Why can't I lose weight on my breasts??

I've nearly 21 years old, female and I'm normal weight. BUT, I've always had really big breasts.

It's always been the source of my low self-esteem because I think it's disgusting and it hurts my back. I can't find clothes to wear or bikinis to buy and boys and girls comment on it a lot which is bothering me a lot. I've consulted several plastic surgeons but they won't do anything due to my young age.

I used to go horse back riding every day which is very intense training but that never helped. Now I go jogging and do weightlifting and stuff like that but that doesn't help either.
I'm a vegetarian so i eat healthy (most of the time) but I do like sweets maybe a bit too often.

Are some people just bound never to lose weight on their breasts or what am I doing wrong?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Where you lose weight is largely genetics. I can't ever seem to lose weight in my thighs (pear). Surgery or minimizing bras are your only options.

    What you eat has nothing to do with it either.
  • samammay
    Everyone is different and will lose weight from different parts of their body in different orders/ratios. Its possible that your breasts will be the last thing to go as you lose weight.

    The simple fact is that breasts are primarily fat tissue like any other in your body and they can be reduced (to a point) by losing body fat... which means creating a calorie deficit.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Everyone is different and will lose weight from different parts of their body in different orders/ratios. Its possible that your breasts will be the last thing to go as you lose weight.

    The simple fact is that breasts are primarily fat tissue like any other in your body and they can be reduced (to a point) by losing body fat... which means creating a calorie deficit.

    Yes - but unfortunately some women (primarily) lose cup size, while others (primarily) lose band size.
  • prettychelly
    prettychelly Posts: 112 Member
    Like everyone else said, fat and weight will come off wherever and whenever it wants to. I lost weight in my breasts after the 3rd time of losing weight lol. I also had a breast reduction right before my 19th birthday and insurance covered it.
  • JoannaEngel84
    JoannaEngel84 Posts: 49 Member
    Um, because you can't pick where the weight will come off. Sorry! As you lose weight you may lose some from your breast, but if you genetically just have big ones, they'll probably stay that way.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    On your profile you indicate that you only have 11 lbs to lose so this type of weight loss will not make much difference. It also will not be a good idea to become severely underweight to reduce your breast size. The are many women that are at a very healthy weight and are still busty. A specific type of work out or diet will not reduce breast size compared to another program. However, as a fellow busty girl I can attest to the fact that good posture, weight lifting and core work do wonders for reducing/eliminating back pain.

    I am a bit concerned that you refer to your bust as 'disgusting" and feel you have to defend yourself by saying that you eat healthy and exercise (as of you have to do something terribly wrong to have your body type). If you are at a healthy weight this is just your natural shape and shouldn't be considered any differently than being tall or having blue eyes. At 21 you will probably have no problem getting surgery in a few years if you still truly want it, but do try a little self-acceptance in the meantime. Being busty does have some perks (pun attended).
  • Ksandreassen
    Ksandreassen Posts: 3 Member
    I guess being bullied for having this size makes me think of it as "disgusting".
    I know it's not but I've always been told it is, so that's how I see it.

    About the back pain, I've done everything possible and it's only getting worse. I've gone to several doctors and physical therapists for over a year with no result at all.
  • BumbyDog
    BumbyDog Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Kath,
    Unless your photo is very misleading, you do not look at all busty! What cup size are you? I'm an F and while I know it's big, I don't think it's that big a deal. Are you sure you are really so big? Or is it that you were teased so you are hyper aware of it? The reason I ask is that many people have breast reduction surgery at your age, so the fact that the doctor is saying you're too young may be because s/he knows your breasts are not actually that big and they want you to wait a few years in the hope that you realise that. I'm sorry if I'm completely wrong!
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    I guess being bullied for having this size makes me think of it as "disgusting".
    I know it's not but I've always been told it is, so that's how I see it.

    About the back pain, I've done everything possible and it's only getting worse. I've gone to several doctors and physical therapists for over a year with no result at all.

    I'm sorry that happened to you; there's nothing disgusting about breast size, whether small or large.

