My Story

Well I am a proud mother and stay at home wife to a Navy Sailor. I used to be the sole money maker of the house working 2 jobs just to make ends meet before my husband joined the navy. I went to boot camp myself back in 2006 but was medically discharged because there was something wrong with my hips after having my second baby. So after going back home and resting for a month i went to work as a welder making craftsman toolboxes. It was awesome but i didn't make enough to pay bills and have money left to do things with my family. I then moved jobs and worked for Tyson's ( yup the chicken ppl) and was on my way to the supervisor training program within a year. I then got a second job as an in home nurse. I was never seeing my family because i was at work all day 10 hours a day at the factory, then friday-sunday i was taking care of an elderly woman in the evenings until midnight and i had to drive 45 minutes to get to her house. I needed a change and since i couldn't join the military i asked my husband (who is 4 years younger ) to join. So he did. we ended up here in washington where it is cloudy 65 % of the year. i got pregnant and lost the baby within 2 months, gained 20lbs from the depression that followed. 3 months later i was pregnant again, and again by the 8th week had a miscarriage. by this time i was balooned from 135 up to 161. we gave up trying for another baby and got off birth control to let nature decide one last time if we were to have another child. Within 1 month i was pregnant again. And this time we had a viable pregnancy. My husband went on his first deployment while i was pregnant and didn't come home till after our baby was 1 month old. I had a complicated birth and the baby had to be delivered via c-section. i had never had one before and was scared to death. after 4 days in the hospital and the baby finally given the all clear we went home. Recovery was made easier because my mother in law came to stay with me for 5 weeks. I went back down to 155 within 4 weeks of my baby being born because my body was using every resource to heal my surgury. then my metabolism slowed way down and i was still hungry. i suffered post partum depression and gained all my baby weight back and then some so now i was 196lbs. the weight i was at 9 months pregnant with my last baby. i had even more depression because of my self image. Well now i am absolutely fed up with myself for letting it get this bad. I joined my best friend from highschool in her 90 day weight loss challange and lost 9 pounds in the first week. i am struggling to stay on track with my eating but am enjoing the exercise even though i gotta take it slower than i want because of knee and foot pain.....So WISH ME LUCK!!


  • angelbabe77
    angelbabe77 Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck you can do this :) Seeing everyone's stories and seeing how they reached there goals is soo amazing. It is making me stick with this.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Quite a story, you have been through alot.
    Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
    Good Luck and you will bounce back, but be
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    You can do it, don't let anything hold you back!
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    good luck dear, you can do it, you have already been through enough.. keep it up
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    just have the drive to succeed and youll be fine, the hard work will pay off !!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    You can do this. The first step was joining MFP and sharing your story. Lots of support here. There are also a few of us Washington folks on here. Good Luck.
  • Shak212
    Shak212 Posts: 22
    Thank you for sharing your story. Remember you can do this. This is not impossible. Good Luck to you lady.
  • jenntinn715
    jenntinn715 Posts: 23 Member
    What a story. If you can get through all that you can do anything!! Focus on yourself!! You can do it!
  • KimKoz
    KimKoz Posts: 63 Member
    Great start coming over here. These boards are amazing. I'm still new too but loving them. Good luck with your journey, you can do it.
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks everyone. I just felt like puttin myself out there in case ppl on here think they are alone cause sometimes it can feel that way. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT AND WORDS OF WISDOM :)
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    Wow amazing what you've already overcome and still pushing foreword. You can do it! Feel free to add me. You'll love the support of your mfp friends, I do. Take care.