Attractive Women Motivate Me...but...



  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    "Hi, I'd like to add you as a friend because I think you are attractive and i know that having a friend list of attractive women motivates me. I lift. I run. I log. I'm an encouraging MFP friend. Can I add you? If not, have a great day anyway"



    Try again, OP.

    ^^This. But I would at least consider accepting Buffalo Bill.
  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    "Hi, I'd like to add you as a friend because I think you are attractive and i know that having a friend list of attractive women motivates me. I lift. I run. I log. I'm an encouraging MFP friend. Can I add you? If not, have a great day anyway"



    Try again, OP.

    ^^This. But I would at least consider accepting Buffalo Bill.

    Consider? Buffalo Bill is hot! Minus the whole "wearing my skin to a dinner party" thing....
  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    Maybe try the old "How much does a Polar Bear weigh?" ice breaker next time?
    I'm embarrassed to say I actually I've actually used that one. It was actually my first shot at a pickup line, must have been 8th or 9th grade. Back when us boys thought we had to have witty pickup lines to actually talk to the girls. You just brought back some interesting memories, and for that I thank you!

    I prefer, "Hey, does this napkin smell like chloroform?" My husband tells me that I should have great memories of that pick-up line. :)
  • I think it's only fair that we attractive women get to see what you like. I doubt you look like your profile pic. Hopefully you look better than that. Maybe we ladies could use some motivation also.

    THAT is a very fair point. Yes i have less hair and no glasses :)
  • NO!

    Blech. Work up the determination to lose weight and keep it off, for yourself and your own health and happiness.

    I know that's harsh, but if I got that message with a friend request, I would decline and block instantly.

    ...AND block. noted :)
  • nomesren
    nomesren Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry I only have attractive friends..... and based on the fact you don't have a profile pic up.... leads me to think you're not very attractive!
  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    These women are HARSH.
  • Good on you for being honest but since your honesty doesn't seem to be getting you the results you would like, I would recommend you examine the issue you needed to be honest about in the first place and find some alternative motivation to avoid feeling like a creep who is being blocked left, right, and center! Ask yourself why attractive women motivate you and see if you can get those same things from another source.

    Very well stated. I may reference this when i talk to my counselor tomorrow.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    "Hi, I'd like to add you as a friend because I think you are attractive and i know that having a friend list of attractive women motivates me. I lift. I run. I log. I'm an encouraging MFP friend. Can I add you? If not, have a great day anyway"



    Try again, OP.

    ^^This. But I would at least consider accepting Buffalo Bill.

    Consider? Buffalo Bill is hot! Minus the whole "wearing my skin to a dinner party" thing....

    Right?! I bet he'd be a great motivator.
  • Sorry I only have attractive friends..... and based on the fact you don't have a profile pic up.... leads me to think you're not very attractive!

    true...i'm not..but maybe I could be your first MFP friend?
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    "Hi, I'd like to add you as a friend because I think you are attractive and i know that having a friend list of attractive women motivates me. I lift. I run. I log. I'm an encouraging MFP friend. Can I add you? If not, have a great day anyway"



    Try again, OP.

    ^^This. But I would at least consider accepting Buffalo Bill.

    Consider? Buffalo Bill is hot! Minus the whole "wearing my skin to a dinner party" thing....

    Right?! I bet he'd be a great motivator.

    My running speed would seriously improve. As would my aim.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    "Hi, I'd like to add you as a friend because I think you are attractive and i know that having a friend list of attractive women motivates me. I lift. I run. I log. I'm an encouraging MFP friend. Can I add you? If not, have a great day anyway"



    Try again, OP.

    ^^This. But I would at least consider accepting Buffalo Bill.

    Consider? Buffalo Bill is hot! Minus the whole "wearing my skin to a dinner party" thing....

    Right?! I bet he'd be a great motivator.

    My running speed would seriously improve. As would my aim.

    And your moisturizing ritual! Rock climbing? Easy!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Maybe try the old "How much does a Polar Bear weigh?" ice breaker next time?
    I'm embarrassed to say I actually I've actually used that one. It was actually my first shot at a pickup line, must have been 8th or 9th grade. Back when us boys thought we had to have witty pickup lines to actually talk to the girls. You just brought back some interesting memories, and for that I thank you!

    I don't know what this is - can someone enlighten me?
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Maybe try the old "How much does a Polar Bear weigh?" ice breaker next time?
    I'm embarrassed to say I actually I've actually used that one. It was actually my first shot at a pickup line, must have been 8th or 9th grade. Back when us boys thought we had to have witty pickup lines to actually talk to the girls. You just brought back some interesting memories, and for that I thank you!

    I don't know what this is - can someone enlighten me?
    Man walks up to a woman -looking awfully befuddled if he's got any taste for theatrics- and asks, "How much does a Polar Bear weigh??" Woman doesn't know the answer and replies as such. Man retorts with, "Enough to break the ice."

    Boom conversation started! The beauty is in the simplicity :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Maybe try the old "How much does a Polar Bear weigh?" ice breaker next time?
    I'm embarrassed to say I actually I've actually used that one. It was actually my first shot at a pickup line, must have been 8th or 9th grade. Back when us boys thought we had to have witty pickup lines to actually talk to the girls. You just brought back some interesting memories, and for that I thank you!

    I don't know what this is - can someone enlighten me?
    Man walks up to a woman -looking awfully befuddled if he's got any taste for theatrics- and asks, "How much does a Polar Bear weigh??" Woman doesn't know the answer and replies as such. Man retorts with, "Enough to break the ice."

    Boom conversation started! The beauty is in the simplicity :)

    I'm pretty ashamed that I couldn't figure this out on my own.
  • As someone who recently became your friend (without that message), I'd probably keep the reason to yourself in the future.

    I'm pretty sure it was the boobs.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Maybe try the old "How much does a Polar Bear weigh?" ice breaker next time?
    I'm embarrassed to say I actually I've actually used that one. It was actually my first shot at a pickup line, must have been 8th or 9th grade. Back when us boys thought we had to have witty pickup lines to actually talk to the girls. You just brought back some interesting memories, and for that I thank you!

    I don't know what this is - can someone enlighten me?
    Man walks up to a woman -looking awfully befuddled if he's got any taste for theatrics- and asks, "How much does a Polar Bear weigh??" Woman doesn't know the answer and replies as such. Man retorts with, "Enough to break the ice."

    Boom conversation started! The beauty is in the simplicity :)

    I'm pretty ashamed that I couldn't figure this out on my own.

    haha - you and me both!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
  • akgreen324
    akgreen324 Posts: 74 Member
    I just add who I feel like..most accept . ! Meh..don't need women as motivation to loose weight..looking at yourself in the mirror and feeling like a lion is the best motivation out there !

    Feel good internally = Project good externally..

    Truth. But, another truth, knowing that people (men or women) are looking at you more helps boost that motivation!:bigsmile: