Can Not Loose Weight



  • I weigh almost all my food. If I'm missing 30 calories from a banana hear and there I really don't think that is the real root of my problem. I use a Polar heart rate monitor, so I try and calculate my work outs as best as I can. Thanks for your help guys, just thought trying to post on one of these boards would help :/
  • Ok I just have to put this out there....I have lost 74 pounds since april. I do not measure everything I eat, I do not measure all of my liquids. I know for a fact I forget to log some things...yet I still lose. I feel people get so hung up on numbers. It is NOT ALWAYS CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!! THere are so many other factors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOr crying out loud we are not meant to be put into these cookie cutter molds. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!

    OP you are NOT eating enough. Your body is mad at you because you are not feeding it enough. If you do not give your body enough fuel it will store every little thing for reserves making it virtually impossible to lose weight. How do Iknow this? Because I have seen it happen to me and many others!!!!!!

    OP see your Doctor to make sure you do not have hormonal issues or even something else. Also, Try eating 5-6 mini meals of about 300 calories or so and eat higher protien, a little less carbs, lots of veggies. These things have helped me achieve major goals!

    Good luck, and please dont fall victim to the meanies of MFP...
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Have you been taking your measurements? You might have lost inches...

    You might want to consider getting a check-up soon. Maybe it's your thyroid?
  • NatJ522
    NatJ522 Posts: 16 Member
    I think you should go to the doctor in case something is off medically like your thyroid.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ok I just have to put this out there....I have lost 74 pounds since april. I do not measure everything I eat, I do not measure all of my liquids. I know for a fact I forget to log some things...yet I still lose. I feel people get so hung up on numbers. It is NOT ALWAYS CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!! THere are so many other factors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOr crying out loud we are not meant to be put into these cookie cutter molds. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!

    OP you are NOT eating enough. Your body is mad at you because you are not feeding it enough. If you do not give your body enough fuel it will store every little thing for reserves making it virtually impossible to lose weight. How do Iknow this? Because I have seen it happen to me and many others!!!!!!

    OP see your Doctor to make sure you do not have hormonal issues or even something else. Also, Try eating 5-6 mini meals of about 300 calories or so and eat higher protien, a little less carbs, lots of veggies. These things have helped me achieve major goals!

    Good luck, and please dont fall victim to the meanies of MFP...

    I don't think anyone here has been a meanie. I wish there was more advice I could offer Kara, but I'm stumped.

    Now and I'm going to sit back and see where this thread goes...:drinker: :smokin:
  • I weigh almost all my food. If I'm missing 30 calories from a banana hear and there I really don't think that is the real root of my problem. I use a Polar heart rate monitor, so I try and calculate my work outs as best as I can. Thanks for your help guys, just thought trying to post on one of these boards would help :/
    Ok I also see you have coffee with much milk do you use? Are you sure it is the same amount that is used in the entry you used? This is 2 possible problems in just breakfast. These small 20-50cal issues add up and eat away your deficit.

    The real root of your problem is eating too many cals for the weight loss you want, barring a medical issue you haven't disclosed.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Ok I just have to put this out there....I have lost 74 pounds since april. I do not measure everything I eat, I do not measure all of my liquids. I know for a fact I forget to log some things...yet I still lose. I feel people get so hung up on numbers. It is NOT ALWAYS CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!! THere are so many other factors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOr crying out loud we are not meant to be put into these cookie cutter molds. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!

    OP you are NOT eating enough. Your body is mad at you because you are not feeding it enough. If you do not give your body enough fuel it will store every little thing for reserves making it virtually impossible to lose weight. How do Iknow this? Because I have seen it happen to me and many others!!!!!!

    OP see your Doctor to make sure you do not have hormonal issues or even something else. Also, Try eating 5-6 mini meals of about 300 calories or so and eat higher protien, a little less carbs, lots of veggies. These things have helped me achieve major goals!

    Good luck, and please dont fall victim to the meanies of MFP...

    You go on saying it's not about CICO, then you tell the OP she's in starvation mode, which doesn't exist.

    OP, everyone in this post is trying to help you. If you're confident about your weighing and measuring (though definitely start weighing fruits/veggies...some of my bananas have gone up to 150g!), then you should probably see a doctor to see if there's anything that could be hindering your weightloss.
  • Have you been taking your measurements? You might have lost inches...

    You might want to consider getting a check-up soon. Maybe it's your thyroid?

  • LifeOfBrian78
    LifeOfBrian78 Posts: 397 Member

    Good luck, and please dont fall victim to the meanies of MFP...

    I don't see anyone being mean here. They are all offering their opinions and trying to help the OP.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Congrats on ditching the smokes!!

    I think changing you macros, which you can customize on MFP, will help. Up your protein and fiber and lower the carbs, I'm not carb bashing at all, but keep those carbs high fiber. Change to brown rice, eat steel cut oats instead of instant, whole grain bread/pastas etc.

    Changing my macros really helped me keep the scale where I wanted it.

    Try using this to get the right # of calories and macros set up for you. Then be SURE to accurately weigh and measure ALL of you food if you REALLY want results. Do this for a month and see if there are different results, if none then please do see your doctor.

    BTW - I don't think anyone here was being mean. I see a lot of people sincerely trying to help you.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    OP claims to have logged accurately every day and all of you believe her?

    Check her diary. A month or more is incomplete or missing. OP, the key is consistency and accuracy. Merely owning an account on MFP is not enough; you have to put in the work. Your logging is the problem. Good news, it is a way easier fix than having rounds of blood draws and doctor's appointments.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    OP claims to have logged accurately every day and all of you believe her?

    Check her diary. A month or more is incomplete or missing. OP, the key is consistency and accuracy. Merely owning an account on MFP is not enough; you have to put in the work. Your logging is the problem. Good news, it is a way easier fix than having rounds of blood draws and doctor's appointments.

  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    If you just quit smoking, you could also be gaining weight from stress. Stress makes me eat more, and I swear when I'm stressed I retain water.

    I was a pack a day smoker for 10 years and quit about 6 years ago. Hardest thing I've ever done. Harder than losing weight for me. So congratulations! It takes determination to give up an addiction. I put on 40lbs in 6 months when I quit smoking.

    I had no idea how to deal with stress without cigarettes. Maybe I ate, maybe my metabolism slowed down, maybe all of the above. All I know is that I'm finally making inroads on that weight. All it took was 1 marriage, 2 kids, 3 houses, and 6 If you just quit smoking, your body is probably doing wacky stuff since its not getting all those chemicals anymore. But you mind may also be doing wacky stuff as you learn new coping methods.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. You don't need more stress.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    This thread is hilarious.

    Don't start eating more until you know exactly what you're eating now. I'm willing to bet that's what the issue is.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Ok I just have to put this out there....I have lost 74 pounds since april. I do not measure everything I eat, I do not measure all of my liquids. I know for a fact I forget to log some things...yet I still lose. I feel people get so hung up on numbers. It is NOT ALWAYS CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT!!!! THere are so many other factors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOr crying out loud we are not meant to be put into these cookie cutter molds. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!

    OP you are NOT eating enough. Your body is mad at you because you are not feeding it enough. If you do not give your body enough fuel it will store every little thing for reserves making it virtually impossible to lose weight. How do Iknow this? Because I have seen it happen to me and many others!!!!!!

    OP see your Doctor to make sure you do not have hormonal issues or even something else. Also, Try eating 5-6 mini meals of about 300 calories or so and eat higher protien, a little less carbs, lots of veggies. These things have helped me achieve major goals!

    Good luck, and please dont fall victim to the meanies of MFP...

    Oh MFP don't ever change.

    No one has been mean. If you think people have you should really re-check your definition of mean.

    OP here's some good reading.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    About 3 years ago, I decided to make a huge change. I lost over 56lbs in about a year. I did this by eating lean and clean, as well as a daily exercise plan. I maintained this weight loss for about 2 years. Thennn I finally quit smoking. I noticed right away that my metabolism slowed down. Don't get me wrong, the first few weeks of quitting, I ate all kinds of sweets. I quickly realized I didn't want to be another statistic and ate regularly. This did not help. Over the past year I have gained 30lbs back.

    Being discouraged by the numbers on the scale, I decided to stop stepping on the scale. Since June 2014, I have worked out 60 minutes per day, logged my daily calorie intake, kept under 1300 calories per day. After the summer was over, I decided it was time to step on the scale to see my progress. I GAINED 2lbs. Had mini melt down, but decided I somethings gotta change in order to it to work.

    So, I changed what I was eating (because we all kind of start eating the same things all the time). I normally only eat on the outside walls of the grocery store, which means, whole foods and try to stay away from anything processed. Drink 10+ cups of water per day, made sure my work outs were always different every day. Weights twice a week, and cardio every day in between. Giving my body 1 day rest from any physical activity. By no means am I looking for a quick fix, but something has to give. I'm still not loosing weight. Last resort, I'm going to see my doctor.

    Wondering if anyone has been in the same position, and what did they do to over come it.

    You need to be tracking calories, and not so much the foods you are or are not eating
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    OP, I suggest reading this. Even if you are weighing things it's entirely possible that you are using the wrong entries and that can cause logging inaccuracies as well.

    Work on being more accurate and consistent in your logging for about a month and then see if that helps.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    OH NO!!!!!
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    with all that exercise, liable to have a lot of muscle mass, which weighs twice as heavy as fat does.

    and you sound fit n healthy so why worry about a few pounds.....
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I weigh almost all my food. If I'm missing 30 calories from a banana hear and there I really don't think that is the real root of my problem. I use a Polar heart rate monitor, so I try and calculate my work outs as best as I can. Thanks for your help guys, just thought trying to post on one of these boards would help :/

    All we can all really do is make guesses and suggestions. Your best option is to see a nutrition expert or a doctor. Print your diary, schedule an appointment and go talk to someone who does nutrition and weight lose for a living. Or talk to a doctor to see if the weight gain has a medical reason.

    Random generic people online only can guess and make suggestions of things you can do which, tbh, you don't seem to agree with which is fine but nobody is being unhelpful. Our best guess is as good as your best guess as to why you are gaining and not losing. Obviously something is not working or something is inaccurate since you are gaining weight but we are not going to have a magical answer to your problems.

    Good for you for quitting smoking! I know it all seems discouraging but don't give up! I really suggest going to a medical source for help on this.