Getting Healthy Is Kind Of A Team Sport :)

Hi! My name is Lexi, I'm a 23 year old student and hospital worker. I am joining because I'm already making great changes in my life, but like everyone, I could use some support and direction. I am interested in making health buddies to share in this new chapter of my life. I am friendly, positive and laid back, overall easy to get along with and like being there for people who can return the favor. I am open to getting to know anyone, but would definitely like to make some friends who share my challenges and interests. For challenges...

Body challenges: I am morbidly obese (BMI 45) and would love to meet someone who can relate to the extra hurdles for those with a lot to lose. I have gallbladder sludge and stones, am waiting on removal surgery. Anyone who knows about the dietary considerations and overall "blah" feeling of being sick from gallbladder issues would also be a great buddy for me.

Mental challenges: I have suffered from undiagnosed/misdiagnosed ADD/ADHD (severe) and Bipolar (moderate, predominantly depressive episodes, occasional and fairly mild mania) for years, am finally receiving the medical and psychological help I need. But as anyone with these disorders knows... treatment helps, but it doesn't "fix". Even with all this help, it is still very hard to maintain a productive, content daily life. I could use a friend who understands and can help me keep a leash on my naughty brain lol.

Interests: I am taking my EMT (paramedic) courses and will be working as a paramedic when licensed. I am particularly interested in industrial medic jobs and will most likely supplement my paramedic qualifications with firefighter and industrial worker safety training certification. I am in a stable, loving relationship but due to my various psychological challenges, it's a lot of hard work for me to keep up my end of things. I'm very interested in psychology (go figure lol), sociology, philosophy... I love to have friendly debates and good long chats about any of these. I love music, special fondness for rock and metal. I love camping, hiking, quadding, good books, action movies, comedy acts, pool, video games, and playing guitar though I am admittedly pretty bad as I'm just learning lol.

Look forward to your reply and congratulations on your commitment to a healthier lifestyle!


  • bkcuti3
    bkcuti3 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello, I'm 18 and I have depression and anxiety/panic disorder. I started MFP at 162, almost obese but I started changing my lifestyle years before. I log everyday and try my best to be supportive and motivating but I do have those low days. I'm friendly and I also like video games, books, and learning the guitar. I'm not so much of an outside person thanks to my anxiety but pictures of nature are perfect for me. I'd like to think I'm an open minded and curious person so if you'd like feel free to add me.

    Good luck on your journey! :D