    You will probably be able to qualify for breast reduction surgery in a few years if it's hurting your back. Maybe try finding some special supporting bras?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I've gone down bunches of sizes and inches everywhere but there.

    The girls went from DD to D. If I'm very lucky, they might become a C...but I'm not holding out a lot of hope there.

    Some people are just cursed with big boobs. Have to accept that.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    If you're breasts are mostly breast tissue rather than fat, you might not lose much on them. It depends on your make-up. I never really lost any on mine either.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I've lost over 40 lbs and haven't changed bra size except in the band. It's a blessing/curse that unfortunately probably won't change unless you get reduction surgery or become severely underweight (please dear god don't do that to yourself.) As far as the back pain goes, have you gone to a specialty lingerie shop that specializes in larger bra sizes? If you get professionally fitted for the right bra for your breasts, it should help A LOT with the back pain. I had terrible back pain until I finally shelled out the extra cash to get a few really well fitting bras. Your posture could also be making things worse if you have a tendency to slouch your shoulders forward.

    Unless the back pain is really unbearable, and changing your bra/posture doesn't help, I would try to stay away from surgery. It's entirely your decision to make, but there are options for reducing the look of your chest, and to help eliminate back pain. For example. when I'm at work, I opt for sports bras to reduce size, so that my chest doesn't distract from my work/professional appearance, and stay away from push up / cleavage enhancing bras unless it's for a special occasion (like a date with my long term boyfriend when i want to look especially nice.)
  • Ksandreassen
    Ksandreassen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kath,
    Unless your photo is very misleading, you do not look at all busty! What cup size are you? I'm an F and while I know it's big, I don't think it's that big a deal. Are you sure you are really so big? Or is it that you were teased so you are hyper aware of it? The reason I ask is that many people have breast reduction surgery at your age, so the fact that the doctor is saying you're too young may be because s/he knows your breasts are not actually that big and they want you to wait a few years in the hope that you realise that. I'm sorry if I'm completely wrong!

    I'm a size 75F/G, I'm not sure it's the same size here, I'm from Denmark.
    One doctor would do it but in order for my insurance to cover it, they HAD to take everything off which only left me with a size A which is a little too small. If I wanted them to take less during surgery I had to pay myself. As a 16 year old (at that time) I did not have that kind of money - still don't.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Hi Kath,
    Unless your photo is very misleading, you do not look at all busty! What cup size are you? I'm an F and while I know it's big, I don't think it's that big a deal. Are you sure you are really so big? Or is it that you were teased so you are hyper aware of it? The reason I ask is that many people have breast reduction surgery at your age, so the fact that the doctor is saying you're too young may be because s/he knows your breasts are not actually that big and they want you to wait a few years in the hope that you realise that. I'm sorry if I'm completely wrong!

    I'm a size 75F/G, I'm not sure it's the same size here, I'm from Denmark.
    One doctor would do it but in order for my insurance to cover it, they HAD to take everything off which only left me with a size A which is a little too small. If I wanted them to take less during surgery I had to pay myself. As a 16 year old (at that time) I did not have that kind of money - still don't.
    to answer your original question, from what i understand breast tissue isn't just your standard, everyday, regular old bodyfat. its composition is different, so even though it's fatty tissue it's not going to respond the same way. this is also why breast size doesn't correlate to how heavy someone is. i've seen tiny women with E cups, and i've seen really heavy women with B cups.

    no matter how much i've weighed, in my adult life i've never had less than a D cup, and even that was a little small on me.

    since they won't do a breast reduction surgery, what i'd suggest is that you make sure you've got a really good, really well-fitting bra. www.reddit.com/r/abrathatfits has some really amazing resources on determining exactly what size and shape you are, how to properly fit a bra (as in what should be where, etc), and a lot of personal reviews on different brands, models, and sizes. they're what taught me that i'm actually a 40/G or 42/F, not the 42DD i thought i was. while a good bra won't solve all of your problems, it will help with the back pain.

