A Heart Rate Monitor is a must! Especailly for Women.



  • I agree!! They are a MUST!! I will never work out without one again!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hmmm I've been kinda thinking about getting one since i joined MFP and I might just have to get one when we get our taxes done. My hubby just the other night said that the one thing he missed about going to the gym (it got too expensive) was having the machines tell him how many calories he burned so he might have to get one too :) Thanks for the tips!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    You got a lot of responses but thanks so much for the review.. I need to get one!
  • I have a MIO watch HR monitor. It works with or without the chest strap. When I am at the gym I use the chest strap so I can monitor my HR continuously. It also has a USB connection to download to their web site. Have not done that yet. Just started using it this week. I will let you all know what I think.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm going to be starting P90X and I'm thinking that I really need to break down and buy one. Meh I hate spending money (poor college student, wife, stay at home mom :P)
  • Which Polar do you have, there were so many. I bought a cheepie and it worked for about 6 months, wont dothat again.

    I have the Polar FT60 in pink! I have had solid results and have had this one for 2+ years. Battery is easy to change. I also have the clunky pedometer. I wear the HRM and ped and mow the lawn! Amazing how many miles it actually it.
  • I'm going to be starting P90X and I'm thinking that I really need to break down and buy one. Meh I hate spending money (poor college student, wife, stay at home mom :P)

    Worth every penny. You won't regret it. Make sure it is one that counts calories because some don't. I have the Polar FT60.

    PS. I love P90X it is an amazing workout! Good luck!
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    What a great post! Thanks so much for the information! Very informational :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I've had a Polar for over 3 years now. Had the Polar F6 first and wore it till it died. RIP my wonder F6!

    Now I have the FT40 and I love it. Simple and gets it done just right. I rarely trust the calories of a machine or of a website because it's not personally dialed into your heartrate and your details.

    I'm all for putting the money towards a good HRM!

  • Well after reading ALL the posts on this I am going to get a HRM.The only problem is which one??Polar or Bodybugg?I can't wait to see how much I am burning doing Turbo Fire.
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