Looking for friends with 50+ pounds to lose!!



  • 60.6 lbs to lose. You can add me if you would like :)
  • You can add me I have exactly 50lbs to lose! :smile:
  • tiffanycherie
    tiffanycherie Posts: 97 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    Exactly 50 pounds to lose! Add me please.
  • iamcallieu
    iamcallieu Posts: 17 Member
    please add me, ive got 95 pounds lose and i really need support, too! We can help each other succeed :)
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    I too need the support I have a ways to go and can always use friends and support
  • LFA50
    LFA50 Posts: 58
    You can add me ! I'm 50 and would like to lose 50. I was so motivated during the summer, then slacked a bit but am back and 200% motivated this time. Trying hard to focus on exercise as #1 priority this time ... Started seriously on Saturday and feel so much better already.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm on daily. We can do this !!!
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I have about 68lbs to loose, no real time scale, but happy to have friends and help where I can.
  • pudgypie
    pudgypie Posts: 83 Member
    Another one here with 50lbs plus to lose. I am currently 206lbs and would love to get down to 140/150lbs and maybe a little less!

    Best of luck to you all. X
  • Hi guys, have put on a lot of weight reticently and have decided to drop it , need to drop between 60 and 70 pounds to be happy. Anyone keen to make a challenge of it let me know..... Competition keeps things fun.
  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    The more support the better. I am struggling at present, but trying my best to stick with it! Feel free to add me!
  • BethR1996x
    BethR1996x Posts: 21 Member
    I'd just like to say congrats on losing 102 pounds that is incredible! People like you are so motivational. :)
  • CWatson1994
    CWatson1994 Posts: 8 Member
    I have 80 lbs to lose. I have really bad self motivation. im happy I found all of you. :)
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    Anyone can add me!! I have 52 pounds that I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to lose! Just one pound a week and in a year I will be there!!!! :)
  • I have around 80lbs to lose. I love that I can say that here and not feel ashamed of it.

    We're all in this together. Anyone here is okay to add me as a friend! I'm pretty social on here! :)
  • blondelis50
    blondelis50 Posts: 24 Member
    I have lost 45# , 24 of that since using MFP. It's a journey, to say the least. You will be glad you did this as I have found this sight to be one of the missing links to my weight loss success. i am still working on losing another 30#. blessings to you! you may add me if you like.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I am at the end of my weight loss but not my journey. No longer logging but I am still eating healthy and exercising. You can do this! You will reach a point where you say "I got this" and really got all in. I mean you will see a food or meal that tempts you and you will pass it up because you have worked so hard to make this happen.
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    Feel free to add me as well!
  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not new, but I've still got much progress to make: I've lost 100lbs, but still have 40-60lbs to go until I hit my goal weight. I took a little healthy-lifestyle hiatus over the summer but am ready to get back at it with gusto!

    I'm a Paleo/Primal/Clean Eater. Most times I strive to stick within ketogenic guidelines. I'm trying to be a runner, but I mostly just hate it.

    Anybody, feel free to add me!
  • crpeterson84
    crpeterson84 Posts: 19 Member
    Add me too! I need to lose somewhere between 50-100 pounds. My first goal is for fifty and then I'll keep working down from there. There are some really great inspirational people on this site- and it has helped a ton finding that encouragement. Plus the tips of what works for other people help. Even if it it just a great recipe- or a fun way to burn some calories- all the extra ideas are helpful.
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    I have been on and off on this app. I have boomed over 200 pounds, I have no idea how much, but all my clothes are tight. At a recent family get together someone in my family told me that another member said no wonder she can't get a job, look how tight her clothes are. That was devastating, so now with some advice that I got from my ex sister in law, I have started back up on my walking. She suggested taking it slow and just run for a minute then walk and repeat this. She lost a ton of weight this way, so while I'm off work, I'm trying her suggestions. It's kinda funny running and feeling all the jiggles, but I feel really good when I get home. I'm up to 20 minutes right now. I know its not much, but I'm increasing the time every morning. I too need the support. I always start out good and then after I have done this for about a month I relapse. I would really like to lose the weight. :happy:
  • Nina267215
    Nina267215 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 70 pounds i am trying to lose. Would like some people to talk to who are trying to do the same. Anyone can add me :)
  • I have 100 pounds to lose. I started yesterday. I am doing low carb, and started the beachbody program Focus T25. Feel free to add me. I would love the support, and would love to be support to others also!
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just started with MFP last week. I have a total of 60 pounds to go - I'm hoping 20 by Christmas! We can support each other!
  • madeleineld
    madeleineld Posts: 75 Member
    I have around 80lbs to lose. I love that I can say that here and not feel ashamed of it.

    We're all in this together. Anyone here is okay to add me as a friend! I'm pretty social on here! :)

    I love this! Can't believe how quickly I became comfortable on this site with talking about my weight and my goals--I think taking away the shame makes it easier to keep it up! When I was doing this alone and full of self loathing, I would constantly give up.
  • countryboi999
    countryboi999 Posts: 28 Member
    Count me in I got 64 to go
  • You can add me. I just started a week ago and have 80 to lose
  • I just started 2 weeks ago...measurments, weight (205), workout and meal idea. I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (I almost die everytime) and I am eliminating soda and snacking, and turning to healthy alternatives. I want to lose 65-70 pounds within a year. I tried this a month ago (didn't know about mfp forums then) and it died on the vine. I am still feeling motivated though the workout is killing me (5 days a week) still. Any suggestions or friends already on this path with different workout suggestions or anything to keep me focused would be amazing. Thanks!!
  • luzamart
    luzamart Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. Just started on Sunday. Here I go.:glasses: