5'5"-5'6" Ideal Weight?



  • alyssa83202
    PLEASE take the body weight charts with a grain of salt, ladies. There are a lot of factors to consider. I'm 5'7". The charts say I should be like 140 at the heaviest. But my doctor has even told me that for my build and muscle density and activity level and all that, 150 *minimum* for me. Sure I weighed 120 in high school, but I'm older now. I grew boobs and curves. And I work out like a beast so I have a lot of muscle tissue, which is way more dense.

    It's a sliding scale, be flexible with your numbers. :flowerforyou:
    I'm a few years older now, but I hit puberty a long time ago so everything that I have now, I had back then! lol...now my proportions are just larger! I do plan to be flexible though, I'm much more concerned about how I look than what the scale tells me!
  • alyssa83202
    I'm 5'5" and when I started at 156, I had planned on 120, but I don't think that is realistic. I'm at 145 right now, and I really can't imagine more than 10lbs off me now (just arms and tummy with maybe a lb off my inner thighs), so I set my ticker for 135 and I'll see what that looks like. I'm working on toning (I don't know if that works when you still have fat over your arms and tummy!) so I'm hoping at 135, I'll look healthy and toned. My legs are sculpted so I really don't want to lose those (I look like I could crush walnuts!)

    If you figure out your body fat %, you can figure out how much of your body is bone, skin, muscle, etc and that will give you an idea how much you can actually lose. I'm aiming for 20% body fat (I like my girls and my curves!)
    I had the checked maybe 2 weeks ago, and I was at 31 or 33%, I can't remember which but it was in the "excess fat" category. I've lost a little over 3 pounds since then, but I don't think that would have a big effect on that lol.
  • elloradannon
    I think it really depends on how much muscle you have and how athletic you are. I'm 5'4 and around 140 lbs right now. I currently am wearing anywhere from a size 4-8 (depending on the brand). My friend that is my height said that she was 130 at her lowest and could barely squeeze into a size 8... but I exercise a lot and she didn't exercise at all. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that your weight goals may change depending on how much exercising you do. If you want to be athletic, you might not have to get down to 125 to look and feel your best. It's been hard for me as well, but I think it's important to focus on more than just the number on the scale. I would lose 5 lbs at a time and see how you feel at each weight and go from there! Good luck
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    This calculator has several different methods.


    I'm 5'4" and want to be at 123 - however at 130, I'm the same "size" as I was at 123 only this time I'm much more muscular. I lifted weights before, but I have much better physical health and endurance this time. That was my weight 10 years ago. When I got married I was 1 1/2 inches shorter and weighed 117, I'd love to be that again. I'm a "Big Boned" girl. My shoulders are broad and people never think I'm as short as I am. I'm struggling with the fact that I'm over 40 and maybe this is my new ideal weight.
  • misssuperstitious
    PLEASE take the body weight charts with a grain of salt, ladies. There are a lot of factors to consider. I'm 5'7". The charts say I should be like 140 at the heaviest. But my doctor has even told me that for my build and muscle density and activity level and all that, 150 *minimum* for me. Sure I weighed 120 in high school, but I'm older now. I grew boobs and curves. And I work out like a beast so I have a lot of muscle tissue, which is way more dense.

    It's a sliding scale, be flexible with your numbers. :flowerforyou:
    Agreed! I'm 5'6" and my goal is 145...BUT my college Cross Country running weight was 155, and I didn't have anything but muscle on me. I'd be happy with either...130 and below I look like a patient of some kind.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Yeah, it's definitely about body composition and those charts are horribly misleading. Back in 2007 when I started Power 90 for the first time, I weighed 149 pounds. But, I was wearing size 14 and 16. I reached an all time low of 126 pounds in 2008, but some crazy life circumstances happened and my weight bounced up. I started this year at 145 which is just 4 pounds down from my 2007 weight, but I was wearing size 10. I am now only 4 pounds down from that and wearing size 8.

    When I was 126 pounds I was in a size 6, but something tells me because of all the muscle I gained doing P90X I will not have to get back down to 126 to be a size 6 again.

    I will be happy with a size 6, even if that means I weigh closer to 140. I would love for the scale to say 126 again, but not if I look like an anorexic stick figure like Angelina Jolie.
  • seachelle
    seachelle Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'6".5 When I orginally lost weight I got down to 130 I was wearing a size 8 after doing a few more rounds of P90X I gained a few pounds of muscle the after picture you see in my profile I was 133 and at a size 4 meaning I gained muscle and lost bodyfat.
    My happy weight is 135-138 A number I don't have to eat super perfect or shall I say I can enjoy life in moderation. Sometimes your goals will change as you find out what works for you.
  • Serenity79
    I'm 5ft 5 and I'm aiming for 133 pounds, it puts me in a healthy BMI range and going on past weights (ranging from 118 to 161) I think it will suit me.
  • AmeMahoney
    At 5' 5.5" when I weigh 135 I am a size 6, sometimes a 4. I'd like to get my waist measurement back to about 28.5"-29" because that is where I look and feel my best. Right now I'm at 31" and weigh 152 pounds. At any rate, whatever weight that happens at will be my "ideal weight" - it's usually around 132 pounds or so. Weight is just a number. It doesn't really mean much.

