Is MFP a breeding gound for eating disorders



  • xsheenax29
    xsheenax29 Posts: 2 Member
    I have an eating disorder. At the moment I am using MFP for the wrong reasons, which is to track calories. I know that deleting the app, for me, will mark a significant step in my recovery. This is a long way off, but I couldn't contemplate hitting the right target, or being above it. At the moment, only getting the "you're not eating enough message" is acceptable to me.
    However this is personal to me, and my eating disorder certainly did not begin as a result of using my fitness pal. What I will say is that listening to my body, knowing that some days it needs more calories than others, some days enjoying snacks at an impromptu get togethers with friends, or just having a bar of chocolate because I fancy it etc... thats the ultimate aim.
    I think it is an enabler, but if it wasn't for MFP I would log calories in/out manually anyway. Its not to blame. If someone is going to develop an ED, it won't happen solely because of MFP. It could be a trigger for relapse or for someone who was going to develop one anyway.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I have recently acquired some new pals with eating disorders and some are really trying their best to over come it and others are cheering the post that says i resisted eating today. Sometimes i really dislike the like button as not even sure if some people are reading exactly what they are liking. I guess everyone deep down knows why they are on this site, but I suspect some are really up to no good. Professional help is inorder not MFP.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    i agree with some aspects I really wish MFP would reword the "you are undercalories"
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I have used a variety of trackers over the years. Everydayhealth has one (which isn't very reliable), as does, a much more popular site. I can't see how MFP is any more of an enabler than any of these other products. I've seen articles and promos for some pretty dangerous diets on the two other sites.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Here is my personal take. MFP is a tool, how the user intends to utilize its functions is solely on them. Neither you nor I can control that. Personally, this tool alone does not breed disorders (IMO).

    Now, people who promote ED's, their post are deleted and the threads are addressed (closed and/or moved off the main forums). If someone has an ED, binge issue or feels this site is leading to an ED, we evaluate the entire thread. If the thread has a lot of people who encourage recovery, provide helpful information and support, then we let it stay up (in fact, I generally join threads just to ensure they get all the information they deserve). Although, there is a huge difference between encouraging disorder eating and mentioning you have one. I have been in hundreds of threads where users get a lot of support to get help. Even in the past week, I have joined threads where I posted this link:

    In terms of group that support disorder habits, they are not allowed either. But we cannot take action until they are brought to our attention. Please keep in mind, there are a handful of mods to address all the issues on this board. Considering there are thousands of new post and a lot of new groups a day, we can only do as much as our users bring to our attention or I stumble upon during my daily post whoring.
  • kl_alive66
    I just want to give my input. About a year and a half ago, I was in the most extreme stage of my eating disorder. I absolutely was not using MFP the way it was intended to be used. (Connecting with members who were just as or more obsessed than I was, looking for "motivation" and "advice" for losing more weight in terribly unhealthy ways, etc., etc. We've all seen profiles like that.) I had added friends in recovery, but sometimes even that would be a trigger if they were more sick or a lower weight than I was. I had deleted the app and forced myself to stop counting calories as a start to legitimately trying to recover.
    Fast forward to now. I am at a healthy weight but starting recovery again. First thing I noticed the other day, the "You are not likely not eating enough" message.

    Thank you.

    I used to obsess over the extremely low five week estimate that would appear after a day of extreme caloric deficiency. Admittedly, I was curious what it would be as I was unable to eat much that day due to nause from new medication. But after the initial slight disappointment, a sigh of relief and a feeling of gratitude.
    Everything MFP has been doing since I last used to disuade users from sharing negative disordered eating information is very much appreciated.
    Short answer to the topic question, I agree with what many have said. If a person has disordered eating habits or thoughts, there are many places on the internet to find triggers. MFP is an excellent tool for weight loss, exercise, and general health. There is so much good advice on the boards for living a healthy lifestyle.

    And if anyone reading this wants someone to talk to about their eating disorder or recovery, please feel free to add/message me. For support, advice, someone to talk to who isn't in your personal life, anything. I want to help.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Ok so recovering bulemic here. It happened about 11 years ago. I KNOW that if I'm not smart about my weight loss it can trigger my obsessive eating disorder thoughts and I start going all crazy. But that's why when I'm trying to get back into eating healthy or losing weight I go in carefully. I don't start until I feel at peace and my body says "now is the time". I make sure that I set correct and healthy calorie goals and track them carefully with MFP BUT not TOO carefully. If I go over I don't allow myself to feel guilt or shame. I accept it and try to be on goal the next day.

    I am VERY aware that I am now at a higher risk of slipping back into an eating disorder when trying to lose weight and I know that's unhealthy. So I stay zen with the whole thing. This time around i havnt even started weighing or measuring myself. I'm focused soley on re-establishing a healthy relationship with food. ( by this I mean not snacking constantly on the job since I work by myself at night and am always eating chips and pop etc). I will eventually start to weigh and measure but not until I feel certain that it's "safe".

