Is 1300 calories a realistic goal?

I set my activity level as sedentary, which is not entirely true, but given that I spend most of my days behind a desk probably close enough to true. With a weigh loss goal of 1 lb per week, this gave me 1300 calories to spend. Now, on days when I work out (which is 4-5 per week), it is not a problem meeting that. If I burn 300-400 calories working out, I have no problems whatsoever eating less than the total of 1600-1800. The issue is days like today when I don't have time to workout. I cannot meet that 1300 goal without being hungry and/or extremely dissatisfied with my food.

I've decided that it's probably okay to go over on some days of the week. That's just how it's going to be, I don't have a tremendous amount to lose (20 pounds or so) so if it takes longer, I've decided I'm okay with that.

I just feel like 1300 is never enough.


  • tomandshell
    tomandshell Posts: 32 Member
    It can be done. I like to eat out for lunch but have learned to change what I order. I can have a chicken fajita rice bowl at Chipotle for 400 calories, mixed veggies and broccoli beef at Panda Express for 350, 6 oz sirloin and soup for 450 at Chili's, or shrimp skewers with rice and broccoli for 300 at Red Lobster. I have found <500 calorie meals at most of the places I like to go.

    Then dinner is often chicken noodle soup with apples, grapes, carrots and a Fiber One bar for about 400 calories. Add an English muffin and tea in the morning and I still have a bit left. Even days without exercise can stay within 1300 calories if you plan things right. You just don't get to throw in much bread or other treats. But that makes your exercise days more rewarding.
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    I eat 1200 a day .... on the days I workout I still eat 1200 on the days that I don't work out I stick to the 1200. I seldom eat back my calories. On the days I do go over I never go over 1300.

    I think it is all in how you eat and what you choose.

    I tend to eat real foods .... I don't typically eat any "diet" foods other than lower cal desert choices which I may or may not eat anyway given how the day went ....

    It takes time to find foods that fill you up that are not over the top in calories. Going to the grocery those first few times are a challenge but I have now figured out breads and chips and such that I like and are lower in calories.

    I think the 1300 calories is doable

    breakfast for me is usually 2 eggs and 2 toast or a yogurt, banana and hardboiled egg, I keep hardboiled eggs on hand all the time they are a great filling snack....

    lunch is usually a sandwich of some sort (egg salad, leftover protein) or a can of soup and some baked lays chips

    dinner is usually a lean protein (ie. turkey cutlet, chicken, pork... whatever, I made a pot roast the other night) vegetable and a potato or rice....
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    You could try changing your loss rate to 1/2lb week ,especially as you only have 20lb to lose. Of course you would reach your goal a bit slower but if alternative is not adhering to your plan, it's probably a better idea.

    I did that, lost 10kg or about 22lb, in10 months.

    Also, you could even your intake over the week , ie the days you work out and have an allowance of 1600, eat, say 1500, and carry the spare 100 over for a non work out day. This might stop those days feeling so restrictive.
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    I have noticed that if I focus on getting all my protein in for the day and eating a good amount of fiber--resisting empty calories and filling up on veggies as much as possible, it's easier most days to stay at a low calorie deficit like 1300 calories. If you do this and find that you are simply too hungry to maintain 1300 calories, I feel like you should listen to your body. The truth is, if you cut 250 calories from your diet and burn 250 calories each day in exercise, in 1 week that calorie loss is 3500 calories or 1 pound. If 1300 calories doesn't work for you, that's okay, you CAN go up some.
  • teiganb
    teiganb Posts: 2 Member
    how much do you weigh? 1300 is nowhere NEAR enough!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    How tall are you? Are you weighing everything you eat?

    You have 20# to lose set your goal to .5 lbs a week.

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    how much do you weigh? 1300 is nowhere NEAR enough!

    I'd die.
  • olgasgarden
    olgasgarden Posts: 34 Member
    take a look at my diary see if you can find any filling-food ideas.
    i do around 1200 most days even if i work out (run 4-5 times per week). some days i struggle but most days i am totally ok. i am 38yo 5'7" and currently my weight is 185. i started 2 1/2 months ago and was at 211lb (heaviest point of my life).
  • PinupGirl13
    PinupGirl13 Posts: 16 Member
    It depends on how tall, how much you weigh, what your resting metabolism is, and whether you add in a workout or not.

    I would love to help! I put my calories in about 500 less per day than I burn WITHOUT exercise and when I do work out I earn more calories! That way you lose weight whether or not you work out.

    80 percent of weight loss really is diet! I started last week and have already lost lbs (and that was going way over for 2 days.) I also overestimate my calories in and underestimate calories out by a little.

    I highly suggest doing somewhere where they can test your metabolism.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    how much do you weigh? 1300 is nowhere NEAR enough!

    I disagree.

    1300 is not enough for everybody but it is for some people.

    I do not know OP's height - but she is 46 years old, sedentary and only has 20lb to lose.
    If her height is also on the shortish side, 1300 sounds a reasonable net amount. And OP is eating back exercise calories when she works out so she is using net amount correctly.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    how much do you weigh? 1300 is nowhere NEAR enough!

    I'd die.

    You are a man, possibly younger than OP and probably taller.

    Agreed, 1300 is not enough for you - but that is irrelevant, you are not OP.
  • ilikethisname
    MFP gives me 1200 calories per day and I set my lifestyle to moderately active. I can hit it IF I don't snack and drink water only. (and coffee in morning). Meat and veggies for dinner are key. Bye bye most sauces.

    This is not to say that I don't go over. It is almost always the snacks (that I don't really need) that do it.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    1300 is tough. And honestly, if you feel like it's not enough, it's probably not. However.....if you have your goal set to lose 1lb per week, then you already have a deficit of 500 calories built in each day. So in reality if on your rest days you go over by 100-200 calories, you still have a deficit for the day. I'm not advocating going over, but realistically if it's just once a week, it's not going to have a big impact. However, if it's multiple times per week, you may want to consider either changing your goal to 1/2lb loss, or use the TDEE method.
    I've got my goal at 1300, but most days with exercise calories I eat 1600-1800. The days that I don't do cardio are tough to stay within my goal. But then there are days when I have a large number of exercise calories that I couldn't possibly eat back. So over the course of the week, it all evens out.
    In terms of trying to stay in the 1300 - fresh veggies are your best friend. Load up on them as much as possible.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You kind of asked and answered your own question here, lol.

    Good luck with your plan!! :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Set your goal to 1/2 pound a week.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    It's doable, that's my goal. It's about learning how to create high volume foods with low calories for meals. So if I chop up a steak round tossed in teriyaki sauce, then chop up an entire green pepper add 2 cups of spinach and a cup or two of mushrooms it's a TON of food but only 300ish calories. Because all the calories come from the beef. The veggies are all SUPER filling, you practicallly OD on vitamins but they have so few calories. Mushrooms have like, no calories. I LOVE them for adding bulk to...well everything. Oh you add all the veggies to the beef and cook it all down by the way not raw. Like a simple stirfry.

    Once you learn and remember more and more foods that you can eat like 4 cups of with few calories the easier and happier you will be with a lower calorie goal. Seriously, an entire head of romain lettuce is like 100 calories. That would be a MASSIVE salad base.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    I eat 1300 - 1500 a day as a 6ft 3 man, so it's perfectly doable. I only really get hungry late at night. Eating small but often helps a lot, and drinking a full 2 litres of water a day.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I'm in the 1260 range! I am active but recently gained weight for a few reasons so I now have 25 lbs to lose!!! On non cardio days I almost go over about 100 calories!
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    I eat 1300-1500 max calories a day. I am a very short 21 year old female however ;)

    A general day for me looks like

    Breakfast- Vega Sports Performance Shake (Made with water, lactose problems) + banana and all the plain tea I could want.. I only drink black tea however

    Lunch : 100 calorie 100% ww wrap, 2 eggs , deli meat and a small amount of lactose cheese about 360 cals

    Dinner: I like to vary it up but my fast go to's are :
    extra lean ground turkey, broccoli cole slaw and a bit of cheese + salsa for a undone taco if you will :) 390 cals
    panko crusted tilapia, 1/4c rice+ 1/2 plate of veggies is 370ish
    tonight I was in a hurry so I had soup + a homemade veggie+deli meat quesadilla on a ww wrap =440

    typical snacks:
    niagra county apple bar 100 cals (full of nuts, apples)
    fruits and veggies
    chai latte (made at home)
    coconut yogurt+granola (measured of course)
    normally my snacks are around 340-320-350 for the day

    don't get me wrong if im hungry I eat more! I never ever deprive myself, I just make healthy choices.
    I find that by eating more protein+ nuts+ fiber I stay very full but that's me
  • Amylacc
    Amylacc Posts: 5 Member
    As it turned out, yesterday wasn't really an issue. I only went over by about 13 calories. Thanks for all the advice. I'll stick with it for a while, and see what happens.

    I have done this before , a few years ago and, while I don't remember what the totals were then, it seemed to work while I was doing it. When I stopped tracking (and then switched jobs to one that was more sedentary), that's when I got in trouble. Well, if you count 20 extra pounds trouble. I'm kind of amazed it wasn't more, but I have been working out more or less all along.

    It's a little tough in this town. Not too many healthy food options for restaurants. And the supermarkets have only fair to poor quality fresh foods. So it's a bit of a pain. And then there's work. (Case in point: my colleagues love to have fish fries for almost any reason. The fish is ALWAYS deep fried, never grilled and accompanied by french fries, etc. LOL). And one of them bakes a LOT, so for birthdays and such we always have goodies. So my will pretty much flies out the window.