First Time User, First Time Poster

Hi everyone.
My name is Nicki and im from Adelaide Australia. Ive been on this weightloss journey for nearly 2 years now. Ive lost 27KG but have hit a massive wall. I also have Hypothyroidism which just messes with weight loss something chronic.
I decided I would use this app to help me as it seems food is my issue. (has been all my life)
so im here hoping to see if this helps.

anything else you want to know just ask :)


  • mbbseb
    mbbseb Posts: 124 Member
    Hi Nikki, I've been here several months now but just got serious. Do you have your Hypothyroidism under control or are you/drs still trying to figure it out. My mom and sis have to take meds for it & sometimes they may have to up or lower there meds.
  • jaytur
    jaytur Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Nikki, I'm a budding South Aussie from the Clare Valley, I too have Hypothyroidism, I was diagnosed about 17yrs ago and have struggled with the weight since, plus have 3 children have helped. I have found this app along with great supports from others have made thing easy for me. Happy to be a support for you, feel free to add be as a friend - Jayne
  • nickibunn
    hey guys
    thanks for replying. and apologies for the tardiness. i use my app more than the website.
    my Hypothyroidism is fluctuating. seems to be hard to get under control. Mind you it took me a good 3 years to get the doctor to believe something wasnt right. im slowing getting there though. it just means i have to work harder to lose the weight.
    But it will be all worht it in the end :)