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Consistently losing 2-3lbs/ week anyone?

cksmummy Posts: 34 Member
Hey guys, this is my first week around here. Had some great responses to my question about losing the first 50lbs the other day. Some brilliant stories!

What I'm looking for today is to hear from people who have been able to consistently lose 2-3lbs a week for quite a while. I'm interested to hear a) starting weight and height b) how many cals c) type of eating program and d) how much exercise you did whilst losing that amount.

I'm really keen to drop a considerable amount by end of year, and although I won't be near my ideal or goal weight, I'm hoping it will be enough for a medical procedure I'm wanting medical clearance for.

Looking forward to hearing your successes!


  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I have had a couple of bumps where I will go out with friends and go wild (on my diet) and gain a little back for a short period of time... but over the past 2 months time I have been pretty consistent at about 2 lbs a week. I have consistently eaten poorly over the weekends though, so I know it would be more if I would be a little more strict.

    a.) I started my dieting off at 226.2 and am 5'11 (I am currently down to 187)
    b.) I eat roughly 1900-2000 calories a day (but I try not to focus on the cals as much as just make sure I am getting full and eating the right things)
    c.) I eat Paleo (LOVE IT)
    d.) I work out at a local CrossFit box about 3-4 times a week for about an hour each session.

    If I would consistently go 4 times a week and stay on my diet I would be losing as a rate of about 3lbs a week. (Or at least that is my track record the couple of weeks I have done so!)
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    Start weight Sept. 6, 2011 - 235lbs
    Current weight today - 157lbs
    Feel free to look at my food diary from Sept to March those are the months of the most lost. Since April I haven't been eating the best, but I still exercise 6 days a week. I have 11 lbs to lose and as long as the scale doesn't move in the wrong direction I'm ok with a slow progress.
    I too was big all my life and once you commit to a life change, the weight doesn't/shouldn't come off too quickly. I still eat wings, Chinese, pizza, cake and ice-cream, just in moderation and as a treat every so often.
    I wish you success!!!
  • Carissamr
    Carissamr Posts: 35 Member
    I have a kind of weird pattern but as long as I am losing I am alright with it...basically I am losing every other week and then I am staying the same the next week...when I lose I am losing 3-5 pounds...so it basically averages out to a couple pounds a week...My starting weight was 314, height is 5 foot 5 inches, I aim to eat around 1500 calories, will allow myself to have more if I have burnt a lot of calories...I don't really have a program I go by...I have just cut back on sugar, especially in my drinks, and fat...I use fat free dressings, sour creams and whatever else you can think of...I also went from being almost completely inactive to exercising at least 5 days a week...My exercise consist mostly of bike riding and some walks...Soon I will start to look into exercises that target specific areas of my body but for now I'm gonna stick to what I am doing since it seems tone working for me :)
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I am not losing 2-3 lbs, but I tend to lose 1 or 1 1/2 lbs every two weeks. I started at 231 in Feb 2011. I am 192.3 according to the scale today even though I weighed 193.6 yesterday. Weird right? Both weights were in the afternoon after drinking and eating breakfast/lunch. I went through a plateau last summer, but what has helped me was changing my workout program every 60 days now or so. I worked with a personal trainer at the beginning of the year. I did Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 for 8 weeks and lost 8 lbs. I did Insanity for 2 months and lost 6-7 lbs. I am doing Ripped in 30 again, and I have lost about 2 lbs. After Ripped in 30 I plan to do Insanity Asylum starting in about 3 weeks..I eat about 1900-2200 calories a day, and I haven't plateaued yet. Of course sometimes I splurge A LOT and eat more than that, but usually I am consistent. I do have a cheat meal every week and sometimes more. I believe this is a lifestyle change, and since I plan to eat pizza, chips, and cookies forever, I don't plan to give them up now. I just include it in my calories for the day and go from there.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I started at 198 lbs on 1/16/12, currently at 140 (I'm 5'2.5"). My goal is 120-125 (I think). The firs month I lost a lot, about 15 pounds I think. I was not eating enough, well below 1200. I was miserable and it wasn't healthy, so I upped to 1200/day. I started exercising May 2nd (couch to 5k). Several weeks ago, I upped to 1300/day. I also do cardio every day - I run 3 days and bike 4 days. I eat back all my exercise cals. I've consistently lost slightly more than 2 pounds a week, but now that I'm doing 7 days of cardio I'm losing closer to 3. Which is odd because I eat back all my exercise cals and am so close to maintenance.

