Do hunger pains go away?



  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Mis-read this as "do huger pen!ses go away" :D
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    I am actually happy I don't have that "full" feeling anymore, usually "oh my god I ate too much" feeling. I was eating wayyyy too much prior to MFP. I am actually feeling hunger now, and really look forward to my next meal. Prior to planning my daily calories, I would eat a meal that would keep me "full" for 6-8 hours! So for me it had been really hard sticking to my 1560 calories a day after eating huge meals that would keep me full for hours if not all day, I often ate when I was not hungry because it was Lunch time or Dinner time. My meals are now about 400 calories each, which means I do not really get full, I would say I am satisfied and I am nourished after each meal. To be honest I often go to bed hungry, or feeling like I could eat. I eat Dinner at 6 and go to bed at 11, I TRY to save calories at night for a snack...sometimes I will go over because I am hungry but no more than150 calories.

    I do Zumba on Wed and Thursday nights, so I eat more on those days and I really plan it with extra snacks or that is the day I have a higher calorie food (pizza) for lunch as I cant eat much after class because for some reason my hunger goes away and food is not appealing.

    I am just giving myself time to adjust.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    With smaller meals, the effective volume of the stomach tends to shrink. This is very important in the perception of hunger and satiety.

    This is false information. Just want to point that out. The size of the stomach stays the same ywhether you are 500 lbs or 100 lbs.

    Do you believe that your appetite decreases when you eat less over a sustained period of time?
    I know this question is not directed to me, but I'll chime in anyway.

    In general, my appetite has decreased over time from learning moderation. However, there are some days when I feel more hungry due to my activity level and I eat more food.

    I know for sure that my stomach does not shrink or get bigger day-by-day, so it is my appetite. :smile:

    Well, if appetite tends to decrease as one eats less, perhaps it's understandable that individuals would think the stomach "shrinks." That's the whole point of telling someone their stomach will shrink anyway, isn't it? That their appetite will lessen? Or do some think the statement is meant to imply they will lose their visible gut overnight?

    Or maybe this is just one of those issues, such as "does muscle weight more than fat?" that everyone likes to get pedantic over.
    I get the impression that some people think their stomach actually shrinks from eating less.

    As for pedantic...not my thing to decide. Everybody has the right to their opinion.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Protein is good.
    Drinking lots of water is good.

    Also, I'd say to stop eating at around 80% full. No need to eat until you feel full or until you're so full you couldn't eat anymore without feeling sick.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Eat vegetables ...... raw, steamed, sauteed, roasted ...... they'll fill you up ..... with little extra calories :flowerforyou:
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    When I first started eating at a deficit I too never felt full. What I came to realize though is that I wasn't still hungry, I just didn't have that 'full to the gills' feeling I used to get when overeating. Years and years of mindless eating led me to believe I was still hungry if I wasn't stuffed.

    My appetite has truly changed in the last 6 months. Drinking more water and filling my plate with lower calorie foods helps quell that 'not full' feeling.

    Listen to your body and really examine if what you're feeling is hunger. Sometimes just a small treat like a Hershey's Kiss or two makes me feel fully satiated. I just wanted that TASTE of something really yummy.

    Congrat's on your weight loss so far. :)
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    If I was eating the things you are, I would be hungry too. Greek yogurt and protein shakes may have a lot of protein in them, but I still need some solid food (or something filling like a banana added to the shake), or I will be hungry. It looks like you put milk in your protein shakes. To save calories, you could try unsweetened almond milk or water. I would suggest you stop drinking your calories, and instead eat more filling solid foods. Eggs and meat are going to fill you up a lot more for the protein. Aim for carbs that are high in fiber. Eat healthy fats that you also find satiating. Almonds are great, but if you are feeling hungry you might want to eat something more substantial for the calories (unless you find them really satisfying, personally I don't).

    Finally, if your calorie goal is too low for you to stick to it, try reassessing your weight loss goals. Reduce your goal to 1lb/week (or even 0.5lb/week if you have to), so that you can eat more and still lose. It is far far far far far better that you have a plan you can stick to, even if you lose slower, than if you give up.

