No More Playing Around...Time to Reach My Goals!!!



  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    1.5lbs a week is brilliant! I maintained this week - bit annoyed because I've been really good. I think I feel a plateau coming on, so going to up my net calories to BMR (yes, I know I should be ashamed I wasn't eating that before :embarassed: )
    Talking of yoga, I had my second class yesterday - I've completely fallen in love! It's AMAZING! Pilates wasn't really for me, but yoga is so relaxing. And my flexibility isn't great so it'll be good for me in that respect too.

    Your crust recipe sounds amazing, thanks for posting! I may give it a go soon...
    My dad and I cooked his chilli recipe yesterday - I went out to buy the stuff for it, so bought extra lean mince, light sauces etc, and it worked out at only 270 calories or so a serving! V. impressed - I thought it would be about 500. This MFP recipe thing is great. I'm getting bored of eating the same foods over and over so going to go snoop in some recipe books now. Have a good day!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Congrats with your weight loss :)!
    I'm starting next week with p90x.
    You are eating 1400 calories plus exercise calories am I Right?

    Do you think that works for me too?
    Im 25 years old 5'7" and my weight is156 lbs. My first weight goal is 145 lbs.
    ratio: 30% carbs 50% proteins 20% fat ?

    MFP actually has me at 1200 calories, so I am eating that plus half the exercise calories back. This normally puts me between 1400-1500 a day. I know that there are a lot of people out there that think that this is too low for people doing P90X, but I disagree. The first time that I did P90X was back in 2008, and that was when I got down to 128 pounds and was cut and lean. I wish I hadn't rebounded, but I'm fixing that now! At any rate, in '08 I was following the Portion Plan Approach in the P90X diet guide very strictly. Following that plan you do not need to count calories. I decided one day to count them just to see if I was eating anywhere near 1800 calories...and nope, it was more like 1350-1450! So I am doing that calorie amount again and am already seeing great results both in weight loss and lean muscle & strength gains.

    I am not a nutritionist, but I would say you can give a try and see if it works for you. I'm 5'5" and my starting weight was 145.2 pounds. You should be able to tell within a week or 2 if it is working and whether you should adjust up or down on calories. I try to stay 35% protein, 45% carbs, and 20% fat but if you look at my diary I tend to be over on protein, lol. So I guess I'm more like Phase 2 of the diet which is 40/40/20. That's just what has always worked for me in the past. I can't eat as much fat and carbs as MFP suggests, because if I do, that's just asking for me to binge. But that's just me, lol. I would just recommend eating what MFP suggests for calories and then at least half of the exercise ones on top of that. The ratios are negotiable for what works for you.

    Good luck with P90X, I love it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    1.5lbs a week is brilliant! I maintained this week - bit annoyed because I've been really good. I think I feel a plateau coming on, so going to up my net calories to BMR (yes, I know I should be ashamed I wasn't eating that before :embarassed: )
    Talking of yoga, I had my second class yesterday - I've completely fallen in love! It's AMAZING! Pilates wasn't really for me, but yoga is so relaxing. And my flexibility isn't great so it'll be good for me in that respect too.

    Your crust recipe sounds amazing, thanks for posting! I may give it a go soon...
    My dad and I cooked his chilli recipe yesterday - I went out to buy the stuff for it, so bought extra lean mince, light sauces etc, and it worked out at only 270 calories or so a serving! V. impressed - I thought it would be about 500. This MFP recipe thing is great. I'm getting bored of eating the same foods over and over so going to go snoop in some recipe books now. Have a good day!

    I think as soon as you start eating at least your BMR you should get over the plateau. It might be that your metabolism slowed some because you were eating under BMR for a while. I remember back in 2004 when I was eating almost nothing throughout the, it wasn't anorexia or something like that, it was actually heartache and I didn't feel like eating...and even though I did get down to about 135 pounds or so, I was "mushy" all over. No muscle tone at all. And when I got over that little freak boy, I started eating again and ballooned up to a horrible 191 pounds from comfort eating and no exercise. Don't wanna go there again!