    My diary is open.
  • Zurell
    Zurell Posts: 1 Member
    I've been losing for the past couple months since July roughly 2-3lb a week but it required a huge overhaul of my diet with 1200 calories per day with a ton of vegetables packed up bento-box style for lunch and snacks before dinner and one cheat day a week. Note, not a restricted flat 1200 but if I exercise I'll eat up past my calories to even it out to that mark.

    Breakfast is a cup of coffee and because I don't have time really for a big breakfast then out the door with carrots with soft goat cheese.

    Average lunch I pack for work is peanut butter in a tortilla wrap, grape or cherry tomatoes, and carrot sticks with soft goat cheese or a cup of rice with rice seasoning, a boiled egg, lettuce with cherry/grape tomatoes and a small dipper of salad dressing (I'm weird, I just wrap up the lettuce leaves and dip in the dressing container). Sometimes I'll make a plain 2-egg omelette and slice it up to put in my rice variant lunch box with no problems. My bento boxes tend to be about 300-400 calories on average. If I keep my lunches consistent with a variant of vegetables, carbs, and a protein like cheese and peanut butter or boiled eggs then I can keep full til dinner at 6 pm but if I eat just all carbs (one day donuts...just all of the donuts for 600 calories at the office at noon-ish) then I'll be starving by 3 pm.

    Dinner is....and you're going to hate this...pizza rolls or frozen pizza. I fill out whatever is the rest of my calories that I didn't eat earlier with pizza rolls up to the 1200 calorie goal for dinner and a multivitamin. If I'm feeling it I'll eat rice with a vegetable curry or maybe some pasta with a pesto sauce but it's a lot of portion control and drinking lots of water in the day. Usually though it's pizza rolls because I can count them out and be done with it versus the other options I have leftovers that I'll substitute into my lunches and dinner for the next day or so.

    Cheat day is ordering Chinese food like rice with beef and broccoli or maybe lots of sashimi at a nearby sushi buffet.

    Exercise is just walking a lot on breaks. I'll average about 3000-5000 steps a day on the My Fitness Pal step watcher.

    I'll admit, at first the diet was rough but my work schedule Monday-Friday helps keep my day diet consistent.
  • Starting weight 301lbs starting date 04/01/14
    progress weight 231lbs 7/27/14 total loss (well now) over 70lbs! and it wasnt that hard so I was losing about 17.5lbs a month! not bad right
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Old thread from 2012... :huh:
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I have been on here awhile and had lost some weight before life threw me a major curve ball. I jumped up to a few pounds shy of 300 and realized that this was my heaviest weight ever and I needed to make a change. In the winter months I lost about 20 pounds by eating better and riding my bike in the house for about 45 minutes 4 or 5 times a week (I set the bike up on a trainer so it is basically a stationary bike during the winter). This was low impact on my knees and something that I could do comfortably while watching Netflix. I had additional responsibilities in the spring that limited my time and I didn't exercise as much and my weight stayed fairly consistent because I ate close to my calorie goal or just above it. For the last two months I have been revamping my exercise program, but I am struggling on cooking the meals I was fixing back in the winter and my weight loss is about 1.5 a week. I was consuming 1800 calories up until this week when I looked at my goals again and I am on about 1700 calories a day.

    I have found that some weeks the scale doesn't show that I have lost much, but my clothes fit better and I have lost inches when I take my measurements. Another key to my weight loss is that I use a heart rate monitor to get a better idea of how many calories I have burned instead of using the estimates that MFP gives me. They seem to be seriously exaggerated!

    Diet wise I try to cut out most of my calories from liquids, I try to drink less than 100 calories from milk, juices, or pop. I try to add fruit and veggies to every meal. I eat Laughing cow cheese wedges instead of sliced cheese, flatouts instead of bread, greek yogurt instead of sour cream to help save me calories each day. I still have a piece of chocolate every day, and usually pizza once a week but I budget them into my calories and try to do extra exercise (or more intense) on those days. I exercise 4 - 5 times a week and the intensity is really dependent upon how my body is feeling. I have been fighting a hip and knee injury that is limiting what I can do.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I started at 306 lbs and in 5 weeks dropped to 287 pounds. I weight lift intensely 5 days a week for an hour. I eat 2500 cal a day with a 40\40\20 macro protein, carb, fat. Leg workouts will burn the most energy because its the largest and most dense muscle group. But train with intensity, not duration if losing fat and maintaining and maybe building muscle is concerned
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    I am 6'1", and started at 285. My original goal was set in MFP at 2 pounds a week. The 1000 a day deficit put me at about 1800 calories a day to start.

