Feeling alone and frustrated!

I'm going to try this again! I stopped using MFP 18 months ago and I never even gave it a chance, ,so I'm going to start over again! I'm so tired of being FAT and not having any energy. I have 4 kids and they're growing up so fast. I've got to lose this weight so I can take them to the park, skating, 6-Flags, swimming, etc. All they want is for their mommy to spend time with them and I just run into my bedroom everyday after work and on weekends because I have no energy and I don't want to be around people. My husband begged me to go to Vegas with him in December because in 15 yrs, we've never gone anywhere together. What did I tell him? No, I'm too fat and I won't fit in the seats, plus I'll be miserable looking at all the skinny, fit women! The thing that gets me is he knows I want so bad to lose weight, but he brings home fast food, chocolate candy bars, cokes, donuts, etc. I wanted to do the weight loss surgery, but he's not having it because he thinks it's too dangerous, oh ok....100lbs overweight's not dangerous!? I just started a program called Genesis. It's not for weight loss, it's mainly to get healthier and have energy through vitamins, etc. I never dreamed I'd ever look like this and I know it's going to be extremely hard to lose 100lbs, but my life is passing me by so fast and I'm tired of being depressed and unhappy because of FAT!!! I apologize this is so long, but I really needed to get this off my chest. I have no friends on MFP, and I'm still not sure how all of this works. I'm going to log my food and exercise and hopefully make this work. Thank you for listening and it's comforting to know I'm not alone on MFP:)


  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I started out alone in my journey (140.7 pounds journey) its not easy. My brothers are super skinny and can eat whatever they want and still do. But once you realize that you can lose the 100 pounds without surgery and start believing in yourself the easy part will be eating right and exercising. One thing I had to let go was blaming others. They are allowed to eat what they want and they sometimes may forget and bring me something home but I do not have to stick it in my mouth! I have many times said that's I appreciate it but I can't and either trash it or put it in containers for someone else to enjoy. You will have UPS and down but just remember if you stop you have to restart all over. Its easy to keep moving forward.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Commitment and patience and you can do this! Feel free to add me for support!
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello!, and welcome to MFP, my name is Catrina and i would love to be friends with you. We can do this together with all the other friends you will soon have :smile:
  • lizmedrano
    lizmedrano Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Back! While I still have quite a way to go towards my final goal, I have found that commitment, ownership for my decisions (my husband eats junk all the time in front of me... I choose to say NO), logging EVERYTHING (it is my best tool for success), and most of wanting to be healthy has helped me lose what I have lost to date. I now exercise most days of the week and am training for a half marathon (I always dreamed about it but never put it into action until now). My point is you are in charge of you and you can make this happen! We are here to support you!! MFP is awesome and the people here are awesome!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Best of luck to you and your new lifestyle!
  • traluvsfrogs
    traluvsfrogs Posts: 4 Member
    Wow! You've lost a lot! I bet you feel so much better. Congrats! You should be so proud of yourself:happy:
  • traluvsfrogs
    traluvsfrogs Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for all of your encouragement and advice:flowerforyou: It means a lot!
  • Cloud2103
    Cloud2103 Posts: 3 Member
    I am with you and I just started back also. I am also cigarette free for 15 days as of today after 22 years, All so I can be healthier for myself and my children. Hang in there we can do it :)
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    Always happy to find woman around my age looking for friends and supporting each other ..

    Have sent a request :)

  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    I wish you all the best! You can do this....and although it isn't easy, it's definitely worth it!
  • You can do this! Don't give up :)
  • Natashalou15
    Natashalou15 Posts: 18 Member
    Your back now and with support and advice you will do it!! :smile:
  • Welcome back to MFP, I have lost so far 119 using MFP I still have 66lbs left to go. Its a long journey but its very rewarding watching the weight go down. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I understand that same sense of frustration and hopelessness. Just sent a friend request!
  • melissa968
    melissa968 Posts: 57 Member
    Congratulations on making the commitment to get healthier!

    It is long and hard, but it is definitely doable. Having support and friendship on MFP makes it easier and more fun.
    I'm a non-smoker for 6 weeks now. I've gained almost 20lbs. in that 6 weeks. I needed to quit smoking to better my health and extend my life and now I need to do the same with the weight. Gaining that 20 lbs put me at about 40 lbs. total overweight. I find that being on MFP and hearing others' stories, suggestions and advice, along with diligently logging everything, helps tremendously!

    You can do it :) I've send you a friend request.
  • I am working on losing quite a bit of weight myself after not being active for many years. Would love to do this together. Will send a friend request if I can figure it out. If not feel free to send me one and we can work on this together.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I have been here now just a little over a year.
    If you have any questions about the website I can probably help out.
    Speaking from my experience, these three things really helped me in the beginning.
    Be patient. Takes time.
    Don't think about your overall total weight loss goal. Set small goals , like 4-5 lbs in two weeks ? Each time you hit a mini goal it will motivate you and make you happy.
    If you don't have one, get a food scale.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I think you should go to Vegas, especially since your husband begged you.
    Maybe not in December if you are uncomfortable with the trip but make that a goal too !
    Tell him you will go when you lose say 30lbs ?
  • iSpeakSparkle
    iSpeakSparkle Posts: 3 Member
    Just like anything else, take it day by day! My mantra for the year is "No Excuses!" I made a basic plan. I work out six days a week for 1 hour alternating eliptical and brisk walking on treadmill (if I'm sore that day, I allow myself to only do 35 or 20, but I do something), I also do weights (alternating legs and arms) and that is my goal every day. My calorie goal is 1400 with high protein/low carb; I eat protein every 3 hours to keep my metabolism going constantly with a protein goal of 105-125 per day (this is only for weight loss and monitored by my Dr.) I lost 44 lbs, but have been in a holding pattern for 2 months, but I don't let that frustrate me. I just keep on going and eventually I will bust out of my plateau! Just keep the faith! Keep on going! You can do it! My husband and I eat out a lot and I am the queen of the under 500 calorie menu. I keep snacks around like string cheese, and greek yogurt! Planning is key! Spouses do have a way of sabotaging even without meaning to, but ultimately you just need to learn to say no to those bad foods! I have become a purposeful eater, meaning that if I only have 1400 calories, do I want to eat something that puts me over that without giving me the protein or vitamins that I need? The answer is usually, No so I make the choice to help me get to my goal. Only YOU can do that. Good Luck!
  • Jess11Gold
    Jess11Gold Posts: 154 Member
    I feel you! I lost 63 and have almost gained it all back. I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and so down about all the weight. I am looking for other motivating moms too who understand this struggle! Sending you a request..
  • aquaticbliss
    aquaticbliss Posts: 6 Member
    I too am restarting and have 100 lbs to lose. I had lost over 70 lbs 5 years ago only to quickly regain it. I need to lose this weight and keep it off once and for all! I am a grandmother who has lost time with my grand kids because I was too big to try things, too uncomfortable to go places... The good news is that we are here starting over and not giving up on ourselves! Too much life has past us by...but we can change all that...starting now. Here's to our success!