Busy, addicted to pop/energy drinks, time for a change

Im 23 and weigh 165lbs. I used to weigh alot less when i was in high school but i was in a car accident and it prevented me from working out. I used to drink pop like it was going outta style. Within the past year ive limited myself to 1 pop which was Mountain Dew for me 290calories extra a day. There would be days i would have more than one, but kept it at 1 for the most part. Now i rarely have mountain dew but its Redbull now. I do have a history with energy drinks after my accident i would have 1-3 a day(monster,amp & no fear). I have been increasing my water intake i aim for 80oz a day. I have also been working out which is mainly cardio and squats. I really wanna lose my stomach. My issue is i work 2 jobs so im constantly doing doubles so thats why i turn to redbull, but i NEED to stop cause im waiting money on the drinks, diabeites runs in my family, their empty calories, and my long term boyfriend wants me to stop them before it causes serious damage to my health in the long run and im right their with him.

I guess im just asking is how can i stop?!?


  • babyjunebug90
    babyjunebug90 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe try drinking soda water with some fruit juice, lemon, lime, orange, cranberry etc... it won't taste the same but it can help to wean yourself.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome :)

    I used to be in the same position, drank a lot of coke and monster energy drinks every single day, could not stop. Thankfully when i started my diet I discovered that I quite like a certain type of cordial in water which has substituted for it perfectly. Now I haven't had a fizzy drink of any kind in 6.5 months! Just find a healthy substitute and empty the house of the bad stuff :)
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Agreed on the fruit juice/carbonated water tip. For a while, when I wanted something other than water that's I what I would do. Or simply do a bit of apple juice and ice water -- if it affects you the way it did me, you'll start to find lots of things are way too sweet the way they are made.

    For energy or if I was craving something, I would drink hot or iced tea (but let's face it, that wasn't much of a stretch. I love tea). It's great because you can gently decrease the sugar you take in it as you go. So there's an idea!

    I cut soda out a while ago as well, and it put me on the path to a much healthier mindset. So congrats on deciding that! But another tip is, down the line when you feel you've got yourself leveled, don't be afraid to "indulge." If I'm craving a coke (and it doen't happen often, maybe once a month honestly), I have a bit.

    Good luck!
  • carryncoulson
    carryncoulson Posts: 29 Member
    Don`t try and go cold turkey and stop them all in one go - try to drink two glasses of water before you have a Redbull, you`ll be less likely to want it afterwards. I think the Mountain Dew is still way better than the Redbull by the way. You could even mix half sprite zero and organic apple juice together - it is divine and far less calories (way healthier). The other thing to bear in mind is that it usually takes two weeks to get into a habit. I have major sugar cravings at certain parts of the day , so I usually keep some chewing gum handy to distract me in between. If its really bad I cut up some apple and put lots of cinnamon on which tends to perk me up a lot. Just find something you like.