


  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Every person burns a different amount of calories for every program. Height, weight, how much is modified. The only REAL way to know is to wear a HRM.

    If you wear it the first time for each routine you will at least have an idea. If you don't have one maybe you could borrow one. i loaned mine to my daughter so she could see her numbers.
  • jkseb9656
    jkseb9656 Posts: 3
    Here is what I got with Piyo (beach body)
    Piyo upperbody define 21 minutes 114 calories burned
    Piyo lowerbody define 23 minutes 128 calories burned Piyo sweat 40 minutes 323 calories burned Piyo buns 28 minutes 228 calories burned

    I forgot to put my hrm on for the core workout.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just made a Piyo exercise and enter the info from my heart rate monitor. MFP calorie counts are not accurate so there's no use in having them add it the database.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    I just made a Piyo exercise and enter the info from my heart rate monitor. MFP calorie counts are not accurate so there's no use in having them add it the database.

    This! I just put my own exercises in. A good HRM really isn't that expensive. You can get a basic Polar for less than $100. The more expensive ones are very worth it!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Your best bet would be to wear a heart rate monitor to be sure you're getting an accurate count for your workouts.

    This, its the only way to be (fairly) accurate, as MFP's burns are notoriously high.
  • ladyv8
    ladyv8 Posts: 1
    yet another request to add PiYo to your exercise database...
  • PiYo doesn't burn a ton of calories. It's meant to tone your muscles and mentally relax so you won't have bad food cravings. A sweat work out can average 200 calories an easy class is 100. I suggest not taken this class if ur guilty of over eating. But I do think you should do Piyo 2-3 times with your other hard core work outs!!! The benefits will be unbelievable
  • jmariewand
    jmariewand Posts: 1 Member
    Another request for Piyo to be added to the list.

    I don't take a class, I am referring to the beachbody program specifically. I've been doing it for 8 weeks and cant recommend it enough for flexibility, calorie burn, stress reduction and better overall posture. Great work out all around.
  • maju5560
    maju5560 Posts: 2 Member
    This is great and thank you for posting.
    What did you get for the hrm for PiYo Core?
  • maju5560
    maju5560 Posts: 2 Member
    Add Piyo Please!!!
    Even if it's just an estimate.
  • I agree. I just joined my fitness pal and am currently doing piyo. I'd like to know how piyo compares a b day measures up calorie wise. Please add it to your library.
  • Please! Please! Please! Add PiYo!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    PiYo is not cardio so a HRM calorie count will be unreliable. I cant see PiYo burning more than 200 cals an hour.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 86 Member
    This is great and thank you for posting.
    What did you get for the hrm for PiYo Core?

    PiYo core usually gets less than 100 for me. I think the last time I did it, my HRM said 89.

    I think PiYo is a great workout but not a huge calorie burn. I haven't done Drench yet though.
  • PLEASE ADD PIYO! It is a great work out and helps with adding your calories burnt, this is a popular request.....please add this much needed popular workout to your app. Piyo with a good diet is life changing and needs to be added!
  • sueerickson
    sueerickson Posts: 1 Member
    My Fitness Pal! PLEASE ADD ALL the Beachbody Workouts!!!!
  • florabelle33
    florabelle33 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi How many calories daily do you aim for while exercising to Piyo?
    I'm 5'5" @172
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    guys you can add your own activities.

    pilates and yoga burn about the same and are both in the database.

    finally.... chances are, the app developers aren't reading this thread....
  • lilred_gld
    lilred_gld Posts: 51 Member
    Clearly piyo is more intense than yoga, I've done yoga for over 20 years and it's not the same! Yes! Please add piyo to the database! I will use my HRM in the meantime :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Clearly piyo is more intense than yoga, I've done yoga for over 20 years and it's not the same! Yes! Please add piyo to the database! I will use my HRM in the meantime :)

    OK. I don't see how this makes sense. You have a more accurate way to estimate (via a HRM). And presumably you understand you can create your own exercise listings, so that the site will estimate based on previous HRM readings, for days you can't be bothered strapping the HRM on.

    But you'd still prefer the site to put up some kind of rough estimate for you... ?

    And still, the app developers aren't reading this thread.....