    I was playing basketball on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and because I didn't have a heart rate monitor at the beginning, I was estimating the calorie burns. The estimated 1000 I burned on Thursday was consumed on Friday pizza night and Saturday dinner out night.

    I didn't eat back Tuesday's basketball burn to serve as a buffer for any poor estimates (restaurant portions above the calories listed, etc).

    I lost 2.5 to 3 a week during this stretch. Once I hit 240, my calorie goal had dropped to less than 1500. So I changed my goal to 1.5 pounds a week goal and got a heart rate monitor. The HRM showed I was burning anywhere from 1200 to 1600 a night playing basketball, and that was at 40 pounds lower weight than when I started. Putting that burn rate into the equation pretty much matched the .5 to 1 pound extra a week I was losing above my goal.

    Now I've hit my original goal of 50 pounds, and have changed my goal again to 1 pound a week. Current calorie goal is 1970, and nearing my first stretch goal.

    My food plan hasn't changed much over the course of my journey. Sunday through Thursday, I eat my calorie goal in chicken and rice, burgers, or pasta. Lunches are often leftovers, or Subway, or soups and bread. If I have a little room, I'll have a little dessert (e.g. Dove squares, 2 Oreos). On Friday and Saturday, I go over my calorie goal by 500 each day. Big (properly measured) bowls of ice cream, Drumsticks, pie, beer. It's all game.

    This overage is covered by my basketball (during the school year) or walking 18 holes of golf (in the summer, burning about 1400).

    For me, it was amazing how many calories I was eating blindly, like handfulls of peanuts or chips before dinner, or finishing off the rest of the rice in the bowl. The other thing I noticed that once I stopped eating my allotted pizza, I thought I was still hungry for more. But 20 minutes later, I felt stuffed and don't know how I could have eaten another piece.

    So bottom line, if you stay at your calorie goal, and enjoy eating back what you earn in exercise, you'll lose the weight without the procedure.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I'm at a consistent 2 lbs each week. To the point I've taken a calendar and written on every Friday -2, and I've hit each week on the nose.

    I am 5'7", started at 268.
    June 1 I was at 253
    July 1 I hit 242
    August 1 I was 230
    Sept 1 I was 221
    And as of this morning (9/30) I was 212.

    I don't follow a special diet, but I do, consistently, hit my cal goals, which started at 1350 (mfp calculations) because I have a very sedentary desk job. I'm down to 1200 cals (according to mfp) and the rate of loss has continued.

    I make the most out of those 1200, get lots of lean meats, protein-heavy dairy, and lots of veggies.

    I also try to be active every day of the week, and over the last few weeks have been going to the gym for an hour in the morning and an hour after work. I'll walk/jog the treadmill (or track, depending on the weather) and do some heavy lifting weight circuits.

    I don't actively eat my exercise calories back, but if, at any time, I feel weak, light-headed, etc, after working out, I'll snag a protein bar or a snack for ~200 cals.

    At this rate, I'm hoping to be in Onederland by Nov. 1. And at my goal weight of 150 by May 1.
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    Very encouraging.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'3"
    SW : 222 - August 1, 2014
    CW: 204 - Sept 30, 2014

    I have PCOS and had lost weight on a low carb sugar restricted plan several years ago, gradually over time it stopped "working" a few pound were creeping on and then a few pounds more. Fast forward about 3 years and 50lbs later I was eating 1200 cals a day religiously, in crazy amounts of chronic pain, and very unwell.

    Several Doctors visits, blood testing, and food intolerance testing later we've found some of the causes.
    I've a sever Vitamin D deficiency, as well food intolerances which both were contributing to the chronic pain and weight gain.

    I'm currently eating about 15-1800 cals a day.
    I eat Gluten Free as well as Yeast Free, the most poplar diet that's close to how I eat is Paleo or Primal, with a few other modifications due to my food intolerances.
    Trying to get 10k steps a day (averaging around 8k) as I build back my muscles I've lost from being inactive.

