Over 60 - what do you do to stay in shape?



  • lizzylovestocook
    lizzylovestocook Posts: 30 Member
    Wow I need to start doing weights then as I have arthritis too . I mostly just walk or swim ( weather permitting ) I'll be 63 in Nov.
  • caclemenm
    caclemenm Posts: 3 Member
    Well I just hit the big 65! It is tough! I'm using a step counter which is helpful and working with a personal trainer on postural and core interventions. I used to do a lot of classes but find joint injuries occur easily. I'm just over a back problem and now my knee is acting up. I'd be interested in strategies to make strength training more appealing!
  • caclemenm
    caclemenm Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on reaching your goal! I'm just beginning and it is tough. You are an inspiration! Sounds like a very balanced program--will check out New Curves!
  • Maryam2014mfp
    My Mum does mostly walking. She's almost 80. I'm 47 and haven't started anything yet; but intend to start walking soon. Add me if you would like :). Take care :)
  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member
    Power walking with Leslie Sansone, she is on youtube, 1 mile, 3mile, and 5 mile. I do not lift weights, but do a light tae bo as best I can using Billy Blanks. He has a new one out where you sit in a chair, really interesting. It is called Low Impact Chair
  • marathonbiker
    marathonbiker Posts: 207 Member
    I turned 65 in Aug. Like someone mentioned it's a number. Today I enjoy riding the most! To date I ran 1 marathon, 6 H marathons, half a dozen 10 ks, just as many 5 ks. During the week my workouts are outdoors. Maintain a small landscape maintenance business that keeps me going strong! Weekends are dedicated to power walking and riding! During my running program and gym workouts I lost 50 lbs. I attribute this wt loss and motivation from Jillian Michael's Bob Harper and the Biggest Loser. I had some ankle and feet problems, but I don't allow any of these inhibit my training.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I'm just starting out losing weight, but it would be nice to see an MFP group for our age group.
  • sweetconcern
    sweetconcern Posts: 26 Member
    Why don't you stat a group for 60 and over???
  • myhrmiswrong
    myhrmiswrong Posts: 38 Member
    Walking! During the summer months I strive to walk or hike at least 100 miles per month @ 3.5 mph or greater. Plus play golf at least once a week. In the winter I try to ski at least 30 times during the season. I'm 67 but feel more like 27!
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    64 here and play golf 3 times a week. Also bought a bike and ride our towpath 5 miles each day. Bike is great because I have bad knees==best investment I've made==luv riding and miss it when it rains or I miss a day. Try renting one (usually $6.00 per hour) to see if you like it and are able to do it.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I am 61 and have been going to Jazzercise classes since I was in my 30's. I stopped for a few years, and because of my refusal to get on a scale I let 25 pounds sneak up on me. So I rejoined my class and am now just 2 pounds from goal and feel decades younger, and much lighter and quicker on my feet. I can catch the grand kids now!

    It's the only one hour total body workout around. 40 minutes dance aerobics, 20 minutes weights, bands, balls, and floor exercises for that all important core strength and working all the problem areas. A great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.

    I also hike in the summer months.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi all. The subject looked like something I would be interested in so I popped in. I belong to a forum here called Women ages 50+. We are a very chatty group, not only about our journey in weight loss and maintaining it but just about our lives in general. I think that's what keeps us together because we get involved in each others lives and become like family. It's like you are going over to your best friends house in the morning for coffee. So come over and join us.

    The page I sent you to is the first page of the second part of September. After 500 posts a new page has to be started.there are several people from London and the UK, all ages there, some have been in the group for several years and are in maintence. we have people all the way from 50 through 80.
  • jasati
    jasati Posts: 18 Member
    Originally posted on the "Over 40's":
    4 sessions, approx 20 mins each of HIIT full body/functional movement + 1-2 sessions Cardio (Static bike/Rowing machine - running is a no-go area). Precede each session with 5-10 min warm up & finish with a similar cool down period. Cardio 18-25 mins maximum' again adding similar warm up & cool down time. Work out 4/6 days weekly sometimes less depending on lifes intrusions/other activities (on fine weather days) or just wanting a day off (NB. usually 3-4 days HIIT& 1-2 days Cardio).
    5'10" tall. 168lbs weight. Chest 42" Waist 34" Resting pulse mid 40's per min. Blood pressure when last taken 130/73.
    Vegetarian past 40 years. Low carb/high fat diet. Supplements taken Multivitamin, Magnesium, Co-Enzyme CQ10, Vit B12 & Vit D3. 70years old.
    Started changes to lifestyle 4 years back when close to 200lb weight, waist heading towards 40" & slowing down with a rising blood pressure..Its been a long term approach of small changes in diet/exercise to develop habits for good health that are sustainable, more a marathon than a sprint.
    It still requires discipline to maintain the good habits, it is so easy to slip back.......

    Wish you all well in your own efforts.
    Hope the above is of help.
  • wendyjbog1
    wendyjbog1 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your over 50 accomplishments! I'm 55 and trying to lose weight and get back into shape and just reading your stories has inspired me to work a little harder at it and it will be possible!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    How did you start running? I'd love to take it up but can only do short bursts, say 100 yds between power walking sessions. Is it just a matter of perseverance and increasing distance run?

    Great to see there's a very fit and healthy group here over 60.

    There's a running programme here for starting, produced by the UK National Health Service.

    And here's the link: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx

    I am "only" 57, thank for the link. Started C25K this year, but stopped, due to the heat (started too close to summer in the US).

    Will keep that on my calendar for next Spring. Use to run before, loved, very relaxing before or after work.

    Love working out with Kettle Bells. Will be restating Iron Core Kettle Bell Boot Camp, Lauren Brooks DVD and 30 Day shred (had a couple of days off as I was in NY).
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    67 - Zumba, weight training, Vinyasa yoga, bicycle riding

    If you are susceptible to bone loss, it will happen anyway, but you can slow it. I have a 28% chance of osteoperosis and a 5.5% chance of a broken hip according to my last bone density test and sonagram in spite of calcium supplements, weight training and eating right.

    An 85 year old woman I know started exercising at 67 and she is amazing today. She belongs to two gyms and does pilates, body pump, yoga.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I'm almost 62. I use my treadmill over the winter but otherwise my normal life keeps me active. I raised horses and still own 16, so general feeding (hay bales) cleaning and handling horses keeps me moving. I also do most of the farm maintenance and am currently painting the outside of my single story house. I've never been interested in exercise, so it's a good thing I have a busy and physical daily life. I cannot sit around and let the moss grow under me!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I am close to 61. Workout 2 hours everyday. I mix cardio (walking, Elliptical, Zumba and Swimming) with Yoga which is my latest obsession. I do add some light weight lifting in between. My dad is my inspiration. He is 87 and walks 4 miles everyday.
  • shouldice9
    shouldice9 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I'am 61years young, completed the C25K and have continued to either run 30 minutes or walk a fast pace of 3.5 for 60 minutes every day. I also do Jillian Micheals Shred It Dvd with weights 5 times a week and play golf 3 times a week. I'am pretty active and will kayak every time I get the chance. I believe stay active and you will feel awesome every day. Also retirement is so nice to allow the time to get this all packed in my day lol!
  • I turned 56 last week. I run to stay fit. On Tuesday I ran 13.1 miles--a half marathon. There are no limits.