Spinning workout!

Hello lovely people,

I have access to a standard spinning bike at the gym, and I am just wondering if anyone could give me some kick-*kitten* spinning workouts to follow? - please don't say "Google it" - I want to here what your favorites are!!

Thank you!


  • howmanykatiebs
    howmanykatiebs Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Sim123one. When you say you have access to - do you mean in the spin studio? If yes newer classes often have a virtual spin session you can run on your own via a screen and you just bring your iPod for music. If you're on a bike with no screen iTunes has a couple of playlists pre-created for spinning.

    This are suggestions not recommendations...for me nothing beats having a trainer motivate me - hope it helps!
  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    It's just a normal spinning bike with no screen but I never thought of checking iTunes! - I'll do that now, thanks x
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I like to do intervals on a Spinning bike, trying to replicate real riding on the roads.

    Often I'm doing repeat 2:30 minute intervals (but choose an interval that suits you) alternating these styles:
    "Flat ride" - Seated, moderate resistance, fast cadence
    "Seated Climb - Seated, high resistance, slow cadence
    "Standing Climb - Standing cycling (which is good for saddle relief!), very high resistance, very slow cadence
    And repeat the sequence for as long as you want or until you are done!

    If you want to push it to the next level then "jumps" replicate a short intense maximal effort such as a short sharp climb like how you might tackle a bridge or a short, but steep rise.
    Split one of the 2:30 intervals into 10 seconds maximal effort standing and 20 seconds seated recovery. And repeat until gasping!