Ever juice fasted?



  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I just watched Interview with a Vampire. I'm Creole so now I'm just waiting to get bitten & be healthy & live forever.
    omg this was just too good. +10
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    I am doing it about three days a month. Ive done this in the past and I feel very energized and I sleep like a log. The various types of liquids I use are:

    Any kind of clear juice or broth. Lots of water and all of my vitamins. :drinker:

    Sure helps get rid of fluid retention in my ankles!!
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    I loved that film! I thought it was great and really informative, but I have never done a juice fast. I have a physically demanding job (working in an ABA program from children with autism and behavioral issues) so my concern is that I wouldn't have enough energy. I've just tried to incorporate fresh juice into my diet - although I don't do it as frequently as I should. I just prefer to not have all that added sugar or the additives that companies put in their juice to preserve shelf life. I have PCOS so as a general rule I try to avoid a lot (but not all!) of that kind of stuff.

    However, my husband did a five day juice cleanse back in April. He most likely has non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (doctor's best guess based on an ultrasound and blood tests) and had cleaned up his diet between the diagnosis last October and Easter. We typically host Easter so we ended up with a lot of desserts and poor eating choices. He ended up feeling extremely unwell and sick. He decided to do a juice cleanse to give his organs a break. He didn't make his own juice, but ordered it from Pressed Juicery. He felt amazing afterwards and has lost 43 pounds over the last 10 months. He only did the cleanse once, but has considered doing it again - usually after he's made some terrible food choices that make him physically ill.

    Lately, he's been making daily breakfast smoothies for both of us and juicing sometimes - mostly cabbage lately which isn't as bad as it sounds, and I've been adding a wider range of veggies to our salads. He's learned a bit about moderation leading up to and during the cleanse. He's also getting better at self control and mostly is doing anything he can to avoid feeling like absolute crap.

    I'd love to juice veggies more frequently, but as someone else said the juicer is a pain in the butt to clean.

    The Williams-Sonoma website has some great juice recipes and so does the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead website.

    Sorry if this is long!
  • pbandbananas1996
    pbandbananas1996 Posts: 29 Member
    I've never done it, but I've heard most people gain the weight back after juice fasts, probably due to the fact that they don't change their lifestyle to accommodate their new weight.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I did juice fast, many times and for long periods of time. I was inspired by Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. I felt great, not hungry and lots of energy. It helped me loose 40 lbs.

    The hardest parts were cleaning the juicer and the price of produce.

    After I stopped, I started slipping into my old ways and I put the weight back on, all in all though I'll swear by juicing.

    gee I wonder why?
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I saw that "fat sick and nearly dead" documentary film last year and was inspired to go get a juicer. I stocked up on organic veg and apples. I liked the juice but 5 days in I got thrush and cystitis at the same time and then stopped. I later thought maybe it was just a coincidence so I tried it again and same thing happened again. My juicer has been redundant ever since. I think the natural sugars in juice were too high for my body. In the documentary film they made juicing sound good but my body did not do well on it. I don't drink fruit or veg juice any more at all.
  • RunRunMonkey
    RunRunMonkey Posts: 5 Member
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    I've fasted for medical reasons (bowel rest, and prepping for tests) but I wouldn't do it just because. Yes, you'll lose weight because you're giving your body very very few calories, but unless you have very good eating habits when you start eating again, you'll just put it back on.