5'1" success stories



  • Hi everyone! I am 5"0 and am 130 right now. My goal is to lose another 10 lbs. (Sorry, no picture for now. Not because I don't have one but because I'm new to this site.) Anyhoo, I have always struggled with my weight. About 8 years ago I arrived at my peak ,145 lbs (very stress related), and when you are short every extra pound seems like 5 pounds. Did the Atkins and Taebo which helped me shed 30 lbs. Have maintained my 130 lb weight for the past 8 years, but I'll tell you...I was yo-yo'ing between 5 - 7 lbs through most of that time. I had major surgery about 2 yrs ago and my recovery wasn't that great. I stayed "fluffy" (my equivalent to fluid build up) for quite some time. This was due to me drinking a lot of teas and comsuming protein drinks, which had Splenda. My weight stayed the same but I was very bloated. I reviewed some of the things I was eating and found the only culpret was Splenda. I eliminated ALL artificial sweetners (and anything with MSG) and started eating mostly all natural "God given" foods. Today, I feel awesome and my body is very toned. So, why am I on this site? Because I enjoy new accountability, it keeps me honest with myself. Now, I am at a point that there is no turning back and the goals I have are very attainable because i have found a system that works. What has worked consistently for me is a low-carb, high protein, and lots of vegetables regiment and of course some kind of exercise. I would encourage anyone to not give up finding what works and don't let ANYONE take away or diminish your goals. You are special and worth the effort!
  • Karitrad
    Karitrad Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Kari. I am 5'1" and weigh 193 lbs. Since meeting my boyfriend 2 years ago, I have gained 20 lbs. Love having a boyfriend who enjoys my cooking, but let's face it, we enable eachother! This year I am dedicated to the goal of losing 48 lbs. I like to walk on the elliptical and use yoga as a cool down. I am looking for a space where I might check in once a week with other people who know what 20 lbs means to a 5'1" person! Looking forward to reading your posts!

    My sucess story this week is that I joined MFP and have worked out 3 out of 5 days since Sunday. Tonight I will make it 4 out of 5!
  • Karitrad
    Karitrad Posts: 4 Member
  • Karitrad
    Karitrad Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Tjradd73!

    I'm Kari and I am brand new to this site. It is nice to meet someone who is starting at the same height and weight. I too am 5'1" and 193 lbs. I don't own a scale, but I think that when I stop by my boyfriend's mom's house I can check in. Would you like to track with me? :flowerforyou:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Bump! (Saving this for later. HOPEFULLY I will have some decent half-way pics to share this weekend!)

    What an inspiring thread. :smile:
  • Fernella13
    Fernella13 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 5' 0" and weigh 133lbs. I've been trying to lose 13lbs since my 40th bday but it's been uphill battle. I'm always hungry LOL!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    No pics, but I am 5 1 1/2 and started around the mid 150's. I'm not actually sure exactly where I was because I just started cleaning up my act in July and got down to 149 after a couple of months and realized I could actually lose some weight. I found MFP the first of September and went on from there.

    My first goal weight was 135 because I didn't even think I would see that. I just achieved my second goal of 130 and actually am close to 129. I'm not sure exactly what to do at this point. I could be thinner but I am 60 so I will never look like a skinny 20 year old :laugh:

    But, it can be done so keep at it. Probably the best thing I did along the way was buy and use a food scale.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm 5'3" on a good day...when the wind is just right...haha! :o)


