MOST Embarrassing FAT moment!

FIREfitGrl27 Posts: 199
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Yes, most embarrassing!

I think we've all had them. If you've been or are obese or overweight, what was the experience that made you want to crawl into a deep, dark hole and hide from everyone and everything?

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was around 15 or 16 years old and I was attending an annual river-fest near my hometown. The fest was a great big, ball of fun. Every year I looked forward to going with my mom and cousins. The best part about the fest were the rides!
However, that joy and excitement ended that particular year because I hadn't realized that I was a FAT teen.

My cousin and I were gearing up to get on a rotating swing ride. I had all the usual concerns while waiting anxiously in nerves, the speed, the height, the rush, but no where in my thoughts did I think about if I was TOO BIG to fit on the ride! Getting up to the counter to get ready...I go through all the procedures that everyone else had done ahead of us. I remove things that might fall off. Sit them to the side. Smile on my face because I just know this is going to be SO MUCH FUN! My cousin and I giggle at each other with excitement. It was perfect, just our luck, we find two empty seats side by side! Oh, what joy! I sit down and get ready for the attendee to pull down the hard top chest harness...the ones that have to CLICK down in place 3 times in order to be secured for the ride! Yeah, well, guess what? As the attendee went to click down on my harness....we hear one click. He pushes down some more to get the second click...oh, no luck. I suck in because by now I'm starting to think we might have some trouble getting this thing to click in place 3 times! Oh, my surprise and dismay...the hard top harness was done clicking for my FAT *kitten* only made it to 1 click! Before the end of this embarrassing ordeal, the attendee had called over helpers to try to get the stupid harness to click in place 2 more times! NOPE! Didn't happen! They even tried to use their rear ends and bump the thing in place, I laugh at this when I think of it now, but that didn't work either! SN: It didn't help that the attendees were teenagers like myself and more embarrassing...high school boys! So I was beyond mortified when the guys were like, it's not going to happen and directed me to get out of the seat and get off the ride! I struggled out of the seat, sweating and sore...took my pathethic steps off the ride and proceeded to step all over my self-esteem that was laid out on the ground.
I almost cried right there, but I held it together until I gathered my things, got beyond the ride and the lines of people waiting! Yeah, that was most embarrassing. One of my fat embarrassing moments that sticks out the most because I was young and I didn't think I was that fat of course, but that was like a RUDE SLAP in the face to my problem!

The only decent memory from that most embarrassing experience was that when I was leaving the ride I heard a voice call out "Wait up, cuz!" ...."You can't ride, I can't ride..." My cousin, who actually heard her 3 clicks and was fitted to ride, had hopped off the ride to leave with me. :) I mended my pain with a turkey leg....LOL!!

The END!

Now..what's your story?!


  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    No storey here but your comment about rides reminded me of the several times I've been to Cedar Point in Ohio, the best rollercoaster park in North America.

    I'm Canadian so obesity is not nearly the same problem as it is in the states but was shocked to see that my father who is 6 feet tall 220 lbs (so basically he has about 15lbs of extra tummy but very thin legs) was the maximum an individual could be to fit in the seat of any of the coasters.

    Plus size ladies 16+ wouldn’t even fit in the rides. I kind of felt bad for them b/c they were only plus sized/overweight, not morbidly obese.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    You really have a flare for writing!!!!! I do have an embarrassaing strory, but it is more to do with my weight loss. After the birth of my 3rd baby, we were out and about and i was losing a little weight, apparently, I didn't realize how much....We went to Burger King that day for lunch and it was spring and i was wearing this skirt and as I was walking at Burger King, my comfy stretchy maternity underwear fell down to my ankles. This was a Burger King on a military base surrounded by a bunch of fit military people, 95% men !!!! The worst part was i had to bend down to PULL THEM BACK UP!!!!!!!! :blushing:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Do you know how many of those fold up camping chairs I destroyed, until I special ordered one that held like 1000 lbs. That thing last me 4 years before I finally wrecked it!! Best thing I ever bought though. It was like a throne.....Which FYI...major pet peeve of mine, is when I bought this special chair, and people sit in it, while I stand because I don;t want to break someone elses chair. Just hinking of it, It makes me want to slap a certain someone!!
  • I had a similar experience. My best friend and I (who was also pretty large at the time) got on a ride at Disneyland and we were told we'd have to wait for the next train... they didn't specifically say why, but I knew it was because of the balance as there were some other larger people already buckled in on the ride.

