When do you rest during Insanity ?

I can't take breaks when Shaun takes them, I need a little bit more rest since I'm at the beginning now but the main question is: should I stop the video for a couple of seconds or keep going but slower ? Personally I stopped the video a couple of times so when I got back I did the exercises at full speed. Feel free to share your opinion, and I wish you all a great day ! :)


  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    I go at my own pace. If i can keep up, HOORAY! If i need to break.. Shaun T is getting the side-eye and I'm sitting down
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    It's been over two years since I did insanity,but I'm pretty sure he says not to stop the tape and to take breaks when you need them
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The program specifies to let the tape run. You're going to need more breaks (even the pros in the videos stop and take a 5 second breather from time to time). The idea is to go as hard as you can and stop when you have to, then get back in as hard as you can. You want to keep your heartrate up.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Let it run and take breaks as needed.
    My rule of thumb with Insanity is to go at your own pace in the beginning, focusing on getting the form right first.

    If you don't have the form right, and you just go balls to the wall in the beginning, you'll just wind up with a greater potential for injury. Steady in the beginning, and the speed will come as you progress.

    Trust me, in my first few attempts, I couldn't even make it through the 9-ish minute warm up without taking a break. Now, I have no problem making it through the warm-up with some breath to spare.