peeps with 100 + pounds to lose?? Daily loggers/supporters



  • Idk what that is. I just opened this account yesterday. I logged my breakfast a bowl of mini wheat's and a cup of 2% milk. They said I'm not eating enough lol. Isn't it about burning more calories than I consume? Idk I've heard so much about how to diet. Not sure what works and what doesn't.

    If you only eat a bowl of cereal for your whole day, the system will definitely remind you to eat more. I think what you did was click on "complete entry" which is what you do at the end of your whole days entry. You don't have to press it when you add items through the day. You can also add to your items even if you press that button; but if you press it after only eating a few calories, the system will remind you to eat more as they don't want to promote eating disorders. You have your diary locked, so I don't know if you ate more through the day or not.


    I lost some before joining MFP, but I have another 62 to go. If you want to add me, I'm here daily :). Take care :). I was sick today, so I didn't eat much; but I usually am in line with my calories or over. :)
  • langel89
    langel89 Posts: 56 Member
    Also looking for friends going through the same journey. I'm 25 and have about 100 lbs I want to lose. Anyone feel free to add me =]
  • indiekicks
    indiekicks Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I'm just starting on my journey and my goal is to lose 165 pounds. New friends are great! :smile:
  • FlabULessFoodie
    FlabULessFoodie Posts: 47 Member
    Just started my journey on yesterday 09.28.14. It takes a village to win the battle of the buldge!
  • TrainingToBePerfect
    TrainingToBePerfect Posts: 1,418 Member
    I'm 23, I'm currently 256 pouinds looking to be at least 136 ( 120 pounds to go) Add me!
  • Memorableheart
    Memorableheart Posts: 69 Member
    Hello. I am a daily loggers. I have been a member since December 2013. I sent a request. Anyone can add me.
  • sjdowhower
    sjdowhower Posts: 15 Member
    I'm just restarting again. I have about 80lbs to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • IsabelRA
    IsabelRA Posts: 2 Member
    I've recently restarted also. Have 100+ lbs to lose, still unsure of the ultimate goal but right now I just want to be healthier. I've been logging daily and hoping to become more active in order to reach my goal.
  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there!

    I started this journey 5 months ago and have lost 50 pounds. I am a daily logger. I still have about 110 pounds to go!
  • tinymandi
    tinymandi Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm on a 58 day streak but have only lost 15 lbs. Still have about 80 to lose. Add me if you want to keep motivated and also help me in my battle against those 80 lbs.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey, feel free to add anytime. I started in May of this year. Have about 150 to lose before its all said and done. Past the 50lbs mark recently. I log daily and all that :) GL everyone

    <3 much love!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I log daily and try to be supportive. I'm not sure what my ultimate goal weight is, but it will be approximately 100 lbs down from my starting weight of 256.
  • sfonken
    sfonken Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Add me! I have lost 95 pounds in the past . . . Gained it back, plus more. Now I am on a journey to loose it again and for the last time! I log in several times a day. So far, I have lost 60 some pounds. I have about another 50 to go. Then the hard part starts . . . Keeping it off!