why bother?

im having such a hard time staying on track and even getting re-started again!

a huge part of me doesn't want to put in the work because It seems like once I get to goal, i'll relax and put on some weight

another part of me is scared that I'll fail

another part of me just doesn't want to deal with buying a new wardrobe after buying new clothes like 4 or 5 times already

the last is planning a second pregnancy so Its inevitable to gain weight during the pregnancy (telling myself i'll just start after baby #2)

and also I cant wire my brain to really truly acknowledge this is a LIFESTYLE change and not just a phase!

just ranting...

I realize that im the one that has to WANT this in order for it to work but darn sometimes being fat is just easier! lol


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    If you don't want to lose weight right now, you don't have to. It's not something that you should feel obligated to do, because there's a good chance you'll fight yourself the whole time and make it WAY more difficult than it needs to be.

    Take a week and try out the decision not to lose weight. Not because you can't or because you're not trying hard enough -- have the mindset that it's just not a priority for you right now. Make it a conscious choice for a week and see how that feels. If that's your choice and it feels right for you right now, then you shouldn't be trying to lose weight.

    If after that week, you still want to start losing weight, commit to that choice. But it needs to be a choice, not something you feel like you're supposed to be doing (if you don't really want to).
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    The weight isn't supposed to be the real goal. The real goal is to become a healthier person. If you do that, the weight will take care of itself.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    There is a positive way to motivate you or there is a negative way to motivate you. Which would you prefer?
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Never "restart". Just pick up & carry on. All those fears are very real fears, and ones you will face and defeat as you go along. Or, you can let them take over and determine how you will move along.

    Right now, you can't worry about getting to goal and "relaxing" because you aren't there yet. Put that to the side. Once you get closer to goal, then start thinking about it.

    Buying a new wardrobe: it's not like you need to go out & spend thousands of dollars for a whole new wardrobe tomorrow! I bought a few replacement pieces as I needed them. For instance, as my jeans were getting big, I got 1 new pair @ my new size. Then they got loose, onto a new pair. Same with pregnancy wardrobe, I only bought 1 week's worth of clothes, so I wouldn't have a ton sitting there.

    Pregnancy: Well, I was fat before, during & after my pregnancies. I wish I could have gone back & changed that. If you are active before, you can keep on, with doctor approval, during. You will make better food choices because it's not just you now, you have a very important passenger to think of! And good luck there!!!

    Just start with little things. Start eating better. Then add in walks, or a bike ride, or aerobics class or...whatever. Things will "click", and become habit. And HELZ YA! being fat is "easy", but at the same token, I remember how I felt a year ago, 45 pounds heavier. I don't wanna go back. (and no, I'm not near "goal" yet - still working on it).

    But sitting and thinking of all the negative IS "failing". Just start. Give it a month. One month of eating better, doing some kind of 'workout" 3 times a week. Only weigh in 1 time a week. Take measurements & pictures. Think of how you will FEEL at the end of that month. Don't get hung up on a number on a scale. One month. What have you got to loose?

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. But just get up & start....
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Start thinking permanent lifestyle change and stop thinking diet. Diets always end and that's where your next gain starts
  • DawnJean_
    I so feel your pain! I can't tell you how many times I have stopped and started its ridiculous because I get in that oh what's the point mindset and it's really hard to get out of!

    I think for you since your planning a baby no. 2 keep in mind that the healthier you are the healthier your baby's going to be because the things you feed yourself you're also feeding the baby while you're pregnant. And the healthier you are the easier it is to get pregnant there's many benefits to being healthy and planning a baby. And yes you'll gain some weight but if your already in that healthy mode you will probably have a much easier time getting it off after :)

    You also have to remember consistency is the key to success if you don't continue working out your transformation won't stick! But you know that. And I think saying you can't hardwire you brain to know its a lifestyle change is not tire you yourself know it's a lifestyle change so your brain knows it. The real issue is re-wiring your brain to crave healthy snacks and healthy foods over quick junk things and pushing your body to get out and work out until it becomes habit and something you enjoy. And it only takes a month to form a habit, tomorrow is October 1st the first day of the month it could be the month you hop back on track and get going!

    But I know it's all up to you to take action! Just give it some thought today, tomorrow's a new month and a fresh start, you can make healthy eating and working out a habit and something you enjoy! Best of luck gorgeous! And happy baby planning! :)
  • CignaSi
    CignaSi Posts: 13 Member
    Take a good look at the older people that are suffering in just any movement. Some of that can be avoided by keep moving and eating right. "Motion is Lotion" Do you want to be able to keep up with your kids and future Grandkids or just sit in a chair staring at them. Which example do you want them to look up to and mimic as children do?
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am at that point again right now. I totally get in the zone and its just second nature to me then I will get off track somehow, and its gone. Its hard to get that mojo back, but I am going to do everything in my power to get it back. I need to get back into a routine. Thats what helps me.
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I so feel you on this, this is me every time.
    It took me a long time to realize that this was a lifestyle change and not a diet... that it was something that I needed to continue even after I hit my goal. Make a different goal.
    Congratulations on thoughts of baby #2.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why bother.....

