
Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I know it is bad for dieting and pretty much all together, but every once in awhile its nice to have a few drinks with friends. I was wondering what everyone thought was the best drink while dieting (Low carb/calories) and the worst drink. Im gearing up to go out Saturday for a friends 21st :drinker: and I want to be prepared!! Another question, Valentines Day is coming up, whats everyones plan, to stay on track or allow yourself a cheat day?? Thanks for any information you can give!! :love: :smooched:


  • I find a G&T does the trick. :)

    Also, I plan to stay on track, though it depends if we dine in or out really. :-p
  • im all for drinking, just add it to your food tracker. i cant recommend anything caz i drink them all.
    cheers :drinker:
  • My boyfriend is a bartender, so i'm always asking him for "low-cal" drinks :drinker:

    My favorite, because it is low cal and not "fruity" or "syrupy" is a vodka tonic. If you are drinking more than one, it's easy on your stomach :-)

    Let me know if you want more ideas, I can ask him tonight LOL
  • esthertsivia
    esthertsivia Posts: 32 Member
    I would guess that the worst drink is beer just from personal observation (i.e. beer bellies).
    One of the trainers at the gym told us that a glass of wine (white) has 100 calories.
    But I don't know if you mean that you're planning on going out to have like hard alcohol or sitting there sipping something with friends. You just have to remember that when you have something like "rum and coke" you are also having the coke which ...I say as I drink one right horrible. Vodka has like 50-60 calories in a shot, I would guess that it would be among the best.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    if I drink its white wine (moscato mostly) or scotch on the rocks (fav until it puts me to sleep lol) or select 55 if i must. i've found those to be the best in calories, taste / enjoyment and non-bloating. :)

    for me the worst drinks contain soda, even diet or the insane smoothie style type mixed drinks
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    My boyfriend is a bartender, so i'm always asking him for "low-cal" drinks :drinker:

    My favorite, because it is low cal and not "fruity" or "syrupy" is a vodka tonic. If you are drinking more than one, it's easy on your stomach :-)

    Let me know if you want more ideas, I can ask him tonight LOL

    That would be great!! Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • I drink Bud Select and tequila lol!!
  • louisee294
    louisee294 Posts: 140 Member
    Valentines day will be a treat day :) i'll go to the gym in the morning (if all goes to plan) then go out for an amazing million calorie meal, and i wont feel guilty because life goes on! You have to live occasionally!
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    wine, is not as bad as mixed drinks, rum and coke, gin. leave some extra calories and have your drinks. i love wine!!
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    I stick with the clear alcohols and mix them with diet sodas, or just enjoy 1-2 glasses of wine.
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    White rum and regular vodka both have between 60 and 70 calories for a 1 oz shot (one regular sized drink). Mix it with diet soda.

    Stay away from margaritas, daiquiris, and drinks that use pre-made mixes (i.e., sour mix). These tend to have a ton of sugar.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Worst would be any cream liqure such as Bailys, shooters are really bad as well.
    Best would be clear alcohol (i.e. vodka) and soda water with lime or lemon wedge
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Light beer, lime absolute vodka in fizzy water... you can actually go online to and under the health and fitness blog you can search for low cal drinks. they have some really good advice
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    If I drink, I drink what I enjoy, otherwise it's a waste. That generally involves good quality ale/beer and red wine; occasionally fizzy wine. None of it is good, but I try to keep it within my cal budget.

    Valentines day? Not sure I'll be thinking too much about food then :wink:
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I like Diet Dr. Pepper or Diet Root Beer w/ a shot of vanilla vodka.
  • I hope this help, I found a list online with various drinks and the total calories.

    Calorie Table

    Drinks Amount Calories
    Red Wine 1 glass (5 oz) 105 calories
    Wine White Dry 1 glass (5 oz) 97 calories
    Wine White Medium 1 glass (5 oz) 105 calories
    Wine White Sweet 1 glass (5 oz) 135 calories
    Wine White Sparkling 1 glass (5 oz) 110 calories
    Champagne 1 glass (5 oz) 70 calories
    Screwdriver 1 glass (5 oz) 180 calories
    Margarita 1 glass (5 oz) 157 calories
    Whisky Sour 1 glass (5 oz) 125 calories
    Bacardi 1 glass (5 oz) 118 calories
    Vodka (neat) 1 shot (1 oz) 65 calories
    Rum (neat) 1 shot (1 oz) 66 calories
    Tequila (neat) 1 shot (1 oz) 65 calories
    Brandy (neat) 1 shot (1 oz) 64 calories
    Scotch (neat) 1 shot (1 oz) 64 calories
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    Vodka and Club soda. Club soda has zero calories. Tonic water has about the same calories as if you mixed the drink with a soda. If making drinks at home you can always buy diet tonic but most bars don't have it.

    You could also do a liquor with any kind of diet drink but I usually stick with vodka soda since vodka is the best liquor if you are going to drink and club soda is better for you than diet drinks.

    A glass of wine has about 100-130 calories depending on the pour.

    Hope this helps!
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I found this on fitness magazine website I haven't tired them yet but plan to this weekend.
    I plan to stay on track, we will probably go out to eat but I will find something that stays within my calories. I will just workout hard that day so I can make sure to be able to eat a little chocolate because what is Valentine Day without chocolate.
  • BridgetDoss
    BridgetDoss Posts: 3 Member
    I think the fact that you are PLANNING ahead is awesome! That's where we get in trouble when we don't. Drinks like Margarita's have soooo many calories - Mexican restaurants make them so big and with syrup-y mixes that have a lot of calories ON TOP OF the calories from the alcohol. I, personally, keep it simple and opt for wine, but that may not work for you if you don't like it. A glass (5-6 oz) is only like 100 calories. If I want to drink and be a part of the festivities, I would opt for light beer, usually only around 100 calories -- some have less. For me, beer fills me up so quickly. I just sip it. Also, something like a cosmo where it's just vodka and cranberry juice would be easy to count calories. Also, many drinks that are made with sodas can be made with diet sodas - then you just have to count the alcohol calories. I have been invited over to a friends house this weekend to have some drinks and I will just watch what I eat that day and probably get in a 3 or 4 mile run that morning where I burn a lot of calories so I can enjoy the two or so glasses of wine I know I WILL have! Good luck and have fun!!!
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