Bodyweight exercises?

I am interested in incorporating some strength exercises but I am limited to being at home (no one to look after my son and also no money for the gym) so I wondered what thoughts were on body weight exercises?

I found this:

But I just wondered if this would be effective? Obviously I know not as effective as the gym but enough for now? I am an exercise-phobe but trying to change this!

I am borrowing an exercise bike in a couple of weeks so thought I could maybe alternate the body weight exercises with bike and some workout DVDs. I'm also looking to put money aside for my own dumbells but this may take a bit of time as money is tight right now.

I'm just wondering what people's thoughts are really :) if anyone has any recommendations on what I could do that would be fab, the link I posted was just something I found earlier today.

Thanks in advance!


  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as lifting weights. In fact, I'd say they're better for a beginner since they don't require attention to technique or a spotter. They also can be done anywhere instead of requiring a trip to the gym. If you have a smartphone, check out the Just Six Weeks app. It has programming for push-ups, sit-ups, dips, lunges and squats and it caters to the beginner.

    What this app won't do is motivate you to do the exercises, That has to come from you!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, bodyweight exercises are effective. The workout you linked is the bodyweight routine that I started out with. I did it from March through mid-June of this year. Then I switched over to the Start Bodyweight basic routine before eventually moving on to free weights. Both are great routines but I think that the Nerd Fitness one is great for true beginners. You can see my pics in my profile. I was very out of shape when I started. I would caution to take it easy the first few workouts and stretch a lot. If you are not used to doing squats and lunges it is easy to overdo them and then regret it the next day ;) Anyway, have fun!
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    Check out this post here from MFP member fourfiftythree.

    Great results and a ton of information!

    I love utilizing bodyweight exercises. I don't have a gym membership, nor do I plan to get one. I do all my exercises at home using various dvd's, as well as online with blogilates and fitness blender site.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    I rarely use weights. You can get amazing results just using your body. Get yourself a jump rope and google be exercises.
  • Juicer82
    Juicer82 Posts: 65 Member
    Side Note: We can check out workout videos from our library, and you can look up some on youtube for free. :) No need for a gym! There's plenty of resources for free out there! :)
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thanks everyone :) it is reassuring that I can still do a good workout from home and for free :)

    I'm going to give the nerd fitness one tomorrow, is there a rough estimate that these exercises might burn? Sometimes I struggle to hit my calories so I am going to make an extra effort but want to make sure I am having enough.

    I am 5'6, 199lbs, set to lose 2lb a week and my calories are set to 1360, if that helps
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Bodyweight exercises, youtube, fitness blender. com, biking, and jumping rope are all good ways to lose weight.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Bodyweight exercises are far superior to anything you'll find at the gym. Plus, in using a lot of the machines at the gym, you are performing movements that your body is not used to, or designed to, do.

    With bodyweight exercises, your movements are more natural and difficulty can be easily adjusted through the use of leverage (incline or decline pushups), single limb movements (single leg deadlifts / good mornings), or even using objects you have around your home for cans, milk jugs, a backpack, etc.

    Save money on that gym membership.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can be just as effective as lifting weights. In fact, I'd say they're better for a beginner since they don't require attention to technique or a spotter. They also can be done anywhere instead of requiring a trip to the gym. If you have a smartphone, check out the Just Six Weeks app. It has programming for push-ups, sit-ups, dips, lunges and squats and it caters to the beginner.

    What this app won't do is motivate you to do the exercises, That has to come from you!

    Wrong. They very much require attention to technique, or you can screw yourself up. SMH.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    There are also some exercise pointers here on the MFP Hello Healthy blog:

    One example:

    I just finished a 28 day beginner squat challenge that I found there.

    I don't have time for a gym membership, so I fit in these types of workouts whenever I can.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    You'll find much better information on bodyweight exercise at Reddit than you will at MFP. See
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I admit I use a lot of gym equipment but I also think bodyweight exercises are very solid. I do some bodyweight squats, flutter kicks and some ab-core work typically in the sauna. Also, I believe most physical training in the military is body weight focused.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Convict Conditioning, kindle version on amazon, has a great progressive BW program. Do it 6 days a week and you'll see changes very quickly.

    It is $7
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    I incorporate lots of DVDs such as ballet beautiful, Pop Pilates, Winsor Pilates, No More Trouble Zones, Physique57 and use resistance bands, squishy ball, hand weights and my own body weight. My body has never looked this good as I am now 42 yo.
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow lots of replies, thank you so much! I'm shattered now but I'll be back tomorrow to have a read and follow up your suggestions :) I still have a lot of weight to drop before any definition would be seen but I would certainly like to work on my strength regardless, my upper body strength is, and has always been, very poor.

    Can anyone approximate how much one would burn doing beginners strength exercises? Purely so I know for my calories as I sometimes struggle to get up to my calories but don't want to over do it with minimum calories if that makes sense!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Expect to burn 0 calories with weight lifting.

    There is a burn, but it's negligible in the grand scheme of life. A heavy strain on the john would be equivalent to a set of squats.
  • amehh91
    amehh91 Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thank you :) I won't change my calories for that then :)