i need to lose over 100 pounds and i need help!

i want this, i know i do.
but for some reason, i can't get my head right.
this is not new.
this is my life.
i start with great motivation and even see results.
then i hit a wall and i'm off plan for soooo long.

i give in to cravings too easily.
i don't push hard enough to do regular exercise.
i give in to excuses, and eventually don't even try to reason with myself as to why i should go down the right/healthy path.

is there any way to change this behavior?
has anyone been where i am and made it through, to the point of substantial weight loss/better health success?


  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Its a never ending battle and its for life. I lost almost 100 lbs in 2011-2012 . was pleased but wanted 25 more pounds off. I lost that umpuff to fight for it and have gained all but 20 lbs back. And I can't seem to get it back. Head is just not in it anymore. Good Luck to you
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I didn't have to lose as much as you, but I was pretty fat. I struggled through and made goal. It was frustrating and ,many times I wanted to quit. I did stall, but I didn't give up. You can do this. Send a friend request if you think I can help.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    been there, done that. change is possible.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    DISCIPLINE is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want the MOST. You can do this:)
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    I really don't know what to tell you. You have to get your mind right before you can embark on losing that much weight. It took me years to get there, and it came from lots of different places. Wanting to be healthy, wanting to be around and active for my son, and seeing other people, many with much more to lose than me, doing it.

    I wish you the best!
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    thanks everyone!
    have any of you ever had a relentless nagging craving for unhealthy food?
    it plays in your head over and over...reminding you how badly you want the unhealthy food.
    the voice that says..."get it, it will be so good", "you can restart tomorrow", "you're tired - a burger is easier than making supper".
    i mean constant nagging, to the point that you give in just to stop the reasoning.
    am i alone in this?
  • kariannabarnes

    First I like to welcome you !
    Second This is your journey but there are many people here who can help/support you during your journey.
    I didn't plan to lose weight or change my life style I was in denial for so long then I had an eye opener.
    Please add me as friend if you wish.

    Good luck on your journey
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i suffer from the nagging and combat it different ways. sometimes a walk gives me a chance to realize how much work goes into working off the calories of that cookies, sometimes a walk allows me to indulge in it. Sometimes I try and replace the nagging with better options. I also go out to dinner once a week and allow myself whatever i want, so that is sometimes enough to tell myself to wait until then. Or sometimes I go ahead and have that treat, savor it and move on. I have become a bit more picky about the foods I give into, and it better be the best piece of cake I've ever had to go for it. No more grocery store cakes for me! Doesn't mean I'm completely a snob about food, had little cesar pizza a couple weeks ago.
  • Cheryl_onmyweighdown
    I need to lose about 75-80 and I feel the same but I've had two good weeks under my belt and I feel better this time not making everything so perfect. I set myself up for failure with my ridiculous high expectations and to top it off I'm pretty fussy with foods so it's a challenge but one I'm ready to take on.
    I do have that voice over and over begging me to give in and eat something I know I shouldn't but I've been able to turn the volume down a little by looking for ideas on here and Pinterest and it's usually enough time to kill the craving.
    Every other time I tried this I would throw in the towel as soon as I went overboard on something and then it would take a week or more to get the courage to start tracking again. This time I track it as close as I can and see why I didn't need as much as I ate and say ill do better next time but keep on tracking.
    You can do this, you just don't think you can! Start with mini goals... Mine was to drink all my water for a few days, then I focused on getting veggies in since I don't like them much, and then fruit... That was a whole week where before I would try everything day one, make it to 3pm and give up ;)
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    thanks! some great ideas here.
    i suffer from the nagging and combat it different ways. sometimes a walk gives me a chance to realize how much work goes into working off the calories of that cookies, sometimes a walk allows me to indulge in it. Sometimes I try and replace the nagging with better options. I also go out to dinner once a week and allow myself whatever i want, so that is sometimes enough to tell myself to wait until then. Or sometimes I go ahead and have that treat, savor it and move on. I have become a bit more picky about the foods I give into, and it better be the best piece of cake I've ever had to go for it. No more grocery store cakes for me! Doesn't mean I'm completely a snob about food, had little cesar pizza a couple weeks ago.
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    i like your idea about looking online,or on pinterest. at home that could help me also. but many of my "in my head" moments are when i'm out and about. i think coping tools are a great idea though. thanks!
    I need to lose about 75-80 and I feel the same but I've had two good weeks under my belt and I feel better this time not making everything so perfect. I set myself up for failure with my ridiculous high expectations and to top it off I'm pretty fussy with foods so it's a challenge but one I'm ready to take on.
    I do have that voice over and over begging me to give in and eat something I know I shouldn't but I've been able to turn the volume down a little by looking for ideas on here and Pinterest and it's usually enough time to kill the craving.
    Every other time I tried this I would throw in the towel as soon as I went overboard on something and then it would take a week or more to get the courage to start tracking again. This time I track it as close as I can and see why I didn't need as much as I ate and say ill do better next time but keep on tracking.
    You can do this, you just don't think you can! Start with mini goals... Mine was to drink all my water for a few days, then I focused on getting veggies in since I don't like them much, and then fruit... That was a whole week where before I would try everything day one, make it to 3pm and give up ;)
  • cumberledge1984
    Work on a day to day basis, don't beat yourself up. it helps to have someone to go on this journey with you that can pull back the reigns for you when you need that little bit of encouragment to press through. My friend has lost 114 pounds doing this and I myself have only been doing it for a few weeks but I have already lost 13 pounds... I know you can do this just keep pressing your way through, you are worth it.:flowerforyou:
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I stopped the cravings when I gave up carbs. You have to find what is triggering those cravings and cut that out or at least lay off it for a while. Just my opinion. While I still have my days where I eat way to much chocolate, I mostly can eat one serving and leave it be. But then I'm back to having more carbs in my diet than I had before. I'm also just maintaining right now (not by choice but it seems to be what is going on) I'm not stressing over it because I know I'll get back to losing at some point.
    But you really have to want it. You have to learn to say no to those cravings and find something you can eat to help get over the hump of the craving. Learn to eat a bite or two and walk away. I am not perfect but I can say no and/or work it into my calories for that day.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I think best way if your looking for a long term goal, is to sit down, and ask yourself:

