Heather Vaughn Ive been eating 4000 calories a day!!



  • MrsHVaughn
    Well It is a new day and Im going to follow my guidline and just do a salad later tonight. My biggest problem was 2 thirty two once dr peppers a day so now im replacing with water and one diet soda if necessary. I dont want to cut everything out all at once becsue im afraid ill give up. Baby steps. I will cut out the pizza and chips soon enough. :)
  • MrsHVaughn
    I know i need to up the vegtables and down the greasy foods and Id be able to eat all day.. just trying to not shock my body cold turkey becasue that is how i gave up all the other times . Thanks for all the responses though the support is really wonderful
  • MrsHVaughn
    BUSYB your so sweet thank you
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    What kind of pizza are you eating?!? Or what are your calories set to? I'm estimating that meal to be around 750 cal...

    Have pizza but choose thin crust, loaded with veggies AND pepperoni lol. That will give you more wiggle room.

    Do you have a budget for your finances? This is how I look at my food diary. I negotiate with myself. I can have ONE small slice of pizza AND a huge salad. I'll be so full but only have used up 400 calories and I still got to eat yummy pizza which I made a point of enjoying instead of inhaling :).
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    You cut that back and watch the weight fall :happy: When I first started I was amazed at the number of calories I was consuming daily but then I was eating at McDonalds a couple times a day LOL Seriously, start tracking, eat better and you will feel better!
  • 748marie
    748marie Posts: 61 Member
    Pizza was always my downfall! When my husband and I first got married we ate pizza pretty much 2x a day bc it was soo cheap and easy! Now we only have it on Fridays and even so it is a healthy version. Also, you think the calories are bad????? Check out the sodium content...Seriously 2 pieces of pizza are a whole days worth of allotted sodium. That's a lot of water weight I wanted to let go!!! Now when we get pizza we have a huge salad and share an Udi's pizza, found in the frozen section of the grocery store. It's the best ever. If you like takeout; what we did was got a large thin crust veggie pizza with extra light cheese!!! You are still mentally satisfied and hey, you get pizza.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    There are some decent lower calorie single-serve pizzas out there. Lean Cuisine and WW Smart Ones. Both around 300 cal. I like the Smart Ones Thin Crust pepperoni with a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. A 500 calorie lunch and you won't be panicking about what few calories you have left for supper. PS - Throw away the chips.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Make a point to make at least one small healthy choice a day, like you did today, 2 pieces of pizza instead of 4, like BUSYB said, don't beat yourself up if you up your intake for the day. Tomorrow make one more health conscious choice in addition to the one you made today. It is slow moving but you will make progress. Start small, don't overwhelm yourself or your body, that is the way I have set myself up for failure every time.
    You got this!
  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    Wow so I just started becuase I have been in denial and wondering why im gaining and I just realized by eating 4 slices of pizza at lunch. chips . 3 32 oz dr peppers a day and a big bowl of dinner at night that i cook for my husband and a quick fast food breakfast I have been eating 4000 calories a day.. I can not even believe it. Today is a new day though and I am aware

    good for you. Your right, today is a new day. Just because you have been 'bad' in the past doesnt mean it doesnt always have to be like that. tomorrow always comes and its always brand new.

    good luck!!!! :)

    Stay strong, positive and most of all be happy x
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    What shocked me when I first started was how easy it was to eat a 350 calorie muffin and how very difficult it was to burn 350 calories at the gym.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Good for you for taking control!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I love your topic! It really caught my attention...lol
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    So much ^^^^ This ^^^^

    Read all you can, padawan. I'm guessing you're set to a 2 lb per week loss? Hence the pizza took all your calories for the day? That would be a 1,000 calorie per day deficit. I'm gonna guess that MFP put you on 1200 calories per day? If I'm anywhere near close... you can probably eat a nice 700 calorie supper, and still be on track to losing 1 lb this week. Even if you're only set to lose 1 lb a week, eating that 700 calorie supper would keep you at maintenance. Starving yourself right out of the gate won't help.

    Please check the link above, and browse all the links it contains.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
  • emmabanks87
    emmabanks87 Posts: 86 Member
    What shocked me when I first started was how easy it was to eat a 350 calorie muffin and how very difficult it was to burn 350 calories at the gym.

    so true!!!!!! lol x
  • MrsHVaughn
    I adore you guys! i REALLY love the postive support and just seeing what everryone else is doing. THANK YOU! I am definetely going to start investing in the smart ones pizza and pastas! It really is a good tool.
    Kelly. THANK YOU lol I was shocked and I just wanted to get too know everyone.. no idea i would get so much response.
    SHARON. Its crazy!! It literally would take me walking over ten miles to just burn my lunch.. wow. crazy. Ive said wow so much today but its so shocking!! Im very happy to say ive had no dr pepper my biggest weaknes..A mild headache but worth it.. ive had a small diet and i didnt guzzle it like i do the regular DP but it was enough. :D Ive been chugging water since lunch and i think ill be ok with a 400 cal dinner! I love the feeling of sticking too it. even though its only been a day
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    you got this!! keep up the great work! its hard some days but SO worth it :)
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    Never forget that this is a life style change so there is no RUSH to loose the weight fast. Take one day at a time and if you stumble like we all do, still log and try to do better the next day. Get up off the chair and move even if you are just taking a walk or standing instead of sitting. Good Luck, we are here for each other.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    It cracks me up to see so little on a persons Food Diary for so many calories and compare it to my super lengthy full Food Diary for well under 2000 calories.

    I haven't "given up" foods either, I have pizza and some fast food (but I hate soda, yuck), but I balance meals so I'm eating A LOT of satiating foods.

    In the past, when I had those super busy days or those IDGAF days and I'd skip breakfast for a Starbucks mega latte, have JUST pizza for lunch and than hit up a Chinese buffet for dinner, I felt both mentally and physically disgusted. I always felt hungrier, no matter what. One more slice or one more trip to the buffet never satisfied. The next day the bloating and constipation was unbearably painful. I was tired, sluggish and irritable.

    But in the recent years, really paying attention to what I eat and how it affects my body and moods, and most importantly my energy (I have 4 kids, I NEED energy) I've felt much better, definitely WAY more satisfied when finished with a meal and the best? The pride from knowing not only did I make the healthier-option choice for myself, I did it in front of my children, which in turn makes them make pride-inducing choices.