    According to the BMR, the "Rock" and Vin Diesel are morbidly obese. You get my drift?
  • lashleyrivera
    I am 5'5 and my goal is 118..I'm 126 now and its really uncomfortable..I've always been 116 to 118
  • ktblueyz
    I am 5' 5" and my weight is at 129... I feel heavy. My goal weight is 118. hope that helps!!
  • kdiazzi
    kdiazzi Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'5 1/2" and I was 155lbs in Nov of 2013. I am now 130 and kind of stuck there. I still have a little fat to lose but totally changed my body. My body fat % went from 32% to 20% using a coach and IIFYM. I am still on a cut so I think my coach wants me to get to 120 before I start adding weight/bulking muscle.
  • kittycatz200
    I set my goal at the 130 but realistically I am aiming for 140. I do not want want to be too thin and I looked at my older sister for inspiration. She looks a lot better ten pounds heavier than now.
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 5ft6 and aiming for 140lbs. Though I might stop at 145lbs as 140 might be too skinny on me. At my current weight (and even when I was over 160lbs) I mostly wear UK Size 10 clothes (US Size 6) at this size. I think with a few more lbs lost I might fit into some Size 8s (US Size 4) but I don't think my frame is built to consistently fit in that size.

    Based on tape measure calculations, I'm about 24% body fat currently, at 151lbs. That means I've got 36.24lbs of fat and 115lbs lean body mass. So to weigh as low as some of you are aiming for (like 125) I would have to have a tiny proportion of body fat like a crazy bodybuilder. And I don't want to look like that, I just want to be slim. So I think I probably have more like 6-8lbs left to lose.

    (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on the maths - it's possible!).
  • constellation709
    constellation709 Posts: 28 Member
    I felt really great when I was in the mid-low 140s. Any lower than that is not worth it to me. Right now, having a very hard time losing a single pound, I'd take anything under 150, which I think would bring me into the "healthy" range.
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    130 is my goal. When fit I look half decent at 138ish.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Clew wrote: »
    PLEASE take the body weight charts with a grain of salt, ladies. There are a lot of factors to consider. I'm 5'7". The charts say I should be like 140 at the heaviest. But my doctor has even told me that for my build and muscle density and activity level and all that, 150 *minimum* for me. Sure I weighed 120 in high school, but I'm older now. I grew boobs and curves. And I work out like a beast so I have a lot of muscle tissue, which is way more dense.

    It's a sliding scale, be flexible with your numbers. :flowerforyou:


    I'm 5'5.5 and I aim for around 150. Like others have said, I go by how I look and feel, I just know what my weight is around at my ideal look. When I competed in a figure competition I was around 140 and under 20% bodyfat.
    I had a health evaluation done at work where I was just over 150, putting me in the "overweight' BMI category. The nurse used a second evaluation by measuring my waist which put me in the healthy category and she classified me as "healthy".
  • Cking1162
    Cking1162 Posts: 65 Member
    I am 5" 6'. As far as a goal weight---I think it really depends on your build and muscle mass. I am shooting for 140-145. I was that a few years ago and I felt/looked good...was in a size 6.
    Now, I am 170, size 10.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    Clew wrote: »
    PLEASE take the body weight charts with a grain of salt, ladies. There are a lot of factors to consider. I'm 5'7". The charts say I should be like 140 at the heaviest. But my doctor has even told me that for my build and muscle density and activity level and all that, 150 *minimum* for me. Sure I weighed 120 in high school, but I'm older now. I grew boobs and curves. And I work out like a beast so I have a lot of muscle tissue, which is way more dense.

    It's a sliding scale, be flexible with your numbers. :flowerforyou:

    This times a million. Trying to aim for the size you were as a teenager isn't healthy. Each person is different and carries their weight differently. This cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.html is a pretty neat website with pictures of people at different weights for their heights.
    I'm 5'6 and currently 170lbs. My goal is 150 but I know my body will stop losing where it's comfortable being.
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I'm 5'5.5" and my goal is to be about 130. But, it'll depend on my body composition. If I get to 140 and I'm happy with the way I look and I have a healthy body fat percentage I'll stop there. If I get to 130 and I still have too much body fat I'll try for 125.

    The weight isn't as important as your body fat percentage and how you actually look and feel.

    Same for me. My goal is between 122-130 depending on how I look when I get there. Think it will be more about muscle vs fat composition