Hello! Just joined... (personal trainer)



  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Verner
    I've recently rejoined MFP. I currently weigh 173 pounds and Im 5'6.5 . I saw somewhere on here that your supposed to eat back the calories you burn in a day....Is their truth to this? If that's true then how does one get to the caloric deficit?

    Also I have my calorie goal set for 1200 per day, is this good? I do around 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week.

    Any advise is much appreciated, thanks!

  • Apothys28
    Apothys28 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey Verner,
    Are you familiar with the Popliteus Muscle behind the right knee? After all my runs, my Popliteus Muscle bothers me for about 24/hrs. Even if I run, it starts to bother me but after about a few KM I don't feel it again. After 24 hours the pain pretty much completely goes away so I don't believe its too serious yet. Are you familiar with this and how it can be corrected?
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Verner and I just joined this community to hopefully help in the near future.

    I am a personal trainer in the San Francisco area and I routinely advice my clients to use MyFitnessPal to log and track their food. I think it's a great resource and I thought that maybe I could join and help answer any questions that anyone has in terms of health, nutrition, diet, exercise..anything!

    A little about me: I'm 32 years old, and like I mentioned, I live in San Francisco area with my new fiance!

    I work at a local gym and my specialty is weight loss.

    So, if you ever feel like you struggle with self control, changing your eating habits, postpartum weight loss, consistency, or anything else.. I'd love to help!

    Thank you for allowing me to join and I look forward to getting to know this community!

    - Verner
    Welcome, Verner!!
  • KatVarley
    KatVarley Posts: 534 Member
    Hello... I am wondering as a Trainer, what you would recommend for a protein/carb/fat ratio in daily nutrition for a woman, 50 yo looking to trim about 15- 20lbs of unwanted fat and turn it into lean muscle. I do work out a lot running and strength training. Nutrition seems to be my problem.

  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Verner,

    I recently started reading 'The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man Look Like a Goddess,' any thoughts?

    I am reading about meals and nutrition, my plan is to cut down on cardio and increase my overall strength. I have been doing HIIT workouts 3 to 4 times a week (the 4th is only if I don't complete one of the 3), this was suggested to re-start my weight loss and it has.

    I have since noticed that my body is changing in a way that I am not completely happy with. While my core seems to be getting firmer my hips seem to be going away causing me to look a little straight at least from the front my waist is 27 and my hips are 39, chest is 32. I really want to tone up/develop some strength in my upper body. Would it be silly to strength train on my upper body only, while still doing cardio?

    You can be brutally honest - after all I really have very few clues. I am willing to work along with the book and go from there if that would the best overall route - health wise.

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Two questions.

    1) I have COPD (68% lung function approx), but train hard regardless and have done for several years now (boxing, weights, cycling, circuits, running, elliptical on intervals) and have always wondered if, because of the extra effort I am having to exert, I am likely to be burning more energy off? I have noticed that when I am on track with my workouts, I seem to drop fat pretty rapidly and can get away with eating quite a large amount.

    2) After 2 months off from training from Nov to January, due to severe chest infections, during which I ate pretty freely, I got back to training end of Jan and after feb 3rd, stopped my periods for 7 months. Never happened before. I thought it was early menopause, as did my gp, but after gaining 6 Ibs rather rapidly over the course of a month(no idea why it went on so fast), my period returned. I was around 12% bodyfat prior to getting ill, but had certainly gone up a fair bit from that during my months off, and I still got periods at 12%. Is it possible getting back into working out hard stopped them ?

    Hi Graelwyn75,
    Great questions. :) I'll try my best..

    1- It sounds like you're a pretty hard worker and I would suspect that your body is pretty use to training at a lower lung capacity, so I don't think it has much to do with your COPD. I suspect that when you get back into working out hard, your body just responds well.

    2- I would suspect that if you lost your period for that long (7 months) then yes..it was due to over exertion and/or low body fat..

    Read this: (from medscape.com)
    Amenorrhea presents in two forms. Primary amenorrhea is the complete absence of menstruation by age 16 in a female with secondary sex characteristics. Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of 3 to 12 consecutive menstrual periods after menarche.

    Secondary amenorrhea should never be considered a normal response to intense training. Once amenorrhea is detected, the etiology must be determined.

    Exercise-associated amenorrhea (EAA) is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhea in athletes. EAA is believed to be the result of a disorder in the hypothalamus and results in a hypo-estrogen state. Specifically, there is a decrease in the pulse frequency of gonadotrophic-releasing hormone. This results in a decrease in the frequency of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary. In time, low estrogen levels can result in diminished bone mineral density and osteoporosis., it was due to a decrease in body fat. is the absence of menstrual periods. Women who are athletes or who exercise excessively on a regular basis are at risk of developing.

    one more thing.. exercise is very beneficial and is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.. it becomes UNhealthy when it becomes extreme or interferes with your normal bodily functions (ie hormone pathways), or could potentially hurt you long-term.

    Interesting, thanks.
    It is strange as I only averaged 60-120 minutes a day, in the form of boxing, weights, elliptical, cycling, walking, usually some combination of those, and not every day either. I just seem to lose fat quite rapidly once I get going, so I suppose I must train more intensely than I imagine. I always put the discomfort down to my COPD rather than pushing myself hard. Mind you, the PT I used to work with used to boast about me a little to other trainers, haha.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member

    looks like you've got your work cut out for ya!!! :wink:

    Welcome... :flowerforyou:
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Verner
    I've recently rejoined MFP. I currently weigh 173 pounds and Im 5'6.5 . I saw somewhere on here that your supposed to eat back the calories you burn in a day....Is their truth to this? If that's true then how does one get to the caloric deficit?

    Also I have my calorie goal set for 1200 per day, is this good? I do around 45 minutes of cardio 4 times a week.

    Any advise is much appreciated, thanks!

    Hi Jill,

    Good question..

    I think this is something a lot of people have misconstrued because there are so many different factors when it comes to fitness.

    "Eating back your calories" I think comes from a standpoint of maintaining your weight and muscle mass..kind of a bodybuilder thing...BUT, when it comes to a weight loss goal, "eating back your calories" results in an even caloric expenditure and intake.
    And we all know that to lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit.

    So.. eating back your calories will ultimately hinder your ability to lose weight efficiently.

    Keep in mind that one piece of information or "tip", may not be suitable for your specific goal!

    Hope this helps!

  • lisaward111
    lisaward111 Posts: 30 Member
    Im Lisa I started exercising and dieting 3 days ago I'm trying to lose 20 pounds in 2 months, I need some moral support.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Verner,
    Are you familiar with the Popliteus Muscle behind the right knee? After all my runs, my Popliteus Muscle bothers me for about 24/hrs. Even if I run, it starts to bother me but after about a few KM I don't feel it again. After 24 hours the pain pretty much completely goes away so I don't believe its too serious yet. Are you familiar with this and how it can be corrected?

    Hi, yes i have a little familiarity with the popliteus muscle..

    I'm assuming you feel pain on the medial side (inside) of your knee? (typical area for pain)
    If so, it's probably a tendonitis (meaning inflammation of the tendon and not necessarily the muscle itself).
    Gentle stretching, massage, and anti-inflammatory treatment is recommended until it gets better.
  • Apothys28
    Apothys28 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the Information. I've noticed lately that I've had this pain less and less. I'm at the point where I can run every day if I choose too without the pain stopping me.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hello... I am wondering as a Trainer, what you would recommend for a protein/carb/fat ratio in daily nutrition for a woman, 50 yo looking to trim about 15- 20lbs of unwanted fat and turn it into lean muscle. I do work out a lot running and strength training. Nutrition seems to be my problem.


    Hi Kat,

    This seems to be a recurring question.
    Stay tuned, I'll be answering this in an upcoming video. :wink:

  • juanitarochelle2014
    Hi ... Quick question I've lost over 100lbs like 10yrs ago on my own I do alot of cardio and some strength training I have three kids and I lost the weight after the last two the youngest is going to be three but need like a 15lbs more but my question is that my lower half isneeds to be toned I have big calfs I want to make them smaller any tips ? San Francisco is a beautiful city my sister lives there :) ok thank u
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Verner,

    I recently started reading 'The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man Look Like a Goddess,' any thoughts?

    I am reading about meals and nutrition, my plan is to cut down on cardio and increase my overall strength. I have been doing HIIT workouts 3 to 4 times a week (the 4th is only if I don't complete one of the 3), this was suggested to re-start my weight loss and it has.

