Hot Water & Lemon First Thing



  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Yes. Lemon juice in water first thing in the morning is a liver tonic. Add some caynnene pepper to boost metabolism. After drinking immediately rinse mouth with plain water and brush teeth 1/2 hr later to stop acid erosion of tooth enamel.

    When extremely overweight, or there is a midriff fat roll chances are you have a bit of fatty liver. The liver can repair itself but for this to happen you need to give it the nutrients and food intake environment that it needs. On a weight loss diet your liver is up for a lot of work as it processes stored fat for energy as well as your new daily intake of food. A by-product of this and an added burden to the liver is that it also has to filter out the fat soluble toxins that are caught up in those fat cells as they dissolve. To aid this process drink lots of water so that your kidneys get constantly flushed so that the liver doesn't have even more toxins to deal with. Be sure to support this fat/toxin clearing process in the gut by eating high fibre (psyllium with chia and soy lecithin are ideal together) and added probiotics to carry whatever waste quickly out of your system.

    Also drink dandelion root tea as it is a liver tonic and diuretic.

    PS if you find that your stomach becomes sensitive with the lemon you may try some slippery elm mixed in yoghurt to strengthen stomach lining a bit later in the day.
  • mitzi1235
    mitzi1235 Posts: 17 Member
    Rinse your mouth out lightly afterwards to prevent enamel erosion.
  • mitzi1235
    mitzi1235 Posts: 17 Member
    This was from lajollamom blog: 2. Balances pH: Drink lemon water everyday and you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.
    this is also what my acupuncturist said. I often drink it then rinse my mouth. I do not know if it works.
  • MrsNelson0904
    MrsNelson0904 Posts: 122 Member
    I tried this for a couple days and couldn't keep it down. It gave me an awful upset stomach and I had to make myself choke it down. 20 minutes later I threw it all back up. Yuck.
  • aperrillioux
    aperrillioux Posts: 115 Member
    I just started drinking warm water with lemon yesterday, and I felt great! Definitely more energized and I didn't feel like I was constantly craving food. It also seemed a lot easier to go to the gym after work. I had a hard time getting it down, I've never been a fan of water and lemon, but it was worth it yesterday. I am eager to see if today goes as well!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I start every morning with hot water and lemon, I find it quite easy to take first thing particularly if you aren't up to eating yet.

    I have heard it's also meant to cleanse your body, to be honest I can't confirm this however since I have started taking it I get less colds - thinking all that vitamin c can't be bad!!

    Hot water isn't actually good because the heat destroys the enzymatic properties of the lemons.
  • Yes it works i do this everyday and then a green tea before school run
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Yes it works i do this everyday and then a green tea before school run

    Works to do what, though?
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I don't know about health benefits, but warm water with lemon or lime is how I got through my last pregnancy. Only way I could keep water down. I lived on that and applesauce. But strangely I was still gaining weight ;)