What is the BEST calorie burning exercise?



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I don't like running either. I use my elliptical set at the highest resistance level [not recommended if you're just starting], but I gradually worked my way to using it. I burn approximately 1000 calories every half hour going at a moderate pace. My machine doesn't track speed, but it does track calories burned per minute, so I keep it at around 33.3 cal/min burned. Mathematically, that's 500 every 15 minutes. It may not sound right, but I've lost over 120 pounds in less than a year.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Circuit and interval training.
  • AbbiLindsey
    AbbiLindsey Posts: 7 Member
    I've made it a rule not to eat past 7pm. I am tracking all of my food intake daily then going to the Y to work off anything I feel I shouldn't have done (I like to stay a couple hundred calories below the recommended amount daily). The Y closes at 8 so I don't have THAT much time to get a workout in. My husband works til 630 so by the time he gets home and we eat, it's time to hit the Y!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    HIIt training on a Cybex ARC.......750 cals for me in 45 minutes. Im using a body media hrm and the best part is on days you do it versuses other cardio the afterburn affect is 700 more total cals in a day then normal cardio days. Its awesome.
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    Zumba burns about 1000 kCal an hour. So even a 1/2 hour is a great calorie burn.

    I LOVE Zumba!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    If you are walking, I think the treadmill will help you to get a better workout than walking outside.

    You can set the incline, plus you set the MPH, and you stay there.

    When I walk outside, the terrain is variable, and I tend to vary the speed, so I have to be mindful of that. Sometimes it helps to listen to music with a constant beat, though, and walk to the beat.

    But, overall, I have been having really good success with walking to a DVD, because the movements are so varied and they incorporate arms and legs and things that you would probably not do on an outside walk or a treadmill walk.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Running, HIIT, Insanity, Turbo Fire...
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    I don't like running either. I use my elliptical set at the highest resistance level [not recommended if you're just starting], but I gradually worked my way to using it. I burn approximately 1000 calories every half hour going at a moderate pace. My machine doesn't track speed, but it does track calories burned per minute, so I keep it at around 33.3 cal/min burned. Mathematically, that's 500 every 15 minutes. It may not sound right, but I've lost over 120 pounds in less than a year.

    Wow, that's AWESOME! Good for you!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Lifting heavy weights is the best calorie burning exercise. For every ounce of muscle you build your resting metabolic rate will increase and the more calories you will burn per day.

    No you will not turn into the hulk by touching a heavy weight.
  • I do Spin class (stationary bike) every thursday, warm up for 5 Minutes exercise for 50 and cool down another 5. My highest so far is 766 calories burned and a max heart rate of 176 BPM. Best calorie burner I have ever done, and its fun on top of that. Give it a shot.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I just looked through the database and plugged in my stats and then looked up a few general exercises to see how the calorie burn compares.

    Walking was lowest, followed by curves circuit, then bicycling, aerobics (general), swimming, circuit training, and then kick-boxing.

    Obviously you would have to look up the exercises that you prefer to do, but I think that is probably the best way to approach it. Plug in your stats, and then look at some types of exercises that you like to do, and those that you would be interested in doing, to see how they vary in their calorie burn.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I just did elliptical for 15 minutes and burned 330 calories! how's that for high burn in little time? =D of course I can barely breathe right now lol
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    No, no, no, no, no. Sorry if I sound like your Dad or something. You don’t want to use exercise as a way to burn off extra calories on the days you happen to go over. Remember exercise is for fitness, diet is for weight loss. It just so happens that the more you exercise the less strict (on calories) you have to be on your diet. The best route is a steady one, work out a exercise routine that you can stick to, everyday, every other day, mornings, nights, whatever, pick a schedule you can stick to the best. Yes things will come up and you may miss a day here and there, but make it a habit and you will miss it when you can’t exercise.

    1 lb a week. Remember a pound of fat takes 3600 burned calories to get rid of. So if you burn 500 a day, and eat 500 less calories a day (under your base line) you will lose 2 lbs a week, burn 1000 eat 1000 less = 4 lbs gone a week, and so on, you can figure it out from there, over simplified but you get the idea.

    As for the best exercise, burns the most calories, interval weight training is by far the best. You burn while you’re working out and there is a sustained burning of calories after the workout is done. Same with interval cardio, but not as much, and plane cardio pretty much stops burning calories as soon as you stop exercising.

    It’s a long trip but very worth it. You have come to the right place, just keep asking questions, read everything you can, educate yourself, and before you know it you will be wondering what happened to the old you.
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    If you have access to a pool, swimming is awesome! Depending on your pace, if you take breaks, etc., you burn around 750 cals/hr. No impact, and it gets you entire body involved! It doesn't even feel like I'm "working out" when I do it! It feels fun and therapeutic.
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    Just be careful if your constantly going over even though your excersing it could stop your weight loss. if your going over make it one day a week where you can have treat or your favorite meal and then move on. I try to eat healty food and stay within my calories everyday even if I know I'm gonna burn them later.
  • If one has limited time to work out daily, which exercise will burn the most calories the quickest? Besides running! :) I've never been able to run.

    I am not fond of running either... I had a motorcycle accident, I had a crush injury, and I can't anymore. So I find the best workout... Elliptical/Cybex machines, set on intervals I do at least 35 minutes..... you get the same caloric burn as running, but it's not as hard on the knees, feet, joints... also most gyms now are equip with 30 minute circuits, those are awesome.

    Good Luck!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I'm in for intervals too. I run all out for a minute (on the eliptical) and wak 2 minutes. I repeat that for about 20 minutes or so.
  • YAY ZUMBA!!!
  • RCW79
    RCW79 Posts: 2
    I love Turbo Jam! Jackie Warner's video's are awesome as well.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    If your fond of riding the bike at the gym I really recommend a spin class. I just did one and it was AMAZING! I also recommend cardio kick boxing. In a half hour of that I can burn about 400 calories...it doesn't sound that great but for comparison the 30 day shread only burns about 250 for me in the same amount of time.
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