I think I am addicted to weighing myself! Help!



  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    I too am also addicited to weighing myself. I practically do it whenever I go into the bathroom. My fiance is the same way. I dont think its a bad thing and we are both trying to loose weight. I cant help it im crazy lol. It may be a good thing because it reminds me to eat heathy and exercise more!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    I weigh myself once a day (morning) and log it onto my iPhone "Lose It" app. It's cool to see the graph generated over a couple weeks of weighing. I've been told that's obsessive, but I don't care I like the graph :)
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Thanks for the iphone app tip. I weigh maybe twice a week in the mornings. I put more thought into mesurments and size of cloths fitting. Muscle weighs more then fat so the more lean the healthier you are and you burn 50-60 calories for each pound of lean and none for fat. So don't give the scale much credence think more about your measurements especially your wasit size for good health and do resistence weight training to burn the most calories..:flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    :sad: :sad: I asked my son for my scale last night so I could weigh myself this morning. Stupid kid gave it back to me! I'm three pounds more than my ticker shows. :explode: I'm never going to get down to my goal weight. :sad: :sad: Maybe it's just muscle because my clothes still fit a little loose. I'm giving it back to him tonight and telling him not to let me have it for at least two weeks. :angry:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    That is so funny that you have your son keep the scale. Mine collects dust and does not get much attention except maybe if I am good for a few days but then again it is just a ball park. Weight to me has it's place with an overall health risk consideration etc., but to me your measurement size is more important. Drink your water (8-10 glasses) eat at least 165-200 gms of carbs per day and lots of fresh fruits and veggies and low fat protein choices and don't worry the weight will pour off. Well plus get your 30 min cardio and do some resistence weight training with free weights I keep at home and well easy as pie right????:noway:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I think I weigh myself more on good days to stay excited about a loss of a few pounds. Not so much for weight gain but when your losing it lifts your spirits to see that weight on the scale. For me weekends are the toughest time since sometimes I am productive and well others not so much hopefully this weekend is a good one.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have been very addictive this morning....I got on the scale 5 different times this morning and something different each time.....sometims i move it around as i thinkk the floor ain't level..uggggg
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well last night I told my son to hide my scales for two weeks because of the weight gain and he told me I have a love/hate relationship with my scales. :laugh: He didn't hide them so I weighed again this morning and there was another pound up. :explode: :explode: I can still wear my size 10 jeans though so those scales have got to go. Maybe for a month! As soon as I get home . . . ok, I'm going to the gym tonight so I'll call him and tell him to hide the scales BEFORE I get home.
  • BamaRose0107
    I am also addicted to weighing. I will weigh two or three times a day knowing full well that my weight fluctuates from morning to evening. I had my husband hide it and I told him to only let me weigh the 15th. of each month.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well i have this wii biggest looser game, and it does a weigh in 1x a week, and my weight hadn't budged on there at all uggggg....my normal scale i have lost at lease a few lbs in the last week....very frustrating....
  • sgarcia2011
    Im glad to see there's more people like me who are obsessed with the scale. I think I have an eating disorder though so when I would restrict i would lose one pound each day my lowest was 134 but it all went down the drain after I broke down and ate something.I gained about two pounds and it all went to hell. So now im back to 144 or somewhere in the low 40's /: i try to blame my scale and maybe it IS off and so im not going to use it anymore but I'm going NUTS wondering how much I really weigh and I feel like I can't go anywhere unless I know! I'm tired of waiting and seeing no results I'm tired of overexercising and starving I'm also tired of feeling tremendous guilt after I eat ANYTHINg. Im tired of feeling like I need to compete with my moms awesome figure I'm tired of crying and seeing myself in the mirror. My goal is to be 120-125
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Nothing wrong with that as long as you know how to mentally and emotionally handle what you read. As in, I weigh myself sometimes several times a day out of curiosity regarding the fluctuations. Do I freak out? No. Do I do it? Yes. Is it a problem then? I don't think so...!

    Just make sure you're doing it for a carefree reason.


    LOVE your signature!!!!!!
  • sophiapeter213
    don't feel bad i'm gong throw that now :( i'm stuck at 155 been stuck for 4 days
    i hate the scale >:(
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    I like to weigh myself either after a big poop, or a long run. I lost 3 lbs in water weight today from my run. And TRUST ME!, I felt it. Way to hot out today.