    I think it is always best to try to find recipes for your favorite foods. You will almost always save a ton of calories, sodium, sugar, and fat when you do so. I like to make tacos, for example...and I make my own crunchy tortillas. The taco shells in the package normally have over 125 calories for each one, and they are fried so they have lots of fat in them. I simply go to the Hispanic food section (not necessarliy the "Mexican" section...they are different in stores around here, don't know what it is like where you live) and buy a package of 6" corn tortillas. I place them on a microwaveable plate and cover them with a wet paper towel...microwave on high for 30 seconds, then bake in the oven for about 10 minutes on 325 degrees draped over either 2 rungs of the overn rack in the middle or you can make a V-shaped mold from a cheap metal cookie sheet and put those over 1 rack with tortilla draped over any rate, each taco shell that way has only 40 calories and is low fat, low sugar, and low sodium. Done this way, I can make myself 4 tacos for under 400 calories filled with shrimp, cheese, veggies, and refried beans. With all that filling in the pre-packaged ones, I would probably only get to have 1 taco and be hungry afterwards. :tongue:

    I'm always in search of new recipes, and I ALWAYS enter the recipes into the calculator here on MFP because I have found the nutrition stats to be different when I use my own ingredients than what is listed in the recipe. If you use a different brand of certain items than the writers of the cookbook did, then of course the nutrition info will be different in your own recipe. My recipe section is filled with stuff on this website. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    Lyadeia thanks for your quick reply :) I will give it a try. I will let you know if it works for me too.
    Where can I see your commercial you did in the past for p90x? Can I find it somewhere on the p90x website?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'll see if I can dig up the link for you later on when I get some sleep. It used to be on the Beachbody website where they listed the winners of the Million Dollar Body Game...I have it on my old Myspace page that I haven't even logged on to in such a loooooooong time, but I can probably get the link of off it for you. :bigsmile:
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    Thats Allright. I'll hear it from you later :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I was going to send that link but I found getting on Myspace to be difficult on the "slow as Christmas" computers at work. I will get to it, I promise! :blushing:

    As for today, I am going to do some Turbo Kick and burn off lots of calories. I have another weigh-in on Monday morning, and TOM still hasn't left town yet. Fingers crossed, though!

    How are you guys doing with your journeys?
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    For the first time in 3 whole weeks I was over on calories. But I am not worried about it at all since I was only over by 5. :bigsmile: I didn't workout today because I had so much on my to-do list, and besides, Sunday is supposed to be my rest day anyway. I had just been doing "extra" workouts on Sunday. So all is still good.

    Just one more week until I take those first monthly stats to see how many inches I lost! I can't wait because I know that I lost some inches, and I am sure that it will keep going down this week even though it is technically "recovery week." Just because it is "recovery" does not mean that it is "rest!" I have lots of good workouts planned including Insanity Core Cardio and Balance, Yoga X, and Turbo Kick's Turbo Sport 3. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well, the scale was evil today telling me that I weigh exactly the same as last week. I am sure that it is because of TOM. There really can't be any other explanation since I have been spot on with my nutrition and I haven't missed a single workout. I will just wait until next week to record anything because that is when I have to take ALL of my measurements including body fat %. And I know that my inches have gone down because I can see it in the mirror and feel it in my clothes. It would have been nice to see the scale go down at least a little this week, but I am not worried about it all.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I found it! The only way that I was able to get the video was from Myspace. I am sure there has to be other places to find it, but here's the link. Let me know if it doesn't work and I will try it again.

    Week 4, Recovery Week...certainly NOT a "Rest Week!!!" I did Insanity on Monday and Turbo Kick yesterday. I am still burning up those calories and I expect to see some good numbers being put up on my stats page this weekend!!!

    And I'm so goofy...I got on my "fat pants" today which were tight as all get out on Christmas. And now I can take them off without unzipping the zipper or unbuttoning the button!!! It takes a little booty wigglin' to get it done, but it can be done!!! Starting next week, I officially retire these jeans and put on a smaller size!!!

