23 yr female with about 60 lbs + to lose

Hey everyone,
My name is Nina and I'm a 23 year old female and I have 60+ lbs to lose!
I've been on mfp numerous times before, and lost weight, but then stopped tracking and being mindful and gained it all back.
My last time on here I lost 20 lbs in 3 months and then slowly put on a few pounds. Then I stared dating someone and gained the dreaded "love weight" I gained 20 lbs back and then some.

I'm 5'6 and starting again at 212. I want to get down to 150 and then re-evaluate there.

Anyone who wants to add me for some support would be extremely helpful! :)

Come join me and keep me motivated :)


  • Hey Nina :smile:,
    My name is Marlene and I'd love to be friends with you on mfp! I'm in kinda the same situation, where I've lost weight then gained it all back. Looking forward to seeing your progress. :happy:
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Hey Nina! Welcome back!
    I stopped logging for a while after a move and gained back nearly 15lbs that I lost.

    Feel free to add me!
  • TheFittyFit
    TheFittyFit Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girl, I'm a bit older but our stats are really similar. I am 5'7" and have 56 lb. to go. I weigh about 211 lb. and want to get down to 155 lb. It doesn't help having a sedentary job! But I am making it work. Good luck!!
  • Shazdei
    Shazdei Posts: 9 Member
    Same here Nina.

    "love weight" HA! Got 60 lbs of it.....

    Add me and we can keep eachother motivated ;)
  • annanaidoo
    annanaidoo Posts: 34 Member
    Hey Nina
    I'm in the same boat as you! over the past few months I've let go of myself and I've packed on the weight that I worked so hard to lose! It took me 1 year to lose about 20 kgs and only a couple of weeks to put on about 7 of that!
    We can do this!!!
  • Hey Nina,
    I know exactly what you are going through. I use to be a yo-yo dieter and could never seem to keep the weight off for long. Finally I learned how to keep things balanced and have maintained my weight loss. I sent you a friends request. Feel free to reach out to me if you want support :)
  • lenehreut
    lenehreut Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Nina and all your other lovelies!
    I'm 23 as well and have 20kg (about 50lb?) to lose :)
    Please feel free to add me, am looking to build a great community on here, it's hard doing it alone :)
  • Hello! I am 26, and have approximately 40 pounds that I would like to lose. Feel free to add!