    Thank you. I will try eating more solid foods and fiber.
  • You bet I understand! It's like my brain never passes the message along to my stomach that it's full. I swear my brain knows when I'm trying to lose weight and it makes sure I feel the hunger pains until it's the only thing I can think about until I binge. Horrible.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I had a hard time the first 2 weeks of not feeling full and as others have said I think that is because i was over full before and never felt true hunger. Now I actually get excited when I have a true hungry feeling. It means I am doing things correctly. I am tracking everything I eat as honestly as possible. good or bad I don't beat myself up for going over my calories.

    when I have an extra hungry day I try to add more low cal veggies like carrots and celery to help get that full feeling. Also I allow myself treats once in a while and count the calories so I don't do too much damage.

    Good luck to you
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I was trying to add a comment that weight loss surgery does indeed decrease the size of the stomach.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    one more thing sometimes drinking water doesn't do it for me so I have tea with no sweetener. I like celestial seasonings herbal teas for flavor.
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    With smaller meals, the effective volume of the stomach tends to shrink. This is very important in the perception of hunger and satiety.

    This is false information. Just want to point that out. The size of the stomach stays the same whether you are 500 lbs or 100 lbs.

    Actually that's not true. I'm a GI pathologist and the stomach of a 500 lb person is going to be way bigger than the stomach of a 100 lb person. (In general, unless they are a professional eater or something)I'm not saying the stomach shrinks (I think we just get used to the feeling of less food) but if you consistently overeat, the stomach "stretches" out.

    I've done autopsies on 500 lb folks before, ALL of their organs are usually bigger.
  • There's a book called intuitive eating: make peace with food , free yourself from chronic dieting forever, rediscover the pleasures off eating. I think you'd like some of the chapters because it explains a lot about our bodies' hunger/fullness queues. Not trying to spam a product in here at all but I think this book is a good one for ya. It was recommended to me by a nutritionist.
  • If I was eating the things you are, I would be hungry too. Greek yogurt and protein shakes may have a lot of protein in them, but I still need some solid food (or something filling like a banana added to the shake), or I will be hungry. It looks like you put milk in your protein shakes. To save calories, you could try unsweetened almond milk or water. I would suggest you stop drinking your calories, and instead eat more filling solid foods. Eggs and meat are going to fill you up a lot more for the protein. Aim for carbs that are high in fiber. Eat healthy fats that you also find satiating. Almonds are great, but if you are feeling hungry you might want to eat something more substantial for the calories (unless you find them really satisfying, personally I don't).

    Finally, if your calorie goal is too low for you to stick to it, try reassessing your weight loss goals. Reduce your goal to 1lb/week (or even 0.5lb/week if you have to), so that you can eat more and still lose. It is far far far far far better that you have a plan you can stick to, even if you lose slower, than if you give up.

    Thank you. I will try eating more solid foods and fiber.

    I totally agree with this. If your body feels deprived it can lead to over compensation
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Yes they go away, you've go to ride it out until your stomach shrinks back. Then you'll feel fuller for longer on your new calorie allowance.

    It's ok to feel hungry.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    You do get used to eating less and will feel less hungry, definitely.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP, do you want to open your food diary for us to give feedback? Also, do you exercise?

    Personally, smaller more frequent meals makes me hungrier. I found that 3 large meals is much better for satiety than 6+ meals.
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    I have trouble feeling full. I give myself time for it to register that I have eaten, but unless I overeat I don't feel full. I am trying to choose foods with protein. Yesterday I binged, I just couldn't feel full. Is it something you get used to or that goes away? Does anyone even know what I am talking about?

    For me, personally, I have a pretty good appetite and I like to eat a fairly large volume of food. I find this satisfying. As such, I'm careful about the food choices I make. For example. You can make a great stir fry with mounds and mounds of fresh veggies, an appropriate portion of meat, and an appropriate portion of rice or noodles and be super full.