    Either way, we were at least able to ride but it was embarrassing! :smile:
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    You really have a flare for writing!!!!! I do have an embarrassaing strory, but it is more to do with my weight loss. After the birth of my 3rd baby, we were out and about and i was losing a little weight, apparently, I didn't realize how much....We went to Burger King that day for lunch and it was spring and i was wearing this skirt and as I was walking at Burger King, my comfy stretchy maternity underwear fell down to my ankles. This was a Burger King on a military base surrounded by a bunch of fit military people, 95% men !!!! The worst part was i had to bend down to PULL THEM BACK UP!!!!!!!! :blushing:

    This made me laugh out LOUD! OMG!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Awe - I could feel your pain! That's a sad story, I can see how y ou would laugh about it now and cry about it then.

    My most embarrasing story actually came recently as my weight has never effected me in the past (even though I was overweight) I never had a problem with myself until about 3 years ago when my husband and I started TTC. And then I realized I was fat...

    Anyway recently we had a visit from my Brother's Girlfriend and she brought along her daugther for the first time (she lives in FL) and she was sooo attached to me the whole time. We played legos together and everything..... Well once she said to me "Your fat" and I brushed it off... then we were going out to eat with a bunch of people for New Years we were sitting at Chilis and I was playing with her, she walked away came back and she sat next to me and so loudly said "Your fat you know that, Can't you see yourself" .. I was embarrassed, hurt, sad, wanted to cry... but it was so hard to be mad at this little girl (she was 5) ... but it broke my heart and I think about it all the time now.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I will definitely buy new panties this weekend!

    I think these two post are GREAT just what I needed Thanks for sharing ladies~~
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    Most embarrassing fat moment was always going to hockey games at Maple Leaf Gardens. The turnstiles were NEVER my friend! I'd ALWAYS get stuck in them! Drove me nuts but didnt deter me from watching my beloved Leafs.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    One night a few friends and I were sitting around the table eating some McDonalds. All of a sudden, the chair underneath me broke! I'm pretty sure it was because the chair was so old and mistreated(it was older than me, and had been repaired several times in the past because I would rock/wiggle around so much on it when I was little), but you know all the thoughts that go through your head.

    I was beet red, and sooooo embarassed. I'm glad it was just my friends, but still!

    Another story...

    I was 34 weeks pregnant, took a nap, and woke up feeling very weird. I knew something was wrong, but wasn't quite sure what. I thought it MIGHT be my blood pressure. (I've never had any issues with B/P in the past. In fact my B/P has ALWAYS been amazing!) I drove into my parents house, as they have a B/P cuff. I couldn't get an accurate reading, so into the ER I went. I told the receptionist that I would like to have my B/P checked before going up to Labor&Delivery. Just in case it wasn't anything major.

    I was called back to Triage, the nurse there took my B/P, it was 140/84! I've NEVER been that high. So then she asked why I thought my B/P had gotten so high. I had no idea. She said, "Well, it would be good if you tried to lose a little weight." I went on to say, "Well, yeah, I know that but it's a little hard because..."
    "Oh, I know it's hard, but if you start off small..."
    "NO! It's a little hard to lose the weight right now because I'm 34weeks pregnant!" I swear that woman's jaw dropped to the ground, and she was mortified! She couldn't back-peddle herself out of that situation fast enough! I laughed, but deep down, know what goes through your head. I was relieved when I did get up to Labor&Delivery that the super sweet nurse said,'" Oh are ALL baby. You definitely look pregnant."
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    A few years ago, I threw a huge Cinco de Mayo party at the house. About 60 people showed. I was going to make these eggrolls with taco ingredients in them. A friend came over to help me roll them up. Made about 500. We started rolling about 4 hours before the party, AND sipping margaritas while we rolled.