    That is my story glory. :o) If I can do it, anyone can do it! :o) I started out at 215 after having my son and began MFP at 185. I now sit at 118. I'm 24. :o)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Thank you to everyone who is posting pics! I am 5'0" and I can't wait until I can come back here and post my before and after pics! :bigsmile: You are all such an inspiration!!!!:heart:
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    hello! looks like i'm the shortest one on here so far at 4'11". i'm 42 but don't feel it. that is one thing i can control and hope to never feel my age, at any age. my weight loss journey started 13 years ago when i gave birth to my son. before i got pregnant, i put on around 100 lbs in a 2 year time then put on only 15 pounds during pregnancy leaving me at 228 lbs. a month after Gus (son's nickname) was born i started at a gym to get MY life back. lost 30 pounds within a few months then started teaching aerobics. i've been teaching ever since. i met my husband (prof power lifter) 6 years ago and he got me into lifting weights and competing in powerlifting along with him and my son. my weight has gone up and down within the last 13 years due to being bulimic for 20 years, starving, over eating, weight training, over trainng on cardio and weights.... i had no balance in my life until 6 years ago when my husband started educating me on nutrition. he was the only one i told about my bulimia and he helped save me from an awful habit i was putting my body through. i did a lot of damage to my body, it makes me sick to think of what i've done but i talk about it now because that part of my life died the day i put the negativity out of my life. i still have desires that haunt me but will power over rides. i am on here to keep track of my nutrion so i can make changes to see what works with MY body. i want to finish the goals i set 13 years ago and this is the key to help get me there. the message board has so much inspiration, motivation, friendships and truth. i will post my before pics soon. i'm not there, at my goal yet but working at it everyday. Thanks to all who post good and share their stories. we're all in this together!
  • student0007
    student0007 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm 5'2" and started at 202. I am currently 176.5 and losing! Thanks for this great thread!
  • student0007
    student0007 Posts: 35 Member
    You look amazing! Congrats on your fantastic accomplishment!:wink:
  • student0007
    student0007 Posts: 35 Member
    hello! looks like i'm the shortest one on here so far at 4'11". i'm 42 but don't feel it. that is one thing i can control and hope to never feel my age, at any age. my weight loss journey started 13 years ago when i gave birth to my son. before i got pregnant, i put on around 100 lbs in a 2 year time then put on only 15 pounds during pregnancy leaving me at 228 lbs. a month after Gus (son's nickname) was born i started at a gym to get MY life back. lost 30 pounds within a few months then started teaching aerobics. i've been teaching ever since. i met my husband (prof power lifter) 6 years ago and he got me into lifting weights and competing in powerlifting along with him and my son. my weight has gone up and down within the last 13 years due to being bulimic for 20 years, starving, over eating, weight training, over trainng on cardio and weights.... i had no balance in my life until 6 years ago when my husband started educating me on nutrition. he was the only one i told about my bulimia and he helped save me from an awful habit i was putting my body through. i did a lot of damage to my body, it makes me sick to think of what i've done but i talk about it now because that part of my life died the day i put the negativity out of my life. i still have desires that haunt me but will power over rides. i am on here to keep track of my nutrion so i can make changes to see what works with MY body. i want to finish the goals i set 13 years ago and this is the key to help get me there. the message board has so much inspiration, motivation, friendships and truth. i will post my before pics soon. i'm not there, at my goal yet but working at it everyday. Thanks to all who post good and share their stories. we're all in this together!

    You look GREAT!
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    hello :)

    i am 5'2, 16, and 187.

    here is before, and 'in progress'

  • I'm in I'm in :) I am 5 2 and started at 216 his was after my 6 week check up after my second daughter. That's when it hit me... From then I would diet then take off a few months and back to diet and stop. But I am back on track and Gunna reach my goal this yr. I am currently at 159 and goal is 125-130. Good luck ladies and congrates to all that have meet there goal.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    keep up the good work girlies!!!!!!!!!!!
  • parkygirl
    parkygirl Posts: 37 Member
    So cool to find this thread. I am 5'1 and 129lbs. Looking to get down to 118 or so. (Anything below that and I lose curves and that's no good!) If anyone want to "friend" me so we can track each other's progress feel free!

    I just started on the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, btw. A group will be starting it up in March on this site, but I wanted to get a head start. ;) I am curious to see how other shorties do on the program. I'm only on day three and I am starting to feel like G.I. Jane!
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    Check out my profile, i was 180lbs 1/10/10 (last day of my pregnancy) and now I'm 127 lbs with 20% bodyfat., I'm a TaeBo freak and have been doing weight training, where my muscles were hiding for the past few years. I was training prior to becoming pregnant, was about 178, then trained got it down to 153, then became pregnant with my second baby., had my baby 1/10/10 and I'm back to the best shape I've ever been 127lbs with 20% bodyfat, I'm 38.
  • Hello Shorties Stories Support Club,

    I am 26, between 5'2" and 5'3" and am currently about 174 and I started at about 182 (scale was a little off, but got a new one). I started to put on weight after I was in a car accident and hurt my back. This made things a lot harder to do, simple things like bending over, carrying a bag on one shoulder, or hell, getting out of bed! So I always babied myself and did things the easy/quick way and over the years I would stand on the scale from time to time and see that I had gain 5lbs here and there and thought who cares it is just 5lbs I will loss it later. I was always good in math but I ignored the fact that 5+5=10 and that 10+5=15 and so on, and every year I would try to loss some of it do really good and then fall of the wagon.

    My husband started mfp in Jan, 2011 and I said counting calories what a headache trying to keep track of all that stuff in your head, but after a month he had loss 14lbs and keeping strong so I had him show me exactly how he was keeping track of everything especially with his work schedule, and he did so I figured what the hell I'll join him it is always easy to do this kind of things as a team.

    I have currently loss 6lbs and finding that I don't have to try and get on the floor and retrain myself to do 50 scrunches and/or push-ups a day, I don't have to try and fit in a hour plus to go to the gym or do a fitness DVD! I just had to use my head a little and change a few things in my lifestyle like, walk to the store to pick up a few things from the store, or walk the long way to and from work and to STOP STARVING myself because I didn't think to take food with me to work and just eat a chocolate bar or something are work because it was there.

    I may have only loss 6lbs so far but my future is starting to look skinner for the first time in years! My goal is to get between 135 and 120 and stay there!
  • Oh my goodness, some of these success stories are SO inspiring! I'm 5'0", and I started in at 195. (I looked like a bowling ball) I've since lost 10 lbs, and us shorties know that 10 lbs off a small frame SHOWS. Thanks for the love, support, and encouragement, everyone!
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