What's the worst diet/fitness advice you've received?

I was reading the subject the other day and it got me thinking I got some bad advice a few months ago that I should do cardio only :ohwell: . What are some bad, crazy or unusual advice you've received?


  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    My mother-in-law once told me "You can eat all the ice cream you want, just stop eating potatoes and bread." If only :laugh:
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    About 80% of it.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    don't do cardio and eat only meat.

    Also: fruit is bad for you. Too much sugar.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    "eating only a banana and a can of tuna a day is a great way to lose weight!" - haha, needless to say most of it would be muscle :wink:
  • nickiejohnson
    Don't drink any water for a couple of days to lose the water weight!!!
    I didn't do it obviously! I knew that was terrible advice right away!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    As long as you are doing some exercises, you do not need to count calories because you are burning calories all day so those 2 days a week you do Zumba for 1 hour will make you lose weight.

    (This was told to me in Sept before I joined the gym by someone who wanted to lose 40 pounds... but did not curb any food habits. I have since lost 24 pounds, them 5.)

    I think I'll keep doing it MY way.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    It's a tie between:

    Don't eat fruit, it has too much sugar


    Avoid carbohydrates and eat super high protein.

  • PapaPolarBear
    fad diets, atkins etc...
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    These are good, I forgot one a few years ago I had a "friend" who told me : "girl you can eat whatever you want, you're gonna burn it off in the gym anyways" Really? :huh:
  • jenners22
    Whenever you have to essentially give up any food group or swallow any pill...that's very bad advice and some doctors should be ashamed of themselves for what they suggest.

    I watched my mom jump from one miracle diet or pill for her entire life. She passed away at age 46 and was never happy with her body, even though she was a knock-out.

    It makes me sick that so much pressure is put on people to look a certain way. I've been hating my body for about ten years now but I find it's also making me hate myself. I had to realize that I need to learn to love and accept me before I can let anyone else do that.

    My goal isn't to wear a bikini or a certain size jeans. My goal is to be able to run up three flights of stairs while talking on the phone. My goal is to get my heart healthy so it will work hard for me.

    My goal is to learn that I am NOT my weight...I am me.
  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    Worst advice is to "eat less", you actually have to eat more meals. eat smaller (watching your carb intake, eat meals higher in protein, cut out anything white) and eat every 3.5 hours. This increases your metabolism, and helps you to loose weight.
    If you starve yourself, your body will hold on to everything you are eating. You will not loose weight and you will feel miserable too boot! Also drink lots of water!
  • jennylynn84
    Aunt: "You should never drink milk. Just take calcium pills." *Eats Taco Bell taco* "Its got too much fat in it."

  • Floricienta
    My mother-in-law once told me "You can eat all the ice cream you want, just stop eating potatoes and bread." If only :laugh:

    I heard something similar once, "go nuts on ice cream, it doesn't matter, you will lose weight, after all it's just water and milk"
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Any diet advice that tells you to quit eating a certain food and food group. Everything in moderation helps me keep from bingeing on those "forbidden" foods!
  • Samantha0905
    An employee at the gym I go to said to drop my calories down to 800. I told her straight to her face she was insane for saying that.

    Cardio,lifting weights, and eating enough calories is the way to go. I eat between 1200-1500 depending on my work outs.
    I Work out 4-5 days doing both cardio (30mins-45mins) as well as the circuit or free weights and I drink lots of water :)
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Cleanse, it'll help you lose weight faster.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    fad diets, atkins etc...

    Sorry to correct you, but Atkins is not a fad. It is a lifestyle changing plan.

    The worst advise I have ever received from a doctor was to go on a low fat, high carb eating plan that was 1,000 calories.

    I gained more weight than where I was at, at the time. :noway: :noway:
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    Too funny
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Worst advice: Just get up from the table!
    Um, ok.....so I became a PRO at eating standing up, or while driving, laying in bed, etc. Me getting up from the table wasn't what I needed to do. :laugh: The problem isn't WHERE I'm eating, it's WHAT and HOW MUCH and what I did AFTERWARD.
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    That 3 day rotation diet with ridicously low amounts of calories. My MIL still tries to sell me on it (which is odd because she's not in the best shape and it obviously hasn't worked for her).