    Needless to say, we were blotto by the time the first person showed up. Halfway into the party people started changing into swimsuits and jumping in the Hot Tub. There were about 6 people in there when I decided to join them. With all my clothes on. Watch. Wallet. The girl next to me, the one that helped me roll eggrolls, said, " You can't get in her with your clothes on." So....I pulled them off and threw them on the back lawn, then proceeeded to nod off. She kept pulling my head up as my face fell into the water.

    MY wife and another girl brought a towl out, stood me up and covered me. I started for the back bedroom -- right though the middle of the party. I took a couple steps, stepped on the edge of the towel and walked right through everyone buck *kitten* nekkid.

    Not sure what happened after than. I fell face first on the bed. I just barely remember hearing the door open and my sister-in-laws voice "Nice buns, Mikey."

    Those eggrolls were great by the way.
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    Not truly embarrassing . . . but more of my wake up call. I traveled to Kenya, Africa, where i stayed for 4 months . . . that was in 2000. No negative stigmatism on being over weight, or obese (in my case), so my native friends there had no problem pointing out how large I was . . . meaning it to be a compliment (meant I was doing well for myself, or something along those lines). I was only 20 years old and very self conscious about my size (not so much anymore). We walked everywhere during our stay and that started a love for walking and, eventually, jogging. And, well meaning aside, didn't want to be large. Facing it was half the battle. :0)

    The last day I was there, a good friend of ours was concerned to send me home to my family, looking sickly and so thin. Hahaha! I only lost 15 lbs while I was there and had a healthy tan. Not sickly, just healthier! :0)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    While shopping at a store a women stopped me and touched my belly and said "how I love a good baby bump! Congrats!" I replied "I'm NOT pregnant anymore but thanks for the rub anyway" I think we both felt horrid after that little OOPS! I had my 1 year old with me and I think even she new something was wrong as I left very quickly to crawl in a hole and die.
  • DnAmommy
    DnAmommy Posts: 47 Member
    Always fun when your 5 & 3 year old play your tummy fat like bongos and then tell you that they like your belly because its squishy. :sad: Glad to know that I am a walking pile of Play-Doh to them! They're lucky I love them!!! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • Most embarrassing moment that caused me to become weight conscious was when I was 13. Yes, 13, 7th grade girls locker room. I was standing at the door waiting for the bell to ring when 2 thin and popular girls rounded the corner and stopped. One said to the other," Looks like we can't leave, the hippo's in the way." The whole locker room heard it and I was made fun of by the entire class for the rest of the year.
    My wake up call that led me here, however, was that I could no longer fit into my pants. Not even my "fat" ones. My husband had lost sexual interest in me. The frosting on the cake was when my 3 yr old came up and hugged me, then squashed my belly and said," Mommy, you're fat!" I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror anymore without getting disgusted with how far I'd let myself go.
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    I'm Canadian so obesity is not nearly the same problem as it is in the states

    I'm Canadian too and I so wish that your statement were true. Below you'll see where Canada ranks. What's truly sad is as of 2010, 60% of Canadians are either obese or overweight. We're very close to the US.