    I have 3 sizes of jeans in my dresser...10, 8, and 6. The 10's are the ones I just talked about. The 8's are coming out of hiding on Monday next week...and the 6's was what I was wearing when I weighed 128 goal is 125, so I WILL be wearing those loosely and comfortably by the end of this 90 day round!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,717 Member
    The video worked! What an amazing transformation. You don't even look like the same person. Thanks for sharing!

    That's so cool about your pants being loose. You know you're doing the right stuff when that happens, regardless of what the scale says. Congrats!

    I've been not so chatty lately. One of our dogs has not been feeling well, and I've been totally preoccupied with that. He's having a good morning, knock on wood, so I'm feeling more upbeat right now. My food and workouts have stayed on track, even if my posting hasn't, so that's good.

    Hope you all have a happy Hump Day today. :smile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Thank you! :blushing:

    I am so sorry to hear about your dog! I know all too well how something like that can really slow you down in other areas. I hope he feels better soon. My cats, dog, and yes, even my fish, are like my own children so when one of them isn't feeling good, I turn into mega-mom until they are better, lol.

    Good to hear that you workouts and eating are good! I am thinking that starting next week I will be upping my calorie intake ever so slightly. I have been eating around 1350 calories or so and that includes after exercise calories are added...I am thinking it might be a little low? I don't like eating ALL my exercise calories back, but I think only 150 of them might not be enough. I am going to go up to around 1450 or so which is approximately half of my exercise calories if MFP is estimating them correctly for me. We'll just have to see how it goes.
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    I found it! The only way that I was able to get the video was from Myspace. I am sure there has to be other places to find it, but here's the link. Let me know if it doesn't work and I will try it again.

    Week 4, Recovery Week...certainly NOT a "Rest Week!!!" I did Insanity on Monday and Turbo Kick yesterday. I am still burning up those calories and I expect to see some good numbers being put up on my stats page this weekend!!!

    And I'm so goofy...I got on my "fat pants" today which were tight as all get out on Christmas. And now I can take them off without unzipping the zipper or unbuttoning the button!!! It takes a little booty wigglin' to get it done, but it can be done!!! Starting next week, I officially retire these jeans and put on a smaller size!!!

    I have 3 sizes of jeans in my dresser...10, 8, and 6. The 10's are the ones I just talked about. The 8's are coming out of hiding on Monday next week...and the 6's was what I was wearing when I weighed 128 goal is 125, so I WILL be wearing those loosely and comfortably by the end of this 90 day round!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Great video ! Thanks for searching :) Nice to see the differences before and after the p90x.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,717 Member
    Thank you! :blushing:

    I am so sorry to hear about your dog! I know all too well how something like that can really slow you down in other areas. I hope he feels better soon. My cats, dog, and yes, even my fish, are like my own children so when one of them isn't feeling good, I turn into mega-mom until they are better, lol.

    Good to hear that you workouts and eating are good! I am thinking that starting next week I will be upping my calorie intake ever so slightly. I have been eating around 1350 calories or so and that includes after exercise calories are added...I am thinking it might be a little low? I don't like eating ALL my exercise calories back, but I think only 150 of them might not be enough. I am going to go up to around 1450 or so which is approximately half of my exercise calories if MFP is estimating them correctly for me. We'll just have to see how it goes.
    Our doggy still seems to be doing well, so I am hoping it was just a bug. He was stumbling and falling down. It was so scary. We made two emergency trips to the vet and did all kinds of tests (to the tune of $600), but nothing explained what was happening. I am walking on eggshells, hoping he stays OK.

    It's so hard to know how many calories is right for someone else, but even 1450 would be really low for me. I seem to lose at 1800 or 1900 and maintain at around 2000 or 2100. We're all so different, but I'm a fan of eating the most possible calories to get the results I want. I like food. :wink:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'm wondering if it was an ear infection? One of my cats had a real balance problem a few months ago and she couldn't barely walk without falling over. They said she had an ear infection and gave her a pill that I had to shove down her throat (I think cats should be given liquid much easier to use!!!) and she was better in about a week.