    I have since noticed that my body is changing in a way that I am not completely happy with. While my core seems to be getting firmer my hips seem to be going away causing me to look a little straight at least from the front my waist is 27 and my hips are 39, chest is 32. I really want to tone up/develop some strength in my upper body. Would it be silly to strength train on my upper body only, while still doing cardio?

    You can be brutally honest - after all I really have very few clues. I am willing to work along with the book and go from there if that would the best overall route - health wise.


    Hi there!

    While I haven't read this particular book, I am a big proponent of weight lifting for weight loss, more so than I am of cardio.

    I wouldn't say it's "silly" per say to do upper body strength training, (I've seen "sillier" things), but instead of that may I recommend doing body weight exercises for your lower body routine, and continue with lifting weights for your upper body.

    When I train women, one fear is that they will lose curves, or worse, gain muscle in their thighs and "look like a man". While that rarely ever happens, to avoid any unwanted changes, I tend to have them do more body weight exercises for their lower half, and increase the reps to 15 - 20 range. ie, lunges, body weight squats, step-ups,etc..

    Feel free to direct message me if you want me to take a look at your current workout routine.
  • PowerAJS
    PowerAJS Posts: 25 Member
    What's up Verner? Welcome to myfitnesspal! I just signed up myself at the suggestion of a coworker. I'm trying to lose 20lbs, having already lost 30. I'll send you an request.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ... Quick question I've lost over 100lbs like 10yrs ago on my own I do alot of cardio and some strength training I have three kids and I lost the weight after the last two the youngest is going to be three but need like a 15lbs more but my question is that my lower half isneeds to be toned I have big calfs I want to make them smaller any tips ? San Francisco is a beautiful city my sister lives there :) ok thank u

    Before I answer this question, I want to let it be known that I don't necessarily endorse this kind of training for the average person. However, based on facts and science, this is the answer to your question..

    The answer to getting smaller calves...

    ...long distance endurance training.

    While I don't recommend this for everyone, (as it's not the best nor most efficient way to lose weight persay) it IS a great way to lose muscle..again, if that's what your goal is.

    Think of a marathon runner.

    They are very lean and kinda boney, right?

    Well, what's happening to their body is the process of muscle depletion. They run to the point that, more times than not, they aren't eating the calories needed to maintain their muscle mass. Therefore, they get a little thin everywhere.

    Again, not a balanced way or the best way to lose weight particularly, (I will be sharing that later), but it's the only way to lose muscle, which is what your calves are comprised of.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Welcome, and thank you for supporting us.

    Lots of questions, but I don't want to bore you!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on the engagement, I wish you both many years of love and happiness. I do have one small question. I have a large tear in my right rotator cuff (It was diagnosed 4 years ago and I was told I needed to have surgery however no one was willing to do the surgery while I was pregnant, and having a newborn and no use of one arm is not comparable). Back then the tear was 25% through the rotator cuff, I know based on the symptoms (and severity of the pain) that the tear is larger now (it's been 4 years since it was diagnosed). Can I build the muscles around it so that it isn't an issue? Honestly I am looking for a way to not do the surgery. (I have had three surgeries on my left shoulder so I know what I'm looking at post surgery for recovery and PT, I would prefer to avoid it if at all possible.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome, and thank you for supporting us.

    Lots of questions, but I don't want to bore you!

    Ask away!
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on the engagement, I wish you both many years of love and happiness. I do have one small question. I have a large tear in my right rotator cuff (It was diagnosed 4 years ago and I was told I needed to have surgery however no one was willing to do the surgery while I was pregnant, and having a newborn and no use of one arm is not comparable). Back then the tear was 25% through the rotator cuff, I know based on the symptoms (and severity of the pain) that the tear is larger now (it's been 4 years since it was diagnosed). Can I build the muscles around it so that it isn't an issue? Honestly I am looking for a way to not do the surgery. (I have had three surgeries on my left shoulder so I know what I'm looking at post surgery for recovery and PT, I would prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

    Thanks for the well wishes! :) I'm exited to be engaged to such a wonderful woman.

    Now...regarding your rotator cuff issues..

    The rotator cuff is primarily made up of tendons - which means they receive less blood supply than your muscles - which means they don't heal as well.

    Seeing as how you feel it's torn more since the first injury, I would probably say surgery is needed. Although, definitely go get it checked out by a physical therapist and/or doctor and see what they recommend.