    I've lost 9lbs both in August and September, for a total of 18lbs in two months.
  • I lose about 10lb a month, which is approx 2.5lbs a week.

    I have a 1200 calorie allowance for when I sit around and do nothing all day.

    I exercise most days - cycling to and from work Mon-Fri and running and swimming with occasional cycling at the weekends. When I exercise, my calorie burn is about 1500 calories, giving me a 2700 calorie allowance. On exercise days I eat pretty much as I please, and it works out about 1500 - 1800 calories.

    I consistently lose about 0.2kg a day BUT a) I am very heavy, which means it's easy and healthy to lose larger amounts. I couldn't safely lose this much if I wasn't so heavy and b) I am under 5ft, so 1200 - 1800 calories is well within a normal amount for me. I wouldn't recommend this few calories if you were significantly taller.
  • AShannon54
    AShannon54 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been averaging about 4 lbs a week for about the last 6 months. It certainly came off easier in the beginning and as I get stronger my workouts have gotten more intense.

    I know that in most people's book that is too much too quickly but I can only say that it has worked for me and I don't find myself tired/cranky/faint. However, I certainly believe every person's body is different and you have to listen to your own body. There are times were I feel like I need to eat more, so I do. That being said...

    a) starting weight and height: 320lbs, 6'0"

    b) how many cals:

    Between 1200-1400 (on most days) and I don't eat my exercise calories back (but probably will once I reach goal and need to do maintenance).

    c) type of eating program:

    Nothing specific to be honest. Tracking calories really opened my eyes. There are so many calorie 'bombs' out there. Getting to 1200-1400 a day was a learning process and I started to gravitate toward foods like fruits and veggies just because I could eat more and still be in goal. I don't have anything against carbs but I started to cut things like pasta and rice out of my dinners and replace with more veggies just because I didn't feel like the extra calories were worth it. Same thing with alcohol, milk and juice. In moderation and as a 'snack' they are fine. But don't use milk and juice as a form of hydration. I very rarely drink my calories. Lots of water! I found that sometimes I was just thirsty and not really hungry.

    d) how much exercise you did whilst losing that amount:

    This has been an evolution as well. At first, I started off with lots of walking and doing 'small movements' like leg lifts and arms circles every day.Then I added in 6lbs hand weights and did various exercises with those. I had an old elliptical machine collecting dust in the garage and I used that for about a month before I broke it. Then I bought a Cardio Boxing DVD for my Wii. I really loved that and did that for a couple months. About 2.5 months ago I upped the intensity again and started running. I did the C25K program, which is a great way to ease into running.

    I try to get some movement every single day. I like to do the small exercises in the morning just to get my heart rate up and start the day off in the right frame of mind. I do the bigger 'hard core' workouts every other day normally.
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member

    I have been averaging 10 pounds a month, so just over 2 pounds a week. I started at 372 pounds in mid-May, now down to 326 and feeling AWESOME.

    I started out with inconsistent exercise, easing into it. I have a gym membership and work with a trainer once a week, and try to get at least two or three 30+ minute walks in as well. In general, I try to be more active even if it just means more housecleaning or gardening (both excellent physical activities!). I've become addicted to planking! It's hard, but it's something that doesn't take much time and feels good to do.

    I am NOT on a diet, per se. I started logging my food intake here every single day and aim for what MFP recommends. It started out at just under 2000 cals and now it's just under 1800, but I generally aim for anything under 2000 and call it good. I have been focusing on eating more fruits and veggies and fewer simple carbs (the white breads and sugars), but again, nothing drastic. I try to eat close to the earth and use fewer packaged products because it helps me make better choices.

    I drink upwards of 12 cups of water a day. I stopped drinking diet soda months ago and don't miss it. Really!

    I try to eat as mindfully as possible but don't deprive myself of anything – I just try to balance out the choices I make. I want what I am doing to be sustainable and a true lifestyle.

    I keep adding on new little habits that add up to make big difference: taking vitamins, flossing my teeth, etc.

    A BIG help for me has been the PACT app on my iPhone. You can track your fruit and veggie intake, gym workouts, and food logging and you pledge money to your commitment. It's helped me establish good habits, and I've earned $50 since I started! Not bad.

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