    I am really sore today from yesterday's Yoga X workout! I was able to stretch more than I had in the past with yoga, and I can really tell that my flexibility is finally improving. There were a couple of poses that I did last night that I honestly was not able to do very well at all just a couple of weeks ago. But I have to say that this is the first time that particular workout has made me so sore this year. It's a good feeling, though, because it means that I have done some good. I am happy to be progressing! Tonight is strictly cardio, though. I will probably do Turbo Kick round 39 again because I just don't want to start a "new" workout in my recovery week.

    I'm eating Subway today and tomorrow. My fiance's mom is coming over and I was able to talk her out of bringing pizza. :bigsmile: So I am going to change my meal plan to reflect a 6 inch sub on each day. It fits into my plan just fine, though. And that just means that I have extra food to save for later in my freezer. :flowerforyou:

    I hope you guys are having a great day!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,717 Member
    The one thing that makes me think it wasn't likely an ear infection is that he was already on antibiotics for a skin infection he had. I know different antibiotics work for different things, so I suppose it's possible. I also wonder if he was having a reaction to the antibiotics. He was prescribed three weeks' worth and had been taking them for two weeks already before the episodes started. I quit giving them to him Tuesday, and it was that evening he started acting like himself again. It could totally be a coincidence, but I am not taking the chance of giving him the last three days' worth!

    I always cats before, and they are SO hard to medicate! This is my first experience with dogs, but we've had them almost 10 years now, and I'm still amazed at how easy it is to get them to take pills. As long as they're somewhere near food, they get gulped down.

    Sounds like you had an awesome Yoga X workout. Congrats! I remember how amazing it felt to conquer some of those poses that I initially thought would be impossible for me to do. It's been long enough now that I probably couldn't do them today. :tongue:

    Good job convincing the fiance's mom to go with Subway rather than pizza! There have been plenty of times that I just eat completely different food from what everybody else is having, but that can be awkward sometimes, depending on the other people.

    Time to get back to being productive. See ya!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I have discovered that drinking 2 bottles of water before exercising (not like gulping them down all at once, but just making sure that I hydrate this much before hand) makes my workout *that* much better. Yesterday when I was doing my cardio, I didn't have to stop for water nearly as much as before, and I was able to push through some of the moves with more power and energy than before. The only thing that I changed was to drink 2 bottles of water instead of just one in the morning before I workout. (That's 4 of the 8 cups of water recommended for the I had 11 cups yesterday total instead of my usual 9). Since I have some cardio again today, I am hydrating in the same way hoping to see a difference once again.

    I've made my meal plan for next week, and I have increased the calories some. Even though I personally feel fine and I know that I have been losing size and gaining muscle since I am stronger and can do more reps and weight, I don't want to run the risk of getting into starvation mode and hitting that nutrition plateau. My average intake planned for next week is 1550 calories, which is actually about 200 more than the previous 4 weeks. If I feel bloated or the scale backs up on me, then I will definitely go back down to something like 1450. But I think that this is the right move to make since the Phase 2 workouts of P90X are more difficult (IMHO) incorporating such craziness and one-arm push-ups. I will also be doing a new Turbo Kick video called Turbo Sport, which is supposed to be closer to Turbo Fire than Turbo Jam. I probably will burn more calories doing that then a normal round of TK.

    I found some great new recipes on the meal planner for Team Beachbody. I checked it out last night and jotted down quite a few new recipes that I am looking forward to trying out. Some of them are higher in fat than I am used to, so I changed my daily goals to 40/30/30 while still looking to keep saturated fats and cholesterol low. Dietary fat doesn't necessarily make you fat anyway, as long as you are eating in moderation with carbs and proteins and don't eat the "bad" fats like grease, lol. I hope to see some good changes in my energy as well as my weight next week!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Ooo I think I'm going to try that water tip, thanks! It's funny you mention it because I've noticed recently how dehydration affects me in almost exactly the same way as hunger. I've always thought of myself as pretty good at knowing what my body wants, but a couple of days ago I felt like I was about to fall asleep and thought it was food related. I realised I'd drunk maybe 3 glasses of water that day, had 2 and immediately felt better! I need to keep track of my water on MFP... I'm so lazy with it and always forget to log. I think I usually get 6-8 without really thinking, but after exercise and the billions of cups of coffee I drink I should be getting at least 12. Hmmm, you've inspired me. Going to make this my week's goal - track water every day.

