Stress? Sure. Laziness? Shame on me.

So I gained back all of my hard work plus an additional 2 pounds. It all started when my father-in-law passed away a month ago. It was very sudden and unexpected. I stress ate for about a week and then mostly old habits dragged me back to where I used to be. I'm annoyed that I gained that all back and that I didn't jump back on soon after the funeral (I think both my husband and I needed it), but I'm back now and in desperate need of some grocery shopping.
Let's consider this a minor setback. :)

Actually, looks like I gained back most of it, but I'm still down 3 lbs from my start weight so... Back to work :)


  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Been there, done that, bought the XXL tee shirt.

    You can't change the past, so all you can do is change how you view the future. Look on the bright side -- that you lost the weight before means that you CAN do it again.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    If you gained it all back in a month, the good news is you don't have that far to go to get back. you're ready to get started, so do it.
  • sdtfitness
    Yup it has been a crazy month but sweetie you aren't alone. We are getting back on track together and will kick butt. I love you and I am glad we can work together to get healthy :*
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Been through this very thing. My dad died in June and I ate my grief for two solid months. So here I am, back at the beginning. It's a matter of simply getting into better habits, and you can do that.
  • penkwin
    penkwin Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry for your loss. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Sometimes things happen in life and your weight loss plan is just secondary to that. You don't need shame on top of grief. Try to treat your body healthfully and keep moving forward. :)
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Don't feel bad! I started this weight loss journey January 2014 (this year) and I am now only ~5-7 lbs less than my highest weight.

    The most I lost was about 12, but I gained a bunch of it back and I don't even know why. It is difficult, you'll get off track a million times, but just try to be as consistent as possible and in the long-run you will achieve your goals!