I want to get serious! desperately in need of support

Hi everyone.

I've been overweight since childhood and the weight keeps on creeping up. It's gotten to the point where size 24 is becoming a tight fit and since that's where most of the plus size options end, I know I'm in trouble.

I've also recently been diagnose with PCOS and diabetes, but my doctor tells me I've probably had them for years. Runs in the family. :\

I'm on a few different medications (metformin, etc.) for management but nothing will ever be as effective as weight loss.

I have some very destructive eating habits that have gotten me to this place. I tend to hide and binge food, eat when I'm bored, and I'm pretty sure I have a sugar addiction. I've recently started drinking soda a lot, which isn't something I usually do.

I don't have a good support system irl because I don't really have any friends I can call up (they all just drifted away after high school and I can't seem to make new ones) and my mom isn't supportive at all. She THINKS she's supportive but cursing and screaming at me, guilting me, pointing out how fat I'm getting at random moments, and telling me how friends and family gossip about me isn't a motivator. It just makes me want to eat more. :\

So yeah, basically looking for a positive environment and healthy encouragement. I would be glad to give it back in return too. :)


  • gratitudelife
    gratitudelife Posts: 17 Member
    Hey girl... we're going to lick and/or kick this thing. A lot of it is a positive attitude, and you're already setting yourself up for success by recognizing you need some positivity in your life. Nobody wants to be guilted into anything, human nature is to do the complete opposite! I remember when I was a teenager and started secret binge eating, my mom thought she was helping me too by nagging me all the time, but it just made me want to eat more... Anytime you are feeling frustrated or tempted to binge, come here and lets talk it out... :)
  • 1992mittens13
    1992mittens13 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey :)

    So my name is Ashley.
    This is my ump-teenth time on here. Literally.
    My first time around, was great.
    I had a large, supportive, active, and encouraging group of friends on here, and I managed to start losing.
    Then life got busy, I transitioned to college, and lost track of it all.
    So, I am back, and making sure that I keep this as my homepage, so I can't possibly forget.

    Facts about me :
    - I am in college, online.
    - I am turning 22 this year.
    - I work part time.
    - I have been renting for a few years, but finally have a place alone (therefore, I can make ALL the food decisions now.)

    I am just looking to add a bunch of supportive friends, and help each other along our journeys.
    I don't care if you have 5 pounds, 10 pounds, or 200 pounds to lose.
    I don't care if you want to maintain, increasing your fitness, gaining weight, or what.
    Support is support, we are all on different journeys and that's okay!

    My Stats:
    - I am 315 pounds. It makes me cringe to think of that, I remember crying at 200.
    - I want to get to the 150 - 175 mark, BUT my goal is health, not a number.
    - Physically, my body hates me. I'm 21 and can't walk for 10 minutes without being in pain and out of breath.
    - My knees are like a 50 year olds.
    - I can't do stairs without being out of breath.
    - Running just doesn't happen.
    - I litterally feel my heart rate go up just getting out of bed.


    I will be writing many blogs, and such, as I love to write.

    And would love to start this journey with your help!

    ALL AND ANY ADVICE IS ALWAYS 100% appreciated.

    This time, I will post photos, public my diary, and accept all advice.. I know that I have to be accountable for my actions, I can't hide and pretend those 2 chocolate bars didn't just happen.

    - Ashley :)
  • indiekicks
    indiekicks Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you both! :heart: I will definitely try to talk out my feelings more instead of just eating them.
  • indiekicks
    indiekicks Posts: 15 Member
    Hey :)

    My Stats:
    - I am 315 pounds. It makes me cringe to think of that, I remember crying at 200.
    - I want to get to the 150 - 175 mark, BUT my goal is health, not a number.
    - Physically, my body hates me. I'm 21 and can't walk for 10 minutes without being in pain and out of breath.
    - My knees are like a 50 year olds.
    - I can't do stairs without being out of breath.
    - Running just doesn't happen.
    - I litterally feel my heart rate go up just getting out of bed.


    I will be writing many blogs, and such, as I love to write.

    And would love to start this journey with your help!

    ALL AND ANY ADVICE IS ALWAYS 100% appreciated.

    This time, I will post photos, public my diary, and accept all advice.. I know that I have to be accountable for my actions, I can't hide and pretend those 2 chocolate bars didn't just happen.

    - Ashley :)
    Hi Ashley. I relate to you so much in this section. I've never been fit but I notice now how the tiniest things will tire me out. I have NO stamina. Running is a no-go for me too.

    This is supposed to be the fittest time of our lives! We're definitely gonna to nip this in the bud NOW. :)
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    PCOS I have little knowledge about, but Diabetes, mmhmmm, bad diabetic turned good lol

    Don't have to be slim to get perfect control of it, but you do have to be brutally honest with yourself and make a permanent life change.

    That doesn't mean give everything up, far from it, but have to learn what affects you the most, and then be smart as to when you have something, how much, and so on.

    I love short breads, they are the one thing if someone gave me a tin full I would munch everyone of them till I was sick with them, then eat more lol, so I had 2 options, either never have them again? or get diabetic versions, which still had sugar in them but much less than normal, in my case, had to give them up, couldn't trust myself with them.

    But I can eat a few custard creams then leave them alone, or diabetic chocolate, but i never keep them stocked up, as if they in house too tempting, so I only get them when I fancy a treat.

    As for other things message/friend me if ya like.

    Blessed be