    Obesity rates by country (Source: OECD Sept. 2010):
    Japan 3%
    Korea 4%
    Switzerland 8%
    Italy 10%
    Norway 10%
    Sweden 10%
    France 11%
    Denmark 11%
    Netherlands 12%
    Austria 12%
    Poland 13%
    Israel 14%
    Belgium 14%
    Turkey 15%
    Portugal 15%
    OECD average 16%
    Finland 16%
    Germany 16%
    Slovenia 16%
    Slovak Rep. 17%
    Czech Rep. 17%
    Spain 17%
    Greece 18%
    Hungary 19%
    Luxembourg 20%
    Iceland 20%
    Chile 22%
    Ireland 23%
    Canada 24%
    UK 25%
    Australia 25%
    New Zealand 27%
    USA 28%
    Mexico 30%
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    While shopping at a store a women stopped me and touched my belly and said "how I love a good baby bump! Congrats!" I replied "I'm NOT pregnant anymore but thanks for the rub anyway" I think we both felt horrid after that little OOPS! I had my 1 year old with me and I think even she new something was wrong as I left very quickly to crawl in a hole and die.

    I wouldn't ask a stranger if she was pregnant if her water broke in front of me.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I wouldn't ask a stranger if she was pregnant if her water broke in front of me.

    I agree - overweight or pregnant - that's a no win situation no matter which way you go.

    Why do strangers think it's OK to touch people, whether you are pregnant or not? At least respect my personal space enough to ask first. How would those people feel if they were just randomly groped as a stranger passed them? I'm sure they'd be offended if not call for help.
  • You really have a flare for writing!!!!! I do have an embarrassaing strory, but it is more to do with my weight loss. After the birth of my 3rd baby, we were out and about and i was losing a little weight, apparently, I didn't realize how much....We went to Burger King that day for lunch and it was spring and i was wearing this skirt and as I was walking at Burger King, my comfy stretchy maternity underwear fell down to my ankles. This was a Burger King on a military base surrounded by a bunch of fit military people, 95% men !!!! The worst part was i had to bend down to PULL THEM BACK UP!!!!!!!! :blushing:

    OMG! NOw, that's a good one! Not a bad thing, but just plain embarrassing! You were getting in shape and because of this your panties fell off! I would've did the same thing. What else can you do?! keep walking and pretend there aren't preggo panties down by your ankles lol Thanks for sharing!
  • I remember those kind of moments, my first one was a zip line in TX, I was only 10 and the weight limit was like 160, the attendance guy came by me and my sister and looked down at me and i don't know how much i weighed then but I know I was pushing the scale and he said rudely that I wouldn't fit, oh how i hurt inside from it. I love rides but I won't even stand in line to see if maybe I would fit and embarrass myself or my son. Becasue of this my son doesnt' get to enjoy the rides because he won't go on without me or at least someone else but single mom so there is no one else. The other day i picked him up early at the boy's and girls club and his "friends" actually were laughing at me and whispering becasue of my size. I don't want to embarrass my son. I've had chairs break under me, those cheap hollow aluminum ones at walmart, my son's break broke the other day under my weight. So I understand.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    No storey here but your comment about rides reminded me of the several times I've been to Cedar Point in Ohio, the best rollercoaster park in North America.

    I'm Canadian so obesity is not nearly the same problem as it is in the states but was shocked to see that my father who is 6 feet tall 220 lbs (so basically he has about 15lbs of extra tummy but very thin legs) was the maximum an individual could be to fit in the seat of any of the coasters.

    Plus size ladies 16+ wouldn’t even fit in the rides. I kind of felt bad for them b/c they were only plus sized/overweight, not morbidly obese.

    I was raised in Ohio and we went to Cedar Point every summer and multiple times each summer! Those were the best memories for me!! I wasn't overweight then either so no ride issues but my Hubby and I want to go back and visit family next summer and while I am there I plan to go back to Cedar Point and I don't want to be this heavy when I go.

    My fat moment was when I had to fly to ohio in 2005 for my Mom's funeral and the flight stewardess asked my Husband (who is bigger than me) if we would prefer to sit at the back of the plane because we could have the whole row to ourselves and it might be more comfortable. She asked if we wanted seatbelt extensions too. Aside from the reason for the flight this was just the cherry on top!!! I just burst into tears!!!!!!
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