Lets see what happens

One of my very good friends and I are going to Vegas in May. She issued me a weight loss challenge: Lose more weight than her and she will pay for my plane ticket. I am going either way, but it's time to lose this weight. I have an active child and I am tired of laying on the cough after work, I never have any energy to do anything. I don't like the clothes I have to wear to cover the "bad"parts. I am not looking to be supermodel skinny, but a healthy weight of 140. eventually. right now my goal is to lose 20-25 lbs by May 13. That is our final weigh in. I am looking for good recipes that don't cost an arm and a leg to make. Tired of meat and potatoes, spaghetti, tacos (with out the shells) and all that. I have tried snacking all day but I get hungry. I don't know what to do at this point. But as I have a competitive nature with this friend, i'm going to win.:happy:


  • nlfrancis
    I find myself in the same boat somedays - look online at allrecipies.com, they have some low fat, low carb meals that aren't too bad and very flavorful. Also, put in your favorite recipe into the calorie counter here on MFP and it will help. You can do it - just have to get creative as I am finding out.
  • lazygirllosesweight
    Good luck to you. :)

    My advice would be let the food aspect be part of the adventure. Seek out new recipes to try. That is what works for me. I don't get nearly as resentful and bogged down by what I eat if I'm constantly looking for new flavors.

    Maybe you could start with the Eating Well website. http://www.eatingwell.com/

    I also really like Kalyn's Kitchen. http://kalynskitchen.blogspot.com/

    But there are tons of food blogs out there. Once you find a few you find a million.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    There are so many ideas that it would be impossible to list them all here. Have a search through the receipe section, and right down a list of say the 30 foods that WANT/ENJOY eating. If you like eggs, make them the staple of your breakfast to till yourself with protein and avoid sugary foods (like donuts, cereal, etc.) And just go from there. Without knowing what you like/are willing to eat, it would be hard to make any specific suggestions.

    Good luck and have fun in Vegas -- our 6th trip is coming up in June. We love it there!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    food network has a healthy foods link now that includes servings size and nutrition information I made the lemon shrimp and grits and not only was it amazing but only 300 and some change in calories so I ate a serving and a half.
  • lizzie4015
    eatingwell.com has some good recipes, good luck!!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I always go to eatbetteramerica.com when I am looking for new recipes. You can always take a favorite recipe and try and lighten it up as much as possible by using low cal ingredients instead of the high cal ones. If a recipe calls for ground beef, substitute ground turkey instead. I have been shopping at Aldi's lately and love it. They have a brand called Fit and Active and it seems like they are getting more and more items in that brand everytime I go there.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    ooooo Can I join!! I want to go to Vegas!