Suggestions for post exercise snacks please

Hi everyone,

I understand that it's good to eat a nutritious snack within 30 minutes of completing exercise to help keep up your energy levels and repair any torn muscles. I eat a banana and I must admit, that's all I do eat, a banana. I would be grateful for any post exercise snack suggestions as I'm not sure what would be a good snack and what wouldn't. I'm getting bored with bananas and would like to vary it a bit. Thanks.



  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Protein from lean meats, chicken breasts, beef, protein shakes seem the most convenient.
    Carbohydrates from fruit, so banana's are a good choice.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    1 protein shake and small fruit.
    2 small sandwich with chicken,pastrami etc.cheesestring/ mini babybel etc,small pepperami.

    these are my 2 go to eats after or between sessions.
    i cant exercise at all with food in me fiirst thing tho.
  • birdstudios
    birdstudios Posts: 25 Member
    My go tos are:

    - Greek yoghurt
    - celery and hummus
    - a boiled egg
    - green smoothie (with banana)
    - almonds
  • Thanks guys. I'll add the suggestions to get more variety. I appreciate you taking the time to give me some ideas.

  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Slap some peanut butter or almond butter on a low-carb wrap (Tumaros makes some yummy ones) and put your banana in there for a high protein, high potassium post-workout snack. That's my fave!!!!

    My SIL eats a small container of cooked oatmeal (1/2 c) mixed with a TBSP of Peanut butter after her workout. (She makes it hot, but chills it in the fridge and throws it in her gym bag right before she leaves. She doesn't mind it room temp) Says it hits the spot.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I understand that it's good to eat a nutritious snack within 30 minutes of completing exercise to help keep up your energy levels and repair any torn muscles.

    Nope. Protein synthesis is increased for 24 hours after a workout. You should stay hydrated after a workout and eat back some of your exercise calories for the day. Unless you are doing extreme endurance, you don't need to eat within X minutes or even hours of your workout.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I like chocolate milk after a work out or string cheese.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    A protein shake or bar would probably be your best bet.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    i carry a little 100 calorie bag of almonds with me
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Chocolate milk.
  • a protein shake
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    I have whey protein powder in water (for fast absorption) and a banana.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    A small apple with peanut butter or cheddar cheese.

    A granola bar if I need something more portable.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Chocolate milk (my favorite).
    Banana with a small protein shake.
    Protein shake.
    Apple with PB or almond butter.
    Toast/bread and PB or almond butter.
    Apple with string cheese/slice of cheese.
    Half a sandwich (turkey, cheese, whole wheat bread).
    Apple with a few almonds or pistachios.
    Quest bar.
  • Junthe
    Junthe Posts: 19 Member
    Boiled Egg
    Corn on the cob
    Other fruits??
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Apple with peanut butter
    Homemade smoothie
    Cottage cheese
    Protein bar/shake
    Cheese (I like babybel light)
  • nicolalane716
    nicolalane716 Posts: 14 Member

    Consumption of fluid skim milk promotes greater muscle protein accretion after resistance exercise than does consumption of an isonitrogenous and isoenergetic soy-protein beverage.