15 pounds to lose -- girls in the 130's



  • mypersonalfitnessjourney
    Also -- I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 134/135 pounds. My goal is 120 lbs (give or take, depending on how I look/feel once I'm around that range). It's amazing how similar our current stats/goals are!

    I've lost 40 pounds so far, the first 30 of which I lost with a wheat-free, sugar-free ketogenic diet. I've raised my daily carb consumption as time has gone on (and am now just out of the range of ketosis), but still aim to keep my intake of processed foods, sugar, and dairy to a minimum. And I've cut wheat/grains out of my diet completely for not only weight loss reasons, but also health reasons.

    If you have similar goals, and especially if you have a similar way of eating, feel free to add me! :-)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Freedom of speech? What's that? Oh, I'm sorry, Ms. personalfit, you can totally tell other people what to say... NOT. That's ok... I'm hitting "ignore" and you can preach all you like. But not to me. :P
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I am right with you. I am 5'4" and at 137 right now. I would love to lose 15 pounds.
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 131 as of this morning and 5'5. My goal is 105-110. It's hard to get motovated when I don't feel huge and am still w/in my normal, healthy weight range!

    I definitely feel this as well. It is so hard to stay motivated, or even feel like I am seeing a difference for that matter. I think we all need people in our corner, even if it's just people "liking" that you worked out that day it can make you feel a little happier.
  • StephanieT0602
    StephanieT0602 Posts: 58 Member
    I started at 140lbs and have lost 17 lbs.....still have some work to do to get to 115 lbs (I'm pretty short).

    Feel free to add me. I've been at it for 6+ months and every pound has been a struggle, but it's possible :)
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    Oh god there are other people out there in the same boat as me, THANK GOD. I have grown up around bigger girls and when ever I try and loos that 5 10 20 bls I have put on or even just try and get off he junk food I dont get any support. I get negitive feed back like you dont have anything to loss or go eat a cook.
    I have horrible eating habits and usually can only stay motivated for about 2 - 5 weeks then I am off the wagon again. Please keep me motivated ppl and slap the coke out of my hand!
  • melissay28
    melissay28 Posts: 100 Member
    That's me! I'm 136 now and started out at 144 in July. My goal is to get to 120 by December 31st. I am 5'3" and I feel like every ounce shows on me :frown: I'm also a HORRIBLE boredom eater!

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • jaxxkida
    jaxxkida Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5'1 and 132 lbs. So far I have lost 21 lbs with MFP. Would like to go down to at least 120. The last few mths have been a real struggle. Could use the support also!! Add me :smile:
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I am 5'1" and currently 135 and want to get between 115 and 120. I too have been stuck at 135 for what feels like a life time. I just recently changed up my work-out routine to hopefully start losing again. Add me as a friend i will help you and you can help me
  • ZoraAmeliaGrace
    I'm in the same situation right now. I used to be 145 but i went on a diet. After thirty days i was 132lb. Now im back on my diet to get to the 120s. I've found that it's easier to lose when I eat a different amount of calories on each day. For example, 900cals ton monday. Then go a little less on tuesday. Then bring it up on Wensdays to the same amount as mondays. Thursdays should be your highest week day by going past 1000 but staying under 1200. then bring it fifty lower on fridays. And finally, eat 1100-1200 on weekends. I'm just making an example so 900cals is probably too low. As for eating out of boredom, try drinking tea/decaf coffee. Hot drinks fill u up. Just don't add sugar or it'll count as calories. But you should also try to drink one cup of water before each meal. It helps fill u up before u eat. One thing i did after each meal was drink a cup of green tea 30mins to 1hr after eating. It boosts your metab and helps all the extra weight flush out. Also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. If you dislike the taste of water, then try putting lemon juice in it to add a bit of flavor. I also counted my green tea as water because i didn't add sugar. Other than that, you can really eat what u want. Just be mindful of fat. The amount of fat in a food will up the calories. Also, try counting how much you chew per bite. The more u chew, the fuller you get. It tricks the brain lol. Try chewing on ice if you're still hungry. I hear that works. And finally! Try to get in 1hr of cardio three times a week. If you wanna drop the weight faster, add strength training to it. I know what you're thinking. Strength training bulks u up and muscle weighs more than fat. However, if you do low weight and high reps you'll tone your muscle and burn the fat. It helps drop your weight faster. So, for example, instead of lifting something that's 100lb ten times in a row, lift something 10lb a hundred times in a row. That's all i know. sorry for rambling and i hope this helps:smile: (ps im 5ft 3in.)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    So anyway I discovered that as long as you are logging daily and honestly, weighing every other week is much less depressing than weighing every day if you're losing slowly but steadily and you know it. The daily water fluctuations can make you crazy if they are higher than your weekly loss!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I'd just like to add that I have got to my current state of hotness by eating


