How much have people managed to lose in a year?



  • WBeckwith71
    So awesome to be on this forum now. Been working on this side last November but 153 so far.
  • Bethanyannmariah
    So awesome to be on this forum now. Been working on this side last November but 153 so far.

    Well done :) that's the kind of weight loss I need to motivate myself towards :)
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I will be 63 next week. Joined MFP 3/12/12. I lost 140# in the first year. Since then 25 more pounds lost.
    Mostly eating 1200 calories/day with my doctors advice. I never did any exercise until I had lost 90#.
    Since then, I walk or hike everyday, gradually increasing my time walked as my endurance increases. I got a fit bit in February 2013 and it is the best motivator I have to get me moving more.

    Good luck sweetie, you can absolutely do this, but please consult with your physician, and heed their advice. Everyone is different, and you are so worth it!
  • Bethanyannmariah
    I will be 63 next week. Joined MFP 3/12/12. I lost 140# in the first year. Since then 25 more pounds lost.
    Mostly eating 1200 calories/day with my doctors advice. I never did any exercise until I had lost 90#.
    Since then, I walk or hike everyday, gradually increasing my time walked as my endurance increases. I got a fit bit in February 2013 and it is the best motivator I have to get me moving more.

    Good luck sweetie, you can absolutely do this, but please consult with your physician, and heed their advice. Everyone is different, and you are so worth it!

    What a sweet response, thank you ! & well done being so motivated & committed! It's proven worthwhile :)
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I once lost 112lb in 8-9 months years ago, It was on a crazy strict food plan with not a single cheat,treat anything the whole time. Hence it did not work out for me long term and I foolishly gained it all back. But I still feel better knowing at least it can be lost naturally without surgery.
    I was eating 1200-1400 calories a day on a supervised meal plan in food addicts in recovery anonymous. I do not recommend them as a bit too culty and preachy for my tastes but suits some.

    My meal plan given to me was
    8oz full fat plain yoghurt
    1oz plain oats spinkled on yogurt or made in to porridge with water
    1 item of fruit apple, bananna, pear etc or 4oz of berries

    4oz whole meat
    6oz cooked veg
    6oz salad veg
    1 tbs olive oil
    1 apple

    4oz whole meat
    6oz cooked veg
    8oz salad veg
    1 tbs olive oil

    Drinks were water or black tea or black coffee, no sources, no potatoes, no rice etc until at goal, no alcohol or other drinks.
    The 4oz meat could be any whole meat or fish but not sausages unless made from whole meat. It could also be swapped for two eggs or 2oz cheese. The morning yogurt could be swapped for 8oz milk. I used a bit of salt,pepper, herbs, lemon juice sometimes.
    I was walking 1-2 hours most days going to and from work and morning or evening walk most days. I started swimming an 30 min -hour most days too once fitter.

    It was not a lot of fun but i went from 21 stone down to 13 stone in under a year. It took me 4 years to then go up to 23 stone :sad:
    My own fault though and now I am losing it again my own way with more flexibility and eating what keeps me full. I now eat 1400 cals most days and follow high fat, moderate protein, low carb because I find that suits me best at the moment.
    Whatever you do stick at it even when scale stalls for weeks or goes up, just keep going and you will lose weight. I have lost 42lb in last 10 weeks, lost loads first two weeks then 1-2lb most weeks since then. I am much less active this time due to health deterioration and changes in circumstances.
  • mynameisnotemily
    mynameisnotemily Posts: 42 Member
    August 2, 2013: 178
    August 1, 2014: 133.5

    Besides the obvious, I recommend:

    1) Making sure you hit your protein MINIMUM goal - really helps with satiety, as well as maintaining muscle mass. I also try to get ~20g in my breakfast, which again helps with satiety throughout the day, so I'm less prone to making unhealthy snacking choices.

    2) Building in room to have treats on a regular basis. You can do well depriving yourself in the short-term, but eventually you'll give in, most likely overindulging, feel terrible, and have an awful time getting back on track. I find it easy to 'say no' to impulse goodies when I think, 'I don't need this, I've got ice-cream(which I have half-cup portions of, in a 13-cal cone)/mini-sized chocolate bars(like for halloween)/etc that I can have when I get home.
    In addition, I have several 'treat' meals are reasonably healthy and have plenty of protein so they aren't wasted calories - like in the summer, I make chocolate milkshakes from 1 cup low-fat chocolate frozen yogurt (180c), 1/2 cup skim milk (45c), and 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder (65c) for a total of 290 calories, 21g protein, and only 5g fat!
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    In my first year, I lost 35lb, and I'm now 433 days in and at 46lb lost