Protein Shake?

So I've realized that I need more protein in my diet. I'm a college student so eating meat all the time is really difficult, cause you know, half the things they serve us isn't meat or isn't healthy, lean meat.
My question is, should I invest in getting protein powder to supplement my diet? I'm currently 92 lbs and I feel as if I up my protein I'll gain some healthy weight back that I need to. Thoughts?


  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    muscle milk makes a nice weight gain protein powder, and i really love pure protein brand, too.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    muscle milk makes a nice weight gain protein powder, and i really love pure protein brand, too.
    Also, protein bars
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    muscle milk makes a nice weight gain protein powder, and i really love pure protein brand, too.
    Also, protein bars

    yes there are some great protein bars out there. i just saw some today that are vegan! :smile:
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Are you doing more eating out than cooking yourself? Can't beat the protein you get from eggs. Beans/legumes as well.
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    great healthy and cheep option
    go to the bulk barn get chia seeds, snd flak seeds you can add them to shakes
    also having banana and milk shakes add great fat to your diet
    cheers :)
  • sammmmykins
    sammmmykins Posts: 10 Member
    you weigh 90lbs, so that's like a pot of cottage cheese+ 2 pork loin steaks and a pint of milk to make your daily protein amounts.
  • VernerDixon
    VernerDixon Posts: 38 Member
    Yes, a protein powder or shake would be a great supplement to your diet.
    There are a lot of different types/quality of protein out there...

    Syntha -6 is probably up there in quality.
    Muscle Milk is great too.
    There are also, hemp based proteins if that's more your thing.
  • smoriarity
    Okay thank you!!