Where are my outdoor RUNNERS AT?

Why do you run? Its a silly question but im sure people have many answers for it.
Is there a reason as for why you like to run besides getting a workout in?

I am new to running (started about a month ago) , and have developed a passion for it.:blushing:
I started running with the intention of one thing, and that was to lose weight.
But now I run for fun, i run to relieve all the stress from the day before.
It makes me feel relaxed, its like a get away for me.
When i run it's like i am running in my own little world and no one can stop me.
I run in the morning and the sunrise always amazes me. I run to be happy. Im weird i know :smooched:


  • figueirt
    figueirt Posts: 26 Member
    You aren't weird at all. I run because in this busy world I never get any me time. This is the time for me to get ready for the day or decompress from the day, based on when I run. I consider it "me" time. :smile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    same here. i run and bike outside as often as i can. and even though i do a lot of the same routes, i often can't help but take in the scenery. i zone out for most of it, i don't even listen to music anymore. in fact, the last two runs i did i tried to listen to music and just didn't feel right.
  • Squid4TRX
    Squid4TRX Posts: 645 Member
    You aren't weird at all. I run because in this busy world I never get any me time. This is the time for me to get ready for the day or decompress from the day, based on when i run. I consider it "me" time. :smile:

    This :smile:
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    My fav time to run is the winter, in the dark, the solitude and quite is amazing, oh and checking out christmas lights and being able to spy through peoples windows are a defninte bonus :)
  • blupanda12
    blupanda12 Posts: 54 Member
    I run for health - need to keep endurance up for scuba diving. I'm just finishing out Couch to 5k, and find I've really been enjoying it. It's something I can do anywhere, as long as I bring my running shoes and a good undergarment. I find I feel better throughout the day when I get my run in as well. Currently making plans to be able to continue running throughout the winter!
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    I run to clear my mind from every day life's stress, and so I don't throat punch anyone.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I started running Jan. of 2013 and fell in love with it. LOVE.:heart:

    I love the mental challenge of pushing myself.
    I love running on trails and being in nature.
    I love the de-stress aspect to it.
    I love that 30 second of "runner's high" I get when my body gets in perfect sync (never lasts long, but is an awesome feeling).
    I love what it's done for my fitness levels.

    I know there are more reason, but I haven't had enough coffee yet. :laugh:
  • mshepard48083
    Good question! I run for the social aspect of it. It is a great way to meet new people and offers another level of accountability (try skipping a couple runs and see if you don't get some phone calls). Plus if you like distance running, it is a great way to see a city. Destination Half/Full Marathons are the way to go. Then you don't feel so guilty for vacation eating!
  • RebeccaMae1983
    RebeccaMae1983 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm still in the process of running my entire workout but I prefer walking/running outside. The time passes much more quickly, it melts away all the stress that I carry, and the scenery is beautiful!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I am new to running (started about a month ago) , and have developed a passion for it.:blushing:
    I started running with the intention of one thing, and that was to lose weight.
    But now I run for fun, i run to relieve all the stress from the day before.
    It makes me feel relaxed, its like a get away for me.
    When i run it's like i am running in my own little world and no one can stop me.

    ^^^This pretty much sums up why I run. I stopped for awhile after a sciatic nerve issue and recently after coming back to MFP started up again. Lost my endurance and have been using C25K. The last two nights I've been able to run 30+ mins straight. Its a great feeling. Nothing weird about it!!
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I used to run to lose weight, but I've realized I get much better results with strength / interval training.

    Now, running is the fun. It's about being outside, taking in the scenery, losing yourself in thought or not thinking at all, relaxing, feeling a little more at one with my body (especially when I hit the right pace), etc. Pretty much what everyone else said.

    Not to mention, I believe it's good for muscle soreness and getting blood flowing to your torn muscles, helping recovery.
  • ash012
    ash012 Posts: 34 Member
    I run because its a constant competition with myself. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm always needing running friends.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    Why do you run? Its a silly question but im sure people have many answers for it.
    Is there a reason as for why you like to run besides getting a workout in?

    I am new to running (started about a month ago) , and have developed a passion for it.:blushing:
    I started running with the intention of one thing, and that was to lose weight.
    But now I run for fun, i run to relieve all the stress from the day before.
    It makes me feel relaxed, its like a get away for me.
    When i run it's like i am running in my own little world and no one can stop me.
    I run in the morning and the sunrise always amazes me. I run to be happy. Im weird i know :smooched:

    My story is similar. I started out to lose weight, then it became a passion. I've always loved the runner's high (endorphin release), but it's more than that now. I run to get faster. I run to go farther. I run for charities, and I run for the medals. I ended up subsrcibing to Runner's World magazine after reading August and September's issues all the way through, cover to cover. I'm slowly learning about running and everything surrounding it. When I crossed that finish line under 45 minutes for my 3rd 5K, I felt on top of the world. Now I'm sitting here after recovering for 4 days from that run (I admit. I overdid it a bit), and dying to run two days in a row. I'm going to hold off for now, because I'm still going through the C25K training, but I never thought I would say "I cannot WAIT to run tomorrow!!!".
  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    Why do you run? Its a silly question but im sure people have many answers for it.
    Is there a reason as for why you like to run besides getting a workout in?

    I am new to running (started about a month ago) , and have developed a passion for it.:blushing:
    I started running with the intention of one thing, and that was to lose weight.
    But now I run for fun, i run to relieve all the stress from the day before.
    It makes me feel relaxed, its like a get away for me.
    When i run it's like i am running in my own little world and no one can stop me.
    I run in the morning and the sunrise always amazes me. I run to be happy. Im weird i know :smooched:

    My story is similar. I started out to lose weight, then it became a passion. I've always loved the runner's high (endorphin release), but it's more than that now. I run to get faster. I run to go farther. I run for charities, and I run for the medals. I ended up subsrcibing to Runner's World magazine after reading August and September's issues all the way through, cover to cover. I'm slowly learning about running and everything surrounding it. When I crossed that finish line under 45 minutes for my 3rd 5K, I felt on top of the world. Now I'm sitting here after recovering for 4 days from that run (I admit. I overdid it a bit), and dying to run two days in a row. I'm going to hold off for now, because I'm still going through the C25K training, but I never thought I would say "I cannot WAIT to run tomorrow!!!".

    Yes i get very excited when it comes to running, i ALWAYS look forward to it !
  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
    Started running for weight loss. Kept running because I love it. I love being outside with my dog running on trails and the road. Doesn't matter if it's hot or cold. I go all year round. Also sort of addicted to buying running gear. Guilty pleasure...lol
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    read my pic.....lol

    I started running cause it was cheaper then a gym, I now love it and enter a new race every month.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I run, mostly... because I can. walking used to be as much physical effort as I could put forth. the fact that I can get out there and move and groove it for an hour just boosts my self confidence through the roof.

    I also enjoy the "zone" and the "tibby time." :flowerforyou:
  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    read my pic.....lol

    I started running cause it was cheaper then a gym, I now love it and enter a new race every month.

    Instead of paying for the gym, pay for a race. Great idea.
  • 1HappyTurtleRunner
    I started running out of boredom because I didn't know what to do and running was something. Since then I have loved running and it is a stress reliever for me.
  • d_creasman
    d_creasman Posts: 17 Member
    You are not wierd at all. I run because I enjoy it, even in the rainy Pacific Northwest (which the rainy season is starting so I can't expect to see the sun for about the next 6 months) and enables me to decompress after work, zone out and focus on something I enjoy. It also helps to have a goal that you are trying to achieve so that you can focus your efforts on that. This helps get you out of the house and run on those days when you really don't want to, and most of the time those are the best runs that you have.