Hey guys,

So I'm a teenager, and I'm at holidays at the moment and I'm really struggling. I feel as if my whole day revolves around what I eat. I have no problem with exercise, I love getting out and going for a run, my problem is with food. I'm addicted. I tell myself I'm going to eat healthily and then it gets to lunch time and scoff myself with toasted ham and cheese toasties. I'll spend over an hour on an exercise bike but then go and eat the calories I have burnt. I want to loose weight but I feel as if I'm getting no where! does anyone have any tips on how to get my mind off food when I'm just lazying around at home all day? :cry:


  • Maryam2014mfp
    Maybe your body is legitimately hungry. Your diary is closed so I can't see what you eat and I'm not sure about your height and weight and activity level.

    If you are eating enough, try to get some hobbies and try to focus on other things. If you think about food all the time, it's going to make you crave it even more (unless you think of food you really dislike).

    With exercise, many people eat a portion if not all back. Perhaps you are not eating any back and this is making you more hungry. It's hard to tell because we don't have much info to go on, based on what you told us and made accessible to us.

    You can always chew gum to keep your mouth busy or get a stress ball or something to keep your hands busy too, if you do a lot of mindless eating. (Eating when you are not really hungry).

    Take care
  • BooAndKitty
    You need to keep yourself busy, tidy or even go out for a walk/jog when your lazing about at home. You also need to find out WHY you have a food addiction, until you do that it'll be harder to change your eating habits. Another is will power, you need some of that too... when you start changing your lifestyle its hard but give it a month and your body will adjust. Them day's where you could eat anything? Long gone, you just need to get the ball rolling.

    Remember with MyFitnessPal you can eat whatever you like in moderation, I have chocolate and crisp yet still losing. What I'm trying to say is you don't need to cut out the luxury's in your life either. You also need to take into account if your not tracking your calorie burns with a decent HRM its most likely way off. I'd say your burning less than you think.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    I never got around to NOT think about food, it's the thing that's on my mind half the time. To be honest it's much much easier if you plan ahead on what you're going to eat next day and best log it before, and keep to the plan!
  • Maryam2014mfp
    I never got around to NOT think about food, it's the thing that's on my mind half the time. To be honest it's much much easier if you plan ahead on what you're going to eat next day and best log it before, and keep to the plan!

    ^^^^^^ ditto what they said. By planning you don't have to wonder what you're going to eat. Also, some people change their meals to being breakfast, am snack, lunch, pm snack, dinner, evening snack. They do this to spread their food out and keep their blood sugars level. FYI
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    Hey! I've lived most of my life with a similar struggle. Exercising for hours at a time just so I could eat a certain food or try to "undo" what I had eaten, only to remain obsessed about food in my mind. I didnt realize until joining the program and becoming abstinent how crazy my mind was and how much I thought about food all day, planning meals, getting excited for food,choosing events to attend based on what was being served; I was crazy and still would be if not for the program. It sounds like you're in a great spot with self awareness and your addition.

    FA looks at Food Addiction as a disease, suggesting that food addicts have an addiction to sugar, flour, and large quantities. When a person weighs and emasures their food, refraining from flours and sugars, it creates a really wonderful and clear mindspace. The program also includes calling a Sponsor, meditation, reaching out to long term members for guidance, and i time,w orking the 12 steps of recovery, based on the 12 step program offered by AA.

    I have had incredible results since joining this program both with regard to losing weight and clarity of mind. There are so many other great changes I am seeing n myself and I'm only 1 month in :)

    Maybe the program is for you too :)

    Best of Luck to you!!