    and Mojitos, and spaghetti bolognese, and ice cream, pizza, chips, crisps, chocolate, wine, wine, wine, cheese, mmmmmm
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 44
    SW - 172lb
    LW - 118lb
    CW - 135.6lb
    GW - back to 120lb

    sighhh....I did it once, guess I can do it again....
  • kccorey
    kccorey Posts: 21 Member
    Glad to see that there are many in the same boat! I'm almost 5'7", currently 129, trying to get down to about 123 or so (or whatever weight where my clothes fit the way I want them to!)

    Feel free to add me.
  • rubyqueen807
    rubyqueen807 Posts: 8 Member
    MY stats exactly! So far staying at 1650 or below has been working out pretty well. two pounds a month and i'm not miserable alllll the time.
  • ericah971
    ericah971 Posts: 55 Member
    Me!! I'm a tad bit bigger lol.. I have an almost 3 month old so I have baby weight to lose. I'm 5'2 and 144 now. Looking to lose 20 lbs but I did it with my 2 year old so I know I can this time too. Add me... please
  • consideritdonemi
    consideritdonemi Posts: 88 Member
    5' 2" chick here. Started at 143 lbs. mid-Aug. and am at 135 now. Started MFP 8/22. Just this week did I really notice a visible change which was a boost. If I can get down to 125 by November, that will be great. Though 120 would totally rock. I have a small frame but am bottom heavy. Not a bad thing so long as I don't have the extra weight. :-)

    When I am vegging in front of the TV, I try eating microwaved popcorn that I DIY in a brown paper lunch sack with no oil a 1/4 cup at a time for 1:50 mins. Hot sauce, MAYBE a little non-butter spray if I'm feeling like it, and some salt. I also do fake-out soda now by mixing about 1/2 club soda and 1/2 100% juice (from fruit or a bottle). If it needs to be a little sweeter I'll add a squeeze of a liquid Splenda equivalent. Outside of soda/pop my 1 big indulgence was unwinding with booze after a long day. I've cut back CONSIDERABLY and now enjoy white wine spritzers (~1/2 glass each wine and club soda with a squeeze of citrus fruit and fake liquid splenda if needed). 1-2 glasses will do me now. Used to polish off a whole bottle of wine by myself or 3-4 beers at a time a few+ times a week.

    Anyway, my diary is open. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • itsjenny82
    I tried keto for 3 weeks and never lost an ounce!! I was very strict, even bought the keto sticks and I had large amounts of ketones in my urine. Never cheated even once. Any advice? How long did it take you to start losing weight?

    I actually lost 6 pounds the first week, obviously some water weight there when I got rid of all the glycogen in my system...but after that it was about 2-3 pounds pretty consistently each week until i hit 140...been a bit tougher lately, I'm losing about a half pound a week if that but I also started doing a lot more dairy and exercise stuff. What all were you eating? Like I didnt eat fruits or any veggies that were higher in sugar content when I was being super strict.
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    I tried keto for 3 weeks and never lost an ounce!! I was very strict, even bought the keto sticks and I had large amounts of ketones in my urine. Never cheated even once. Any advice? How long did it take you to start losing weight?

    I actually lost 6 pounds the first week, obviously some water weight there when I got rid of all the glycogen in my system...but after that it was about 2-3 pounds pretty consistently each week until i hit 140...been a bit tougher lately, I'm losing about a half pound a week if that but I also started doing a lot more dairy and exercise stuff. What all were you eating? Like I didnt eat fruits or any veggies that were higher in sugar content when I was being super strict.
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    I was eating eggs, bacon, salads with oil and vinegar dressing I made(no sugar), veggies(no starchy ones), meat, and coconut bread that I made with coconut flour, eggs and oil. Didn't eat any fruit. I'm sure my carbs were low enough, like I said I had ketones in my urine. I just wonder if I was eating too many calories? I did not count my calories. I'm thinking about trying it again and try eating less food. Any advice would be great. Thank you.