    I guess my point is. At 18 I was actively bulemic. I'm 28 tomorrow and I understand that it's like being a recovering alcoholic, I may always be at risk. But to me MFP is a healthy and positive environment that helps keep my mind right while I navigate a potential mine field. I need to lose... Want to lose about 80lbs. I'm up over 200. But I'm going to do it slowly and happily, in moderation with the least amount of shame possible, (cause everyone has a sad day or two). I think this place is really great. I LOVE the challenge of hitting my macros. It makes me feel like a bad *kitten* body builder lol. And when I logged my workout today I felt like a god! It was my first workout in like, a year. Kickboxing class, woot woot.

    I don't want to be skinny, imma curvy black mamma, my goal is 150lbs. I want to just get back to being strong and fit. But in my attempt to be the healthiest version of me I just have to be careful to not let unhealthy thoughts sneak in.

    Just sharing my thoughts as someone that's struggled with an eating disorder.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I think if they are predisposed to having an unhealthy relationship with food, then if its not MFP it will be another aid, or a note book and pen hidden under their bed, I have been there, admittedly many moons ago ( hence the secret note book ref ) and i find now MFP is encouraging me to make better choices and gives me decent healthy guidelines. I find it a great help to see my fat/carbs etc intake, and if anything it has stopped my old habits of starving myself kicking in. But that is only my personal view point, but I can see how it becomes a little obsessive but as i have already admitted i am predisposed to that mind set. As humans we will adapt anything to work to our advantage given the chance, and any tool can be used either way i guess.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Ok so recovering bulemic here. It happened about 11 years ago. I KNOW that if I'm not smart about my weight loss it can trigger my obsessive eating disorder thoughts and I start going all crazy. But that's why when I'm trying to get back into eating healthy or losing weight I go in carefully. I don't start until I feel at peace and my body says "now is the time". I make sure that I set correct and healthy calorie goals and track them carefully with MFP BUT not TOO carefully. If I go over I don't allow myself to feel guilt or shame. I accept it and try to be on goal the next day.

    I am VERY aware that I am now at a higher risk of slipping back into an eating disorder when trying to lose weight and I know that's unhealthy. So I stay zen with the whole thing. This time around i havnt even started weighing or measuring myself. I'm focused soley on re-establishing a healthy relationship with food. ( by this I mean not snacking constantly on the job since I work by myself at night and am always eating chips and pop etc). I will eventually start to weigh and measure but not until I feel certain that it's "safe".

    I guess my point is. At 18 I was actively bulemic. I'm 28 tomorrow and I understand that it's like being a recovering alcoholic, I may always be at risk. But to me MFP is a healthy and positive environment that helps keep my mind right while I navigate a potential mine field. I need to lose... Want to lose about 80lbs. I'm up over 200. But I'm going to do it slowly and happily, in moderation with the least amount of shame possible, (cause everyone has a sad day or two). I think this place is really great. I LOVE the challenge of hitting my macros. It makes me feel like a bad *kitten* body builder lol. And when I logged my workout today I felt like a god! It was my first workout in like, a year. Kickboxing class, woot woot.

    I don't want to be skinny, imma curvy black mamma, my goal is 150lbs. I want to just get back to being strong and fit. But in my attempt to be the healthiest version of me I just have to be careful to not let unhealthy thoughts sneak in.

    Just sharing my thoughts as someone that's struggled with an eating disorder.

    I totally agree with what you have put, i was anorexic in my youth, and have always had a love hate relationship with food, MFP def helps me stay on the right side of the tracks.
    thank you for sharing your experience x
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    MFP not a breeding ground for ED's.
    A tool is a tool,
    Can walk down street, find a big piece of wood.
    Most will see that piece of wood and think to use it for something positive, burn it, chip it, make it into something, but will always get a minority few who will pick it up and use it to kill someone with.
    Just 1 of those sad facts of life
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    MFP not a breeding ground for ED's.
    A tool is a tool,
    Can walk down street, find a big piece of wood.
    Most will see that piece of wood and think to use it for something positive, burn it, chip it, make it into something, but will always get a minority few who will pick it up and use it to kill someone with.
    Just 1 of those sad facts of life

    I know that wasn't meant to be funny, but when I got to the last part, it struck me as hilarious :laugh:
    That's Friday for ya...just makes me giddy :blushing:
  • gabrielleelliott90
    I think for a person to get an eating disorder out of MFP, They would already have it in their brain, and MFP would just trigger it. But I'm sure if it wasn't MFP it would be something else. Quite rare though I would think. Most people eat fine on here.