Cardio vs. Fat Burning on the Elliptical?

I was on the Ellliptical today and I noticed the suggested heart rate for Fat Burning level is way lower than Cardio level. When I started I was almost already at the Fat Burning heart rate. I can't imagine going that slow the whole time or it ever helping burn any fat. I ended up keeping my heart rate at the Cardio level (although I felt I could keep my heartrate higher but had to hold back). I got a great workout on Cardio, but I wish I understood it more to use my time at the gym effectively.

So who can explain what the difference between Cardio and FatBurning levels and pros and cons of keeping my heart rate lower?

(hope that made sense)


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    The "fat burning zone" does exist ... but, it is only a zone where the greatest percentage of calories burned comes from fat versus other fuel sources. At higher intensities, the percentage of calories from fat is lower but the overall total ... and as a result the amount of fat used for energy ... is greater.
  • what is zone training?
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Fat burning zone keeps your body at a rate where you're burning mostly fat. You burn less overall calories.

    Cardio zone is a higher intensity so you burn less fat in percentage of what you burn, but you'll burn more calories than the fat burning zone and ironically, will burn more fat. The percentage is lower but it's of a higher number, so it's higher.

    Ultimately, don't really worry about the zone thing. Challenge yourself.

    Edited to add: Zone training is about the "fat burning level" or "cardio level". Some machines call those "fat burning zone" or "cardio zone". Don't worry about those levels or zones or whatever.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    When you are trying to stay in a zone...such as cardio zone or fat burning zone...or as you cal them, levels.
  • so it's good to just go for intensity? Is there a limit on how high I should go? I guess what should I use as my sign that I'm where I want to be?
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Go for intensity. Yes there's a limit - your body and your heart can only handle so much.

    You need to find an intensity you can maintain. Some people like to use something arbitrary such as if they can hold a conversation, they're not working out hard enough. Some people like to barely be able to hold a conversation. You're going to have to try to see what intensity you can maintain comfortably and safely.
  • ok, so I think breathing would be my sign. I forgot the proper way to breathe while exercising, but I tried to breathe through my nose, but every third breathe I had to breathe out my mouth. Is there a suggestion breathing?