    You have to find your own reasons. My reasons for why I am bothering and your reasons may be different. Once you find an important enough reason for you to make it a priority, you will bother.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    im having such a hard time staying on track and even getting re-started again!

    a huge part of me doesn't want to put in the work because It seems like once I get to goal, i'll relax and put on some weight

    another part of me is scared that I'll fail

    another part of me just doesn't want to deal with buying a new wardrobe after buying new clothes like 4 or 5 times already

    the last is planning a second pregnancy so Its inevitable to gain weight during the pregnancy (telling myself i'll just start after baby #2)

    and also I cant wire my brain to really truly acknowledge this is a LIFESTYLE change and not just a phase!

    just ranting...

    I realize that im the one that has to WANT this in order for it to work but darn sometimes being fat is just easier! lol

    My goodness! Don't you want your sexy pants?!

    How much easier is it to stay unhealthy?

    What about teaching your children how to take care of themselves? Actions speak louder than words, they learn by watching you.

    What about the complications that can occur during your pregnancy?

    What about the fact that your body will tell you how unhappy it is by the aches and pains you feel in your joints?

    What about those dreaded doctor visits and the doc telling you that you are diabetic or that you are at risk for any other weight related diseases?

    The list goes on...

    What about how great you will feel once you start taking care of yourself?

    What about watching your children grow and make healthy choices?

    If you are dedicated to taking care of yourself then you don't need to be motivated.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    but darn sometimes being fat is just easier!

    'til you're old and sick maybe, and the ramifications of both will be made worse by being overweight.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    but darn sometimes being fat is just easier!

    'til you're old and sick maybe, and the ramifications of both will be made worse by being overweight.

    Medical future bills. Nah I'm good and rather spend that money somewhere else.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    As I've told you before friend, if you do this in a sustainable way, you won't suffer through it, it won't feel like such a sacrifice, and you won't have to worry about falling off the wagon. Losing weight does not have to be so difficult. If you have realistic goals and practice moderation, you can actually enjoy the process. I've enjoyed every minute of the process for the last 591 days. Did I hit plateaus, sure. Were there times I wished it were easier, of course. But looking back, it was completely enjoyable and I did it in a way that I know I can live with forever. You don't have to cut things completely out, so that you feel the need to "relax" when you reach some arbitrary goal.

    Others have given you good advice as well - do it for your children, do it so you have a better chance of having a healthy pregnancy, but most importantly, do it for yourself. If you aren't ready to do it for those reasons, that's ok, MFP and all of us will be here when you decide you are.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    A 43 year old man that I went to HS with had a heart attack and died two days ago.

    Now his friends and family are left devastated.

    THATS why we bother.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    A 43 year old man that I went to HS with had a heart attack and died two days ago.

    Now his friends and family are left devastated.

    THATS why we bother.

    Sorry to hear.
  • Strange_magic
    Strange_magic Posts: 370 Member
    Bother because it feels good to make good choices

    Bother because you want to live longer for your first and possibly second child

    Bother because you want to teach your children good habits

    Bother because exercise is one of the best tension relievers I know

    Bother because YOU are worth it
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    If you develop healthy habits now, it will be much easier to have a healthy pregnancy and pass on those habits to your kids. I just had my first and am trying to lose the weight so I can keep up with him once he's on the move. I'm trying to get as much nutrition as I can to pass to him through breastfeeding. I still have treats every day and stay within my calorie range. I want to have a healthy lifestyle and make sure that my son (and any future kids) will grow up being healthy, too. And if you get the weight off pre-pregnancy and keep your good habits throughout (just adding a few more calories in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) it will be easier to get it off again afterwards. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hmmm, I think it's actually easier to bother than to not.

    When your health/fitness improves EVERYTHING takes way less effort to do.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I also want to lose a few lbs before trying for my second baby, so I have argued with myself about some of the same stuff you have. But ultimately I want to be fitter, healthier and slimmer before I try again.

    You could perhaps start with making sure not to gain any more weight for now - I was stuck in a losing/gaining cycle for a while after my first pregnancy, and just learning what my 'maintenance' calories were by tinkering with MFP and logging faithfully really made it easier for me to stick with, by removing a lot of the guesswork. I was stunned by how much I could actually eat without gaining :)

    And I agree with others that you're kind of obligated to make sure your second pregnancy is as healthy as it could be, even if you had no problems with your first. Not saying you have to lose a bunch of weight, but developing and maintaining healthy habits before pregnancy is recommended by all pregnancy resources.