    Why do I really want to do this?
    Why will this time be any different to the rest?
    What will I do when I walk past my favourite snack in the store?

    until you can answer them honestly to yourself, don't bother starting, as your just setting yourself up to keep failing

    I think most of the people in here that have had great success and kept it off over time have all had a good solid reason for doing it.
    Not just a temp or short term one.

    I got 68 to go I think, but I know I will do it, might take me a long time, but have solid reasons not to let anything knock me back.

    But am sure once you find that reason, you will do it no problem.

    Best of luck
  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    try everything - giving up carbs helped with my cravings and being hungry/wanting to munch and binge all the time. its might work for you or something else might work.( but half *kitten* trying wont help you firguer it out either)
    talk to a doctor - the support and realization of 'this is serious' helps.
    also - its ok to say no when with friends , co workers, etc. ive flat out said ' no guys i absolutely will not go to that restaurant. im sorry but the temptation to eat that yummy burger is just too much' and you know what - what i thought was a total *kitten* move on my part was met with "good for you"s
    if you are sluggish and hate those people that are just 'get up and go' drink lots of coffee (black) or tea or organic caffine pills. find your balance to not get jittery and to be able to sleep well but it can help you have energy to get off the couch and go work out.
    my biggest motivator to go work out (sometimes you just cant wrap your head around the 'yay the gym is fun!" ) is that if i wear myself out then i know i will have the best nights sleep ever! i rode my bike for almost 2 hours today - hated every minute of it - but now im exhuasted . ready to go to sleep at 7:45. and i know ill sleep the night through...
    plan your food for the day the day before. you dont have to cook it just plan it so that you can work up the combo and get within your calorie range on here. then there is no guessing. or if you are hungry still you know you need to get your *kitten* out on a walk ot something so you can have more food.
    hope this wasnt too frank & hope it helps. im at 250 right now. i used to be this hot skinny girl lol i think i binge ate her ;) add me if youd like. id love a friend
  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    oh and look on pinterest for fitness and healthy lifestyle and thin-ness inspiration . my desktop right now is "For the skinny jeans. For the mini skirts. For the crop tops. For the short shorts. For the bikinis. For the stares. For the fun. For the satisfaction. For the confidence. For your health, For your happines. For you. "

    another one i have is " To sit without having fat rolls"

    talk about motivation!!
  • _Blues_
    _Blues_ Posts: 62 Member
    I don't exactly have that voice but sometimes I mindlessly grab and start eating something I have no business eating, Saturday I was talking on the phone and I walked into the kitchen at my job and got a cherry danish without even thinking about it. I ate 2 bite before I realised what I was doing and thrashed it, I was so pissed at my subconscious. This road is a hard road to follow.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    been there, done that. change is possible.
  • Joncm28
    Give it a solid effort for about a month. I mean clean eating and exercise 4 days a week and you'll be set! A lot of it is just getting in the rhythm of things and making it a habit. That's how it worked for me at least. Best of luck to you!!
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I do understand what your talking about, but until you decide that your ready the voices are gonna win. I'm not saying its easy, but once you've truly committed it will be worth the fight.
    I've played this game too long, and I can tell the difference this time. I don't accept excuses out if myself easily. For once I enjoy exercise, something I never thought I'd like. The voices are still there, I'm just louder than them now, Feels great .
    But one thing that helped me so much are the friends I've found on here, they help when I'm down or just a question. It will happen for you, you just have to decide your worth it.