    regardless of where you've bought bras before, or who fit you, PLEASE go check out that forum. you'd be amazed at how many people said "well i got fitted by the saleslady" or "i tried this one on and it was comfy and cute", only to realize that they have been wearing the wrong size for years.
  • scg17
    scg17 Posts: 88 Member
    We are roughly the same size if I'm doing my US and European size conversions, and I can tell you when I'm about 10 lbs less than I weigh right now (at "perfect weight" according to BMI, bodyfat, etc), they are only half a cup size smaller. It is genetics. Do you lift weights at all? Having a properly fitted bra is very important, and strengthening your core and back will help a lot. Keep on keeping on with what you are doing, but maybe consider talking to a therapist? I think the problem is a lot less your shape and more that people were jerks. Maybe once you have a bit more muscle and aren't in pain you'll actually like your chest more. It's awful that people have teased you, but you can overcome it. For example, though I sometimes feel self-conscious in bikinis, I always appreciate how I look in dresses. I wouldn't mind being a cup or two smaller, but I've actually come to really appreciate my figure, especially as I work out more and lift weights. And in the long run, if you are still unhappy, look into surgery.
  • moveyourself
    I feel for you, because I'm also pretty busty, and it's not fun.
    I have a lot of weight to lose, so I'm hoping they'll get smaller once I get to my goal weight - but if not, I'm definitely getting breast reduction, no doubt about it.
    I would consider going down that route yourself. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Don't let others make you feel weird or guilty for not 'loving' your large breast.
    It's a constant struggle, and it's not just about the back pain. Finding clothes is a struggle, sleeping on your stomach is nearly impossible, bra shopping is hell...
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Why can't you lose weight on your breasts?


    You can try dropping to a lower weight within the "normal" weight range for your height, but there is no guarantee that it will give you the results you want. Focus on strength, since cardio can cause more back pain for people who have large chests. Strength can also help your back pain, especially core strength. Focus on your posture when you are doing cardio. It's all too easy to slump to try to hide an overly abundant chest, which exacerbates back pain.

    How good are your bras? Make sure you're replacing them frequently and always buy them so that they start on the loosest hook. The band should be doing 90% of the work, the straps should be doing the other 10%.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Hi Kath,
    Unless your photo is very misleading, you do not look at all busty! What cup size are you? I'm an F and while I know it's big, I don't think it's that big a deal. Are you sure you are really so big? Or is it that you were teased so you are hyper aware of it? The reason I ask is that many people have breast reduction surgery at your age, so the fact that the doctor is saying you're too young may be because s/he knows your breasts are not actually that big and they want you to wait a few years in the hope that you realise that. I'm sorry if I'm completely wrong!

    I'm a size 75F/G, I'm not sure it's the same size here, I'm from Denmark.
    One doctor would do it but in order for my insurance to cover it, they HAD to take everything off which only left me with a size A which is a little too small. If I wanted them to take less during surgery I had to pay myself. As a 16 year old (at that time) I did not have that kind of money - still don't.

    I've never been a size that didn't have many Ds after the number (US), and I understand about the bullying. Before my last pregnancy, I was (UK sizes) a 32H, came to MFP at a 34H, and now I'm a 32E and will probably stay around this size. Losing weight did do a little for the cups, but not much. I'm just busty.

    My advice - invest in some really good bras. A good fit does wonders for posture and back issues, and minimizers make a difference. Find a good sports bra so you feel comfortable exercising - I really like Panache. I find strength training has really helped with my posture and back issues as well.

    Edited to add: Although you say you are at a healthy weight, what is your body fat percentage? I've got an entire drawerful of bras in different cup sizes even though I was around the same weight, just from differences in how much body fat I had at the time.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Like others have said, I think genetics plays a major part

    I was a 44C at 305 lbs, and now I'm a 36-38C at 177. Same damn cup size, just the band got smaller. They are not nice c's, but shriveled up sweat sock C's, but still, same thing.

    Doesn't matter if I gain or lose, it's gonna be a C

    Hopefully if yours are causing you a lot of pain, later in life you can have a reduction to help.

    Good luck