What do you do when you don't want to calorie count?



  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    i just put in a very rough estimate with the quick add calories.
  • A couple months ago I got so burnt out with constantly counting calories! I decided that I was just gonna go out on my own and try to put all I learned into practice...I gained roughly ten pounds back! Now, I'm back cause I realize that this is the only way to keep my accountable, and that knowledge is why I stay diligent counting calories! Obviously everyone is different, and I hope to not have to constantly log for the rest of my life!
  • jenversuslife
    jenversuslife Posts: 57 Member
    Eat what I want and just whack it in my tracker. I'm not 'counting my calories' that way because I'm not making choices based on my macro/what kcal I have remaining - but I just like to fill my tracker so when I do have weight changes I know why and can see the link. I think it's also sometimes good to see the nutritional value of foods that I eat less often for future reference.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    What do you do when you don't want to take a shower or brush your teeth? Hopefully you do it any way, if not you deal with the consequence that you may have bad breath or stink until you decide to do it.

    Why don't you want to do it? Make it part of your daily routine
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Once in awhile when I feel the need to "take a break" I'll just do portion control , only eat when hungry and stop eating when full. I'm good at keeping track of calories in my head anyway so I always have a loose tally going on. Once you really get good at counting it becomes second nature and you don't have to depend on an app so much. No biggie.

    speak for yourself! :laugh:

    So in your 3 years here and 93 pound weight loss you still haven't gotten the hang of this? I find that hard to believe...

    I haven't
  • love2lift_85
    love2lift_85 Posts: 356 Member
    I gain weight.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    The honest answer for me is that as soon as I don't count calories, I GAIN WEIGHT
    Even after calorie counting for such a long time, I can't seem to maintain my weight without counting everything. Annoyingly, it has not taught me any concept of how many calories are in things and I'll end up eating far too much. I have a tendancy to underestimate everything!
    Maybe after a couple of years I'll start to remember calorie content and not need to log everything, maybe one day!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Some people need to be diligent about logging or they gain, others can find that middle ground where they can eat sensibly.

    At the weekends I no longer log, I just need those few days off a week, however I still am conscious of what I eat and know that I never exceed 2000-2200 calories on those days - which is fine as my TDEE is an average 2200-2400.

    And yes, after time you will indeed know the calorie count of almost everything you eat, I've been here two years and instinctively know the calorie count of all the things I like to eat.

    You have to find what works for you and whats keeps you being successful :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well since I prelog for the week it typcially doesn't matter if I don't feel like it or not...it's already done.

    But if I get that feeling on a weekend I haven't prelogged I do it anyway...I mean really does it take that much time? that much effort?
  • I have felt that way but I know from experience I will mess myself up if I don't, so I log anyways. I am prioritizing my health and well being, so, for me it's worth the extra effort, even if I don't "want" to. Take care :)
  • If I don't count every calorie, I make sure to have small portions. Portion control is key, as long as you're not referring to a binge of candy or something.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    Just plan a week in advance,
    fill out ya meals in ya diary for a full week, then print it out, and just make a note of any extra's or things you have skipped to modify day after when your back to the mundane counting mode.

    Plus fact it there on paper ready means ya not have to count as it already counted.
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    Ever have a day when you didn't want to count the calories?? I just felt that way this morning but here I am....I know if I didn't then I would have been completely off the bandwagon....what do you do to make you calorie count when you don't want to?

    I think there is a difference between not wanting to count your calories or to formally track your exercise, and not wanting to comply with eating sensibly, in appropriate portions and taking daily activity of some sort. So, be clear on the distinction.

    Many people have maintained their weight or even lost weight simply by being mindful to eat a bit less and to do a bit more.

    Portion control can be "eyeballed". A portion of meat is about the size of your palm. 1/2 a cup of pasta or potatoes is a serving. So, if you have weighed and measured things in the past, you do get to know what an appropriate portion is.

    Some of this can also be facilitated by using plates and bowls that are normal sized. For example, I have some bowls that hold 1 cup. Plates that are "over-sized" are just begging for you to fill them.

    The same goes for activity. If you take a walk for half an hour or three quarters of an hour on your lunch break, you don't have to wear a heart monitor to know that this was a good thing to do.

    So, I think you know, in your heart, whether you have eaten sensibly, in appropriate amounts, and whether you have been active or not, whether you happened to measure this precisely or not. In fact, if you like, use it as a type of challenge, if you like. Don't log today but live well, following a lifestyle that you know is good for you..... because if you use not logging as an excuse to stuff your face or to sit on your *kitten* it will show up ..... on the scale. :)
  • If I don't want to count, I don't count. Sometimes I just don't feel like it and I say, "The hell with it" for a while.

    But I never stop counting because I want to overeat! I don't skip logging to "cheat" on the diet without a record.. Not logging doesn't mean I'm eating cheeseburgers, French fries, ribs, fried chicken, blizzards, Oreos and cake, lol.

    I'm still eating the same amounts of the same stuff. I'm just not logging it.


    This. I was sick a couple of weeks ago and really didn't feel like getting online (even in the app) just to log my calories. But I was still eating as much of my regular food as I could manage, and not cheating.

    I also don't log when on holidays. Still try to make sensible choices at each meal, but not going to track every single mouthful like I would when I'm at home. Might gain a couple of pounds, but can get those back off once I'm back in routine. So I don't worry about it.
  • So often, I wonder if I really need to count calories. So, then I stop..and gain weight. Counting calories really works for me, and I have to stick with it in order to lose or maintain weight.

    When I don't want to count calories, I ask myself if I want to gain weight. That's why I'm back on MFP.

    A suggestion would be to have at least one buddy to keep you accountable in this. Best wishes to you!
  • coffeeshopgeek
    coffeeshopgeek Posts: 16 Member
    Ever have a day when you didn't want to count the calories?? I just felt that way this morning but here I am....I know if I didn't then I would have been completely off the bandwagon....what do you do to make you calorie count when you don't want to?

    I think there is a difference between not wanting to count your calories or to formally track your exercise, and not wanting to comply with eating sensibly, in appropriate portions and taking daily activity of some sort. So, be clear on the distinction.


    If I want a junky day, I either accept the consequences (a possible gain) or I do exercise to cover the junk I might want to eat. The food is sometimes worth it (say a wedding or a special date with the hubs) but taking a nice long walk/hike is almost always enjoyable and easy to do.
    If I just feel lazy, I keep track of it anyway because it really isn't all that hard and I need to quit being so lazy and stubborn.
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I never want to calorie count. I do it because I have to for MY health and well being. Tired of being fat chick...changing it. That takes work and one part of that work is logging the calories up to and including IV fluid bags.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Honestly, sometimes it does get exhausting especially if I am out (at a family or friends, or out for dinner) and I have to keep track of every little thing I eat and end up guestimating but mind you I have A LOT to log.

    On the days where I am out and it is almost impossible to log or know what goes into my food, I do a quick add cals but that is rarely.

    If I don't log... I will lose weight (I am on a bulk) no bueno for me - so I just keep going.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If I don't feel like logging - first thing to do, load the app. The streak must live on

    The non logging desire usually passes. I could be logging my food at midnight the next night from memory. Usually I still weigh the food since the scale is right there in the kitchen so I enter whatever I remember

    There haa been at least one vacation where I consciously didn't log. There were just too many goodies to log, almost every meal was out and it would have been too complicated and not worth the benefits to try to track that one week. I still tried to keep calories lower ...but not really and returned right to it when I got back :)
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    I do it anyway