Just turned 50 what do you do to keep in shape? Diet?

What's the best diet you've tried?


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,998 Member
    Calorie counting -- or more accurately, careful measurement of my food intake, as much as possible, and logging it. I'm in my early 50s, and I have lost more and maintained the loss longer using MFP than I have with any other approach I've tried (Atkins, low-fat, restricting "junk" food, eliminating snacking, mandatory snacks to reach six "meals" a day, grapefruit diets, cabbage soup diets, various food-elimination diets, various prescribed meal plans, diet shakes and bars -- none of these things worked as well for me as consistent tracking and logging).
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with the above. I am 48 and I find that counting calories works best for me, it is how I have lost in the past and am losing now. I personally do not believe in "fad" diets, losing is all about basic math. I also don't feel at all deprived even on my 1200 cals a day. I also exercise 3-5 days a week for 90 minutes at a shot.
  • StillwaterLady
    StillwaterLady Posts: 12 Member
    thanks for the advice - I have a hard time sticking with it but Monday will be one week.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Diets are not the answer. When I turned 50 I decided to do a lifestyle change, I eat less, watch my macros, and exercise more. It keeps the weight off and allows me to do the things I enjoy, biking, golfing, etc.
  • dj1skywalker
    The first few weeks to first month will be the hardest... You need to allow your body and brain to adjust to the new changes...

    You can do it! xx
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I just watch what I eat... don't ever "diet"...prefer to focus on quality and portion control. I always did weight training, but when I hit 53 I started running too.
  • DianeFrannie
    If you read your food log, you sure can tell what your strengths and weaknesses are. I see right now that I need More protein and less coffee with C/S. wasted food calories there. Exercise will speed your weight lose and improve your over all health. If your are able, walking ,swimming and bicycling are the best. I can't do them but surprised at what I can do at home. Floor exercises including squats. (surprised myself). hope you can find a web page that shows you some of those for balance, and strength. If you are not working away from home, include your normal activities in your exercise count. Pushing a mower, pulling weeds, washing floors and walls. Chasing after grandkids.:) I am using MyFitness Pal everyday, but I also meet with a weight loss group once a week. great companionship as we talk about how each other is accomplishing their goal. We share low cal recipes too. Best wishes in achieving your goal. http://www.seniorexercisesonline.com/index.html :flowerforyou:
  • YvonneICox
    I agree with "sticking to it". I seem to have more trouble with staying within my calorie allowancw aith the My Fitness Pal plan than I ever did with Weight Watchers. One one the biggest issues (for me)is the accountablity is not the same with the two plans.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    What's the best diet you've tried?

    No diets; just moderation.
    Make sure you're calorie goal is in sync with your nutritional needs. With only 12 lbs to lose, your goal should be set to 1/2 lb of weight loss per week. This is important because if you restrict your calories too much, you'll likely fail. You want to lose the weight in a healthy and sustainable manner.
    In general, for eating habits, eat more veggies at meals in order to fill up and keep your calories in a maintainable range. When looking at your plate, look for 1/2 veggies, 1/4 starches, 1/4 protein. It's a rough guide but it's in the ballpark.
    Measure everything (with a scale) at first and study the portion size so that you can recognize a portion without a scale one day. This will help you from gaining the weight back once you're in maintenance and stop weighing everything. It's a good tool to have.

    As for exercise, just start doing more than you currently do. It doesn't have to be a lot of strenuous things. If you add that right at the beginning, it may be too much and you may stop completely. You want something sustainable and if you want to increase it in the future, you will.
    Start with walking for a half hour every second day. Increase the time per day or number of days as you see fit. This will help you build a core of stamina for the other activities you want to add later.

    For myself, I weighed and measured everything while losing weight and learned to "eyeball" a portion. So far, now that I'm in maintenance, it seems to be working.
    I currently run 3x a week and do some tai-chi exercises as well.
  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    Sounds trite, but more protein and veggies, less bread and pasta. It really takes the weight off.
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    In weight watchers (which their new plan did not work for me at all and that is why I joined here), you are accountable to other people. You go and weigh in etc. I find that when I do my best is when I have my head set that this is something I need to do for me. I am accountable to me and me alone.

    I do think that the first couple of weeks is the hardest, you have to learn to shop differently, make sure you have things in the house, everything has to be looked up and you aren't at the point where you can eyeball things or just estimate. It is labor intensive, once you get into the swing of things it is not a big deal and takes just a few minutes. I find the phone app really helpful as I can add foods and exercise and such when I am waiting in line or driving somewhere (not me driving)
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    It is basic math. Calories in, calories out.