    I know that not drinking enough can cause water retention and drinking more can suppress appetite, but is there a direct impact on fat loss? I'm going to drink more regardless - especially since the cold is drying out my skin SO BADLY.

    Upping your calories sounds v sensible. Do you not eat your exercise calories, or do you mean 1550 net? I've been planning my meals with a 250 calorie buffer recently so that I can account for the little bites/slice of toast here and there without having to cut from somewhere else. I think I'd happily live off bread and butter, if not forever, for like a month. Yummm.

    My mum bought this enormous tray of baklava recently - my favourite sweet in the whole world, and I couldn't resist. I assumed it must be at least 150 calories per piece - and to my surprise it's about 60!! This definitely doesn't seem right, but I've checked elsewhere and it appears to be true! Anyway, I think I'm going to have to ignore my common sense (which says it's got to be at least 100cals per piece) and just enjoy :tongue:

    O dear, PJilly I'm sorry about your dog - have the vets figured out what was wrong? Is he doing any better? I hope so :flowerforyou:

    I'm only 3lbs away from goal!!! Getting quite impatient now. I know maintenance is supposed to be really hard, but I'm starting to get bored - I thought 14lbs could come off in 2 months (which already felt like eternity), but it;s been 5 so far! Madness. Although I'm happy I'm doing it slowly because I've got used to eating sensibly and fitting treats and alcohol into my calories and because I've been working at the gym regularly for the first time ever, so eating away at that muscle would be heartbreaking. I can actually see a little shadow of abs poking through!! ABS!!! Never had those in my life. I think to get the dancer stomach I've always wanted will be a lot harder than I imagined, and I think I'll lower my expectations lol. I'm going to get down to 121 then maintain for a couple of months and focus on building up some muscle. Then, if I feel I've got a couple more pounds to lose I'll do it after. So many people on here are my height, quite a bit heavier, and have this amazing super-slim, toned physique - just goes to show how much strength training I've got to do I suppose :grumble: On the bright side, before I started on MFP I definitely thought I looked gross - I was 30% body fat, wobbly, with absolutely no definition whatsoever. Even though I've still got a way to go, I'm starting to like what I see more and more! Very exciting - I'm going to try my best up my strength training time. At the moment it's about 15-25 minutes (which already feels like an eternity :tongue: ) but from what I'm seeing on the forums, that's nowhere near enough to get the kind of results I want. I'm not going to increase it until I'm at maintenance - I won't be building muscle now anyway, but I'm going to try and push myself a bit more.

    On that note, I'm going to the gym. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Upping your calories sounds v sensible. Do you not eat your exercise calories, or do you mean 1550 net?

    I always eat some of them back, but I never eat all of them back because I don't know for sure if the calculations that I get are accurate, and since some of the calories in the calculation are the basal rate that you would have burned off anyway, I try not to count those when I eat.

    If I ate 1550 net, that would make me have to eat a total of over 2000 everyday, and I can't do that. That's exactly how I got in this position in the first place, because last year I was eating all wrong and exercising but not losing.

    The 1550 average is total calories I will be eating throughout the day so the net calories will be around 1200-1300 after figuring in exercise. :bigsmile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Today was my "official" weigh-in and stats day for the end of month 1/beginning of month 2. I don't think I so bad at all.

    I am a tad annoyed that my weight only got down to 141.6, but I can deal with that since my body fat went down from 30% to 27%. Also, my natural waist measurement went from 32 down to 30.5 which is just great! I want to get my natural waist down to around 27-28 inches or so, and this is a great start. I am hoping that by adding a little more calories that I will be shedding more body fat and inches faster since my metabolism won't be sacrificed.

    I am a tad worried about tomorrow's Biggest Loser weigh-in at work, though. They don't look at body fat or inches lost, just the pounds. And I haven't lost that many pounds in comparison with the inches and body fat. Maybe I will get lucky and just have a really good weigh-in anyway. I know that next month I will probably see a big drop in the scale since most people in new programs see the most weight loss in the second month compared to the first...but still, I wanted to help my team out more this month. Oh well... :ohwell: