I do is the treadmill... I so want to start (and hopefully stick with) the stronglifts 5x5 but I am afraid to branch out.. lol I am one of those people that think everyone will laugh at me... if I fall, or do it wrong... (I mean seriously I tripped over the curb on my way into the gym yesterday. HA!)

I guess my question would be... how did/do you get the courage to try something new?


  • ellatwo
    ellatwo Posts: 7 Member
    I am a planet fitness member as well. If yours is like mine, they have a trainer there that you can ask questions. I asked ours to show me some tricep excercises. Another time I had him help me with my pushup-form. I haven't graduated to big girl pushups after months of working out so I wanted to see what I was doing wrong. If a trainer is not there, something simple you can do is get a couple of eight pound hand weights and do some squats with them. That is a simple exercise that can ease you out of the treadmill area.
  • maradanielle
    maradanielle Posts: 47 Member
    I am a planet fitness member as well. If yours is like mine, they have a trainer there that you can ask questions. I asked ours to show me some tricep excercises. Another time I had him help me with my pushup-form. I haven't graduated to big girl pushups after months of working out so I wanted to see what I was doing wrong. If a trainer is not there, something simple you can do is get a couple of eight pound hand weights and do some squats with them. That is a simple exercise that can ease you out of the treadmill area.

    I was thinking about doing the personal training at PF, and see if the trainer could help me start the stronglift 5x5... I feel ya on the push-ups I can do maybe two real push-ups.... then I fall.... :/
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    The better you know your routine before you get in, the quicker the confidence will come. Read about each exercise, and youtube them to see how you should be performing them with correct form. A lot of people skip learning great technique, and don't get the quality results they could be achieving. Rock some earbuds and an mp3 player loaded with your favorite playlist to help get into your groove. Remember everyone else at the gym is there to get better at something, too. We don't pay all those membership fees to sit around and watch other people work out!
  • maradanielle
    maradanielle Posts: 47 Member
    The better you know your routine before you get in, the quicker the confidence will come. Read about each exercise, and youtube them to see how you should be performing them with correct form. A lot of people skip learning great technique, and don't get the quality results they could be achieving. Rock some earbuds and an mp3 player loaded with your favorite playlist to help get into your groove. Remember everyone else at the gym is there to get better at something, too. We don't pay all those membership fees to sit around and watch other people work out!

    I have been reading up on it and youtube-ing. I have the appointment set for "plan your own routine" personal training at planet fitness set for Monday! so hopefully ill be breaking out of mycardio shell :)