    Not necessarily eat less / move more.....it's eat better / move more.

    Weight loss has grown into an industry, where people make money out of selling us weight loss stuff. the easiest way to get us to buy their weight loss stuff, is to convince us it is too hard to do it ourselves, and their product has the magic in it. I've tried them all, and the only thing that has gotten lighter is my wallet.

    So weigh, measure, track your food. Then you know exactly what is going in. Track your movement. Then you know what exactly is going out. You will naturally start to make better food choices, and move more. Your 10 minute walk will become a 12 minute walk....so on and so forth.

    The magic is in you. :)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    No diet! Ever! Just logging everything that I eat and staying within my calorie allowance. Supporting my friends and they support me back. Walking and light hand weights, WII dancing, chair yoga and WW exercise DVD's.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Congrats on your first 5 days. It does get easier. You dont need to follow any new fangled plan, just count basic calories. Stay within your limit. Exercise a little and you will be successful. Once you log the first few pounds lost you will be hooked. The more you lose the more motivated you can become.
    Make some friends, check out the forums to learn new things. Make it a good experience rather than a horrible diet.

    I am Cindy, 52. Add me if you like.
  • melindareese
    melindareese Posts: 6 Member
    I have been using MFP for almost a year and it has taught me how to retrain myself in my eating habits. I do not feel deprived of anything. If you are really graving something add it to your food diary and see what it does to your calorie count. Then you can really see if it is worth it or not, or adjust for it through the rest of your day.I also exercise about 3 to 4 times a week. I stopped keeping track for a little while and felt myself slipping into old habits with my eating but did manage not to gain weight. MFP is the best thing I have ever used in help with weight loss. It gets easier the more you use it. Good luck to you.
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    I will be turning 50 in the spring so I am right there with you!

    I am fortunate that the hospital where I work has an awesome Employee Health program that includes a Weight Loss support group lead by a CNP. She worked with each of us to set our goals and helped us find a nutrition and exercise plan that works for us. I too have tried multiple weight loss plans. Each worked for a while but I found myself slipping and gaining most of the weight back.

    What has worked for me this time is balancing my meals and snacks. It is important to not let yourself get hungry or you will overeat. I try to include Carbs for energy, fiber to help fill me up, and lean protein to keep me full at every meal. My snacks include a little bit of healthy protein and either carbs or fiber like fresh fruit or veggies. This has been working well for me.

    I track religiously on MFP. I am on day 113 (this time) and haven't missed a day. I log EVERYTHING! Good, bad, or ugly.

    Exercise is also a big priority for me. I try to get 4-5 days of cardio (usually a combination of walking/running) and a couple of days of Pilates for toning and strengthening.

    Believe me, if I can do it, you can.

  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    * 1 hour/ 4 days a week Elliptical
    * 1 hour/ 5 days a week circuit training
    * 1 excellent nutritionist
    * 2800 balanced calories (40% carbs/ 30% protein/ 30% fat) a day to maintain my current weight.
    * Remind myself every day that I may slip up or be discouraged, but it isn't the end of the world. It's just one slip and it can be dealt with.

    Starting a solid exercise and healthy eating (notice I didn't use diet :wink: ) in my 50's was the best thing I ever did. It's nice to know that us 50 somethings (54 here) can be in the best shapes of our lives. Progress comes in time and you will have plenty of encouragement from us.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I don't diet; I adopted a healthy lifestyle.

    I eat less, move more, lift heavier, walk/run further and just be all-around awesome.
  • Katiegirl1970
    Katiegirl1970 Posts: 17 Member
    The ONLY thing that works for me is calorie counting. Adding in some exercise as i can.
    I have done about every diet invented and even if i lost weight, once i stopped that fade i gained it all back.

    My Dr. told me that at my age (44) i couldn't physically work-out enough to lose weight WITHOUT calorie counting. There would be no way for me to exercise enough to maintain a health weight, without staying in control of my calories..She was right. I walked 3 miles per day for about 5 months EVERY DAY and only lost 2 pounds...LOL..thats because I was eating so many calories that any i burned didnt count.
    I strictly followed my calorie allotment and lost about 10 pounds per month.

    I go to the gym 6 & 7 days per week. I walk for one hour and thats all.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    No diet for me. It's a full on lifestyle change that I hope to continue until I die.

    I exercise 4 days a week for 2 hour stretches.

    I quit a 42 yr smoking habit. (3 packs a day for the last four)

    I finally became mindful of every bite of food that goes in my mouth and log it here at MFP.