NSV: Ran for first time but need advice!

Ok so maybe it wasnt actually running but more of a jog, but this is HUGE for me! I havent ran/jogged in like forever!!! I just want to go out and do it all again!

So today I decided to go for a walk because I have been too lazy all weekend, I had my music on and couldnt find anything upbeat, so i decided to put the c25k podcast on for a bit inspiration! But when it was time to run I was just going to keep on walking but I thought no....lets have a go, even if its just for 10 seconds! I did a good 45 seconds!!! i then went along with the podcast and managed to jog another 2 and a half mins! (instead of the 8min!) It felt good! but as this is the first time attempting to run I could do with some advice.

(can I also just add that where I walk its down a busway , so all you get is people cycling and the odd runner (no cars or people around!) so as I still dont 'look the part' to run, I was a bit hesitant to do so. I would look around first to make sure no one was around before I started running. By the end of it, I did decide to run past one cyclist!! eeekkkk

Advice needed
1. C25K is the only podcast I have found which helps with running for people who dont run! In my case though I am extremely unfit. Do you think I should just carry on doing the week1 program until I find it easy to do, which could take a while before moving onto week2.

2. I weigh 249lbs is this safe to do? for someone who has never ran I dont really know what Im doing!

3. I can probz do the program at least twice a week, (on my days off) but would like to squeeze one in after work. I dont get home from work until 7pm and I usually get stuck into cooking dinner, but Im sure its not good eating a big dinner and then running. Do you think I should eat a quick snack on the way home from work, do the C25K programme and then sit to eat my dinner around 8.30pm ish??

4. What sort of things should I eat before doing the C25k programme if im going to eat my dinner afterwards

5. Any other advice?

Thank in advance. :)


  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi! Firstly, yay! Welcome to running. Don't worry about needing to look around and making sure people aren't looking at you. I can guarantee everyone is in their own zone and it doesn't matter. Focus on what's ahead of you instead of looking around you. That's a hard mentality to break through but what you worry about, everyone else does too...but nobody is looking.

    1. I've never done C25K but if the pacing and timing of it works for you, I'd say keep on keepin on. If you can only do the runs 2 maybe 3 days a week, I see no reason why you couldn't do week 1 a few times to get yourself more comfortable with running before moving on to week 2.

    2. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If you're in pain, walk. Don't over push yourself. Wear good shoes and socks. I'm 275 lbs and I just finished my second half marathon. I didn't run the entire time but I certainly ran a good chunk of it. You're perfectly fine running at 249, just listen to your body.

    3. It depends on what you can handle. If you don't feel sloshy running with a big meal, then okay. Otherwise, a snack after work before you run is great. A handful of raw almonds, some granola, something with a bit of protein and some carbs to fuel your workout. After you run focus on lean meats and veggies (particularly leafy greens with a good potassium content!).

    Other advice...stretch after you run. Drink plenty of water all day. Invest in a good pair of running shoes. Pace yourself. Don't overextend yourself right off the bat because you'll get hurt, get discouraged and want to stop...which is a tough hurdle to jump. I'm a huge music person so something with a good beat to keep my feet running to always helps :). Don't know if you can play music under the C25K app. Have fun!!
  • mearsy88
    mearsy88 Posts: 87 Member
    First congrats on finishing your 2nd half marathon!! Thanks for your advice!! Ive always been big (used to be 295lbs back in the day!) and always thought running is impossible! I think most of time Im just worried about what people will think of me! Like I said by the end of it I didn't really care and just went for it.

    You put stretch after you run, Im going to sound stupid now, but should I do this before or a 5min brisk warm up walk should be enough.

    Think Im going to have another go on Thursday after work. otherwise I got to wait until Sunday my next day off!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    1. C25K is the only podcast I have found which helps with running for people who dont run! In my case though I am extremely unfit. Do you think I should just carry on doing the week1 program until I find it easy to do, which could take a while before moving onto week2.
    If you've read anything about C25k, you would know that's what they suggest often.
    2. I weigh 249lbs is this safe to do? for someone who has never ran I dont really know what Im doing!
    All humans know how to run. Go to a movie theater and shout "Fire, RUN!" Even the folks with the Walmart scooters will run. If you're consistent, conservative and know how to read your body, you'll be fine. If you do some weight lifting, it will be even easier.
    3. I can probz do the program at least twice a week, (on my days off) but would like to squeeze one in after work. I dont get home from work until 7pm and I usually get stuck into cooking dinner, but Im sure its not good eating a big dinner and then running. Do you think I should eat a quick snack on the way home from work, do the C25K programme and then sit to eat my dinner around 8.30pm ish??
    For me, running after a meal results in the meal being a rental. Food is too expensive to puke it out from a run. Why eat a big dinner? Why have to cook right then? Why not premake the meals? Why not use a slow cooker? Etc. Why only twice a week? That's not the program, that's jogging a couple times a week.
    4. What sort of things should I eat before doing the C25k programme if im going to eat my dinner afterwards
    Nothing. Water.
    5. Any other advice?
    Commit to the program, and do it as it is written. That's how you will get results.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    First congrats on finishing your 2nd half marathon!! Thanks for your advice!! Ive always been big (used to be 295lbs back in the day!) and always thought running is impossible! I think most of time Im just worried about what people will think of me! Like I said by the end of it I didn't really care and just went for it.

    You put stretch after you run, Im going to sound stupid now, but should I do this before or a 5min brisk warm up walk should be enough.

    Thanks! They are addicting. I'm already signed up for my third lol.

    I normally start with a brisk warm up walk before I start to run to loosen up my muscles, or I do dynamic stretches. Static stretches can actually hinder a run, and I save them for after I'm done with my workout.
  • rslcarson
    rslcarson Posts: 35 Member
    Ah, huge congratulations on your first run! I know this is huge for you, at the beginning of this year I was not a runner either!

    C25K is a brilliant tool to use but just take it at your own pace. When I started I could only run 4 mins at a time but within a week (of three runs per week) I was able to go further and within 6 weeks I ran 3 miles in 40 minutes without stopping!

    If you keep at it 2 or 3 times a week taking a little further/longer each time you will be amazed at how quickly you improve.

    Don't overthink the eating/dinner time/run time etc once you start to see improvements nothing will stop you getting out on your run. My running time is 9pm after my children are in bed and that's about 2 hours after dinner.

    All the best to you and your runs! :)
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I've been using the 5K101 podcast (I just liked it better than some others) so it's not exactly the same as C25K but it's the same concept. My first week sounds similar to yours, i.e., couldn't run 60 seconds in a row but at least I was moving faster than a walk :)

    I've repeated a few of the weeks because I just wasn't quite ready for the next one. But then (ironically, I suppose) this isn't a race for me. I just want to finish the program! There's always the option of trying the first day of the next week and if it's too much, then repeat the previous week. But don't be afraid to push yourself.

    Twice a week doesn't seem quite enough to get your body ready for the next step forward. It's worth a try, and certainly better than not doing it!

    I run in the mornings because evenings with a toddler at home after a day at work are too hectic. I eat a homemade oatmeal bar and an egg (prepared different ways) and then run 30-60 minutes later and haven't had any trouble with stomach issues. A heavy meal would be too much but a snack of some sort and a little time between that and running should do the trick.

    As for running-while-fat (that's me for sure!), good shoes and listening to your body are important. If you go to a proper running store, they will analyze your gait and recommend appropriate shoes. Even with that, I have had a few issues that I think stem from being 220 pounds. My left knee doesn't hurt when I'm running but does cause some pain sort of randomly afterwards. I'm seeing an orthopedic doctor next week so I'll update with how that goes.

    Good luck and keep going!