    So, my first rule of thumb is.... double the veggies.

    Another example
    5 oz of pork tenderloin
    3 cups of broccolini with 1 cup of sliced mushrooms stir fried with some garlic, ginger and soy sauce
    1/2 a cup of baked sweet potato

    This is a huge dinner with a tremendous volume of food.


    5 oz of grilled chicken
    1 cup steamed broccoli
    1 cup of steamed cauliflower
    1/2 cup of steamed carrots
    1/2 cup of brown rice with sliced green onion and perhaps a bit of pinapple

    For breakfast why not a baked egg dish
    two eggs with a bit of milk. use a small flan dish and bake in the oven with sliced colored peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms and a bit of cheese (goat or maybe parmesan) grated on top. Bake at 400 for about 15-20 minutes. (it's like a baked, open-faced omelet)
    serve with a side of sliced tomatoes on a bed of arugula and a small drizzle of olive oil and vinegar.

    The long and short of it is, veggies are your friends! Learn to cook them in many ways with many spices and herbs and incorporate them at every meal to provide huge volumes of food at very little calorie cost and huge vitamin benefit. :)
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    Here's another really, really good one. Try making a turkey bolonaise for dinner.

    Spaghetti squash - baked in the oven, instead of pasta - it's delicious and it's like strings, so it's like pasta. You bake it in a shallow baking dish with a bit of water in the bottom (poke some holes in it - like a baking potato before you bake - or it will blow up if the steam from inside can't escape), then open it, scoop out the seeds and then use a fork to scoop out and make the spaghetti-like strings of the squash.

    For the sauce use, ground turkey, a can of diced tomatoes, finely chopped onion, carrot, green peppers, celery, perhaps a touch of garlic and either thyme or oregano for spicing. Make the sauce while your squash is baking.

    This is highly nutritious, delicious, and you can eat a large volume of this and feel really full without breaking the calorie bank. Serve with a bit of parmesan cheese on top - or not. :)

    (You can google baking spaghetti squash for a video, I'm sure)
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I have trouble feeling full. I give myself time for it to register that I have eaten, but unless I overeat I don't feel full. I am trying to choose foods with protein. Yesterday I binged, I just couldn't feel full. Is it something you get used to or that goes away? Does anyone even know what I am talking about?

    For me, personally, I have a pretty good appetite and I like to eat a fairly large volume of food. I find this satisfying. As such, I'm careful about the food choices I make. For example. You can make a great stir fry with mounds and mounds of fresh veggies, an appropriate portion of meat, and an appropriate portion of rice or noodles and be super full.

    So, my first rule of thumb is.... double the veggies.

    Another example
    5 oz of pork tenderloin
    3 cups of broccolini with 1 cup of sliced mushrooms stir fried with some garlic, ginger and soy sauce
    1/2 a cup of baked sweet potato

    This is a huge dinner with a tremendous volume of food.


    5 oz of grilled chicken
    1 cup steamed broccoli
    1 cup of steamed cauliflower
    1/2 cup of steamed carrots
    1/2 cup of brown rice with sliced green onion and perhaps a bit of pinapple

    For breakfast why not a baked egg dish
    two eggs with a bit of milk. use a small flan dish and bake in the oven with sliced colored peppers, onions, spinach, mushrooms and a bit of cheese (goat or maybe parmesan) grated on top. Bake at 400 for about 15-20 minutes. (it's like a baked, open-faced omelet)
    serve with a side of sliced tomatoes on a bed of arugula and a small drizzle of olive oil and vinegar.

    The long and short of it is, veggies are your friends! Learn to cook them in many ways with many spices and herbs and incorporate them at every meal to provide huge volumes of food at very little calorie cost and huge vitamin benefit. :)

    Thank you for the suggestions. I will save those.

    I had my diary open and got some very helpful feedback but I was getting self-conscious (my issue). I did notice when I switched out sugar